CT (Critical Thinking) Scan is a short (5 minute) video show designed to provide Christian students of all ages with an intellectual toolkit to navigate secular education and culture with a God-honouring, Bible first approach. Subjects like logic, critical thinking and apologetics are applied to a variety of topics, including how to handle brand-new information that may attempt to challenge the Christian faith. Hosted by Patricia Engler (AiG Canada Youth Outreach Coordinator and Speaker).


What is Critical Thinking? (Episode 1)

Critical Thinking Rule #1: Don’t Panic (Episode 2)

Critical Thinking Rule #2: Break it Down (The 7 Checks of Critical Thinking) (Episode 3)

Critical Thinking Rule #3: Follow Up (Episode 4)

Critical Thinking Check #1: Check Scripture (Episode 5)

Critical Thinking Check #2: Check the Challenge (Episode 6)

Critical Thinking Check #3: Check the Source (Episode 7)

Critical Thinking Check #4: Check the Definitions

Critical Thinking Check #5: Check for Propaganda (Episode 9)

Critical Thinking Check #6: Check the Interpretations (Episode 10)

Critical Thinking Check #7: Check the Logic (Episode 11)

What is an argument, anyway? (Episode 12)

Catch Countless Fallacies with One Critical Thinking Hack (Episode 13)

What About Hypocrisy in the Church? (Episode 14)

Haven’t Christians Done Bad Things? (Episode 15)

Observational vs. Historical Science (Episode 16)

Is Critical Thinking a Secular Concept? (Episode 17)

Did Religious Beliefs Result from Evolution? (Episode 18)

Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning (Episode 19)

Eisegesis vs. Exegesis (Episode 20)

Are Soapberry Bugs Evidence for Evolution? (Episode 21)

The Power of Authority (Episode 22)

The Power of Conformity (Episode 23)

Is Belief in God Genetic? (Episode 24)

The Elephant, the Blind Men, and the Faulty Analogy (Episode 25)

Answering Straw-Man Arguments (Episode 26)

Why Bad Logic Often Sounds Persuasive (Episode 27)

Cognitive Biases (Episode 28)

Is Belief in God a Cognitive Bias? (Episode 29)

The Confirmation Bias (Episode 30)

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