Deconstructing Dawkins – by Paul Taylor

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RMCF ( hosted prolific author Paul Taylor from Creation Today (http at their March 9, 2012 meeting. Mr. Taylor is a high school science teacher, website programmer and ICT trainer, creation speaker and debater. Paul joined the Creation Today staff on April 25, 2011 as Director of Ministry Development. He has been speaking and writing on the subject of creation for more than thirty years, most recently serving as the senior speaker and manager of Answers In Genesis ~ UK/Europe, the United Kingdom branch of the creationist organization based in Kentucky. He brings many assets to the Creation Today team by researching, writing, hosting TV and radio interviews, appearing on podcasts, and traveling and speaking. A native of Britain, Paul is a graduate of the universities of Nottingham and Cardiff. Paul has served as teacher of chemistry, physics, math, biology, and music, and also as Head of the Science Depart-ment at assignments in both England and South Wales. While serving as manager of AiG~UK, Paul authored more than eight books. Additionally, he wrote chapters in The New Answers Book series, acclaimed the world’s best-selling apologetics book, and called “the essential resource for any believer” by reviewers. Paul’s role at AIG also included traveling as an itinerant speaker, appearing on radio and TV programs, and debating with noted atheists such as Steve Jones and Richard Dawkins. Paul serves as co-host of the growingly popular Creation Today

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