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As they struggle through the grief of a miscarriage, Mitch and Megan build a greenhouse that becomes a reminder of god’s faithfulness.  cbn.com
Vaida suffered from a puffy, irritated eye until a prayer on television literally changed her outlook.
Dr. Dragos Bratasanu longed to find meaning in life. His journey took him all around the world studying all the major religions, but he remained unsatisfied until a friend handed him a special book.
Jeff’s inability to reconcile the loss of his mother as a young man intensified a pain that he medicated with alcohol. For years he nurtured the chip on his shoulder against God until a near-fatal car accident put things in perspective.
Dwayne struggled for years to kick a lifestyle of crime and drugs. Regularly in trouble with the law and running from the shame of making choices he knew were wrong, it wasn’t until he confronted himself in the mirror of a fast food bathroom.
Jeremy suffered PTSD stemming from childhood and the Iraq war. It wasn’t until he surrendered to God that everything changed for him.
Mike longed to control everything in his life, but it always led to chaos. When he turned to Jesus, he finally found peace.
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Feb. 3, 2019 “Very informative and entertaining.” Admin 3 lessons are covered: Every creature has a story to tell – He discusses some of the remarkable features possessed by several creatures that enable them to survive. Every creature has automatic education (instinct) – He discusses how creatures know how to do things like build nests and many more by instinct. If evolution is true why is everything so perfectly sized and shaped.
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Jan. 19, 2020 “You may have to turn up the volume to better hear what he is saying.” Admin This image-rich program will share some of the major discoveries at the Saturn system, including the planet itself, its rings, moons, magnetic field, and the giant moon Titan. The Cassini mission tour (2004-2017) was the most ambitious and well-equipped outer-planet mission to date, sending to Earth a wealth of data and images, some of which is of interest to Biblical creationists concerning the age of the solar system. The speaker will also briefly discuss his persecution over [More]
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Mar. 21, 2020 Mr. Kraft speaks on Genesis and science – watch God live as the creating and redeeming God as you never have before!
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship May 16, 2020 An engaging and well illustrated presentation on the compelling scientific evidence for a young earth.
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Sept. 11, 2020 “His presentation, which relates to the age of the earth relative to the decay of the earths magnetic field, starts around the 12:10 mark of the video.” Admin In 1983 Dr. Russ Humphreys of Sandia Labs made predictions about the magnetic fields of Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, well before those magnetic fields were measured by spacecraft. Among the most important moments in modern creation science research was witnessing one-by-one his predictions borne out by NASA spacecraft.
Dr Rick Oliver teaches on “What Your Not Being Told About Astronomy” at Calvary Chapel Fargo on Sunday, June 14, 2015
When a 13-year-old is badly injured in a car wreck, persistent prayer brings miraculous results. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
After surviving a childhood of abuse, Nona gave her life to Christ and healed from her past. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
Bryann ran with gangs and wanted revenge on those who hurt him, but after his twin was killed, Bryann’s life transformed. ? PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 ? CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
After a word of knowledge on TV, Lilia was freed from her lifelong struggle with migraines. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
A woman haunted by years of pain and unforgiveness is set free when she chooses to forgive the person who harmed her. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
For years, Ken suffered from gout until a prayer on The 700 Club set him free from pain. ? PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 ? CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
Clay was one of the first COVID-19 cases in Georgia. While struggling for breath in the hospital, he felt the Lord breathe into his lungs. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
Patricia harbored bitter anger at her mother, but ended up being just like her. Then one night, Patricia heard God’s voice, and everything began to change. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
Laura discovered pornography at a young age and fell into an addiction that led to a same-sex relationship. See how she was set free! PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
On the outside, John had an ideal life, but anger kept him in a dangerous spiral of drugs and alcohol. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a
Claudette never knew what real love was. After years of abuse, drugs, and alcohol, an invitation from a stranger changed the course of her life. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a WATCH more stories: http://now.CBN.com/XjMf50vVeZE
Born lifeless with little chance for survival, baby Urias beat the odds through the power of prayer. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a WATCH more stories: http://now.CBN.com/XjMf50vVeZE
Routine car maintenance turned into a fight for survival after Sam’s SUV fell on him. But amid great pain, prayer proved greater. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a WATCH more stories: http://now.CBN.com/XjMf50vVeZE
At 14 months old, Isabella fell into a pool and nearly drowned. See how prayer saved her life. PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds4a WATCH more stories: http://now.CBN.com/XjMf50vVeZE