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Some atheists like Richard Dawkins might accept a designer—as long as it is aliens not the biblical God.
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Published on Mar 30, 2019 All attempts by evolutionists to show that first life from non-life by natural processes can be explained by evolution have come to naught for four main reasons: 1) The Law of Biogenesis confirmed by Pasteur in 1864. 2) The failure of experiments like that of Miller in 1953 to show that life can come from non-life. 3) The mathematical probability of forming the first living cell by random chance processes is beyond possible, and 4) The information in a cell (DNA) requires an intelligent mind. The failure of the origin [More]
Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Terry Mortenson Cedar Park Christian School, Mountlake Terrace campus February 6th, 2019 This lecture challenges children to think, and motivates them to become better informed so that they are not deceived—and so that they can more boldly witness to their evolutionized friends. Dr. Mortenson begins by explaining the significant difference between operation science and origin science, and the role of assumptions in the interpretation of the scientific evidence regarding origins. Then Dr. Mortenson gives a number of concrete examples from biology, paleontology, and geology to illustrate this and expose the erroneous and misleading “evidence” that evolutionists [More]
Did you know that the germs in your intestines have sophisticated machines inside of them? Like all living things, E. coli bacteria contain DNA, which requires sophisticated machinery to read the DNA and turn the information into proteins, which are the major components of all living things. One of the key machines involved is the ribosome. According to the world’s leading science journal Nature: “The ribosome, together with its accessories, is probably the most sophisticated machine ever made. All of its components are active and moving, and it is environmentally friendly…” Ribosomes, however, are not just stunning examples of nanotechnology—they [More]
Some people have claimed that our third molars—commonly referred to as wisdom teeth—often cause trouble in modern humans because our mouths are smaller than our supposed evolutionary ancestors. However, impacted wisdom teeth don’t afflict all ethnic groups. Numerous people groups today have plenty of room in their jaws to accommodate their third molars. Modern dental research has shown that diet is a major factor in jaw development. In non-technological cultures, impacted wisdom teeth are almost unknown. Their tougher diet exercises their jaw muscles more, and this helps their jaws develop properly. The tougher diet also results in tooth wear, and [More]
Genetic mutations are occasionally beneficial, activating new functions in living things. These kinds of changes do not support evolution but fit well with biblical creation. Related Articles: Superbugs not super after all (https://creation.com/superbugs-not-su…) Beetle bloopers (https://creation.com/beetle-bloopers) Genetics: no friend of evolution (https://creation.com/genetics-no-frie…) Sickle-cell anemia does not prove evolution! (https://creation.com/sickle-cell-anem…) Exposing Evolution’s Icon (https://creation.com/exposing-evoluti…) Mutations Q&A page (https://creation.com/mutations-questi…) Nylon-eating bacteria: part 1—discovery and significance (https://creation.com/nylon-eating-bac…) Nylon-eating bacteria—part 2: refuting Ohno’s frame-shift theory (https://creation.com/nylon-eating-bac…) Gain-of-function mutations: at a loss to explain molecules-to-man evolution (https://creation.com/gain-of-function…)
Jesus referred to the Genesis creation account as happening recently. But if God created over millions of years could Jesus be mistaken about creation?
Should Christians celebrate Christmas? Some people suggest that most Christmas holiday traditions came from the pagan world. Is Christmas based on pagan traditions? Related Articles: Celebrating Christmas? (https://creation.com/celebrating-chri…) Christmas-Why? (https://creation.com/christmas-why) Is there anything about Christmas that’s genuinely Christian? (https://creation.com/free-inquiry#chr…) The ‘defense of Christmas’ (https://creation.com/the-defense-of-c…) What was the Star of Bethlehem? (https://creation.com/what-was-the-sta…) The Incarnation: Why did God become Man? (https://creation.com/incarnation-why-…)
Some Christian thinkers have been influenced by evolution to the point where they are questioning the Genesis account of creation including rejecting a historical Adam. Related Articles: The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve! Refuting errors by Francis Collins and BioLogos (https://creation.com/historical-adam-…) BioLogos, theistic evolution and the Pelagian heresy (https://creation.com/biologos-pelagia…) Adam and Eve (https://creation.com/adam-and-eve) First Adam—Last Adam, both are vital to the Gospel … but exactly how (https://creation.com/adam) Romans 5:12–21: Paul’s view of literal Adam (https://creation.com/romans-5-pauls-l…)
Do faith and facts relate to each other at all? Is there evidence for Christian faith? Yes! A biblical worldview is the best fit for the facts. Related Articles: Faith and facts (https://creation.com/faith-and-facts) Related Products: The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Is there objective evidence that God exists? Can we know God personally? Yes! Related Articles: Does God exist? (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabo…) Related Products: The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Radiohalos are the result of nuclear decay. They provide powerful evidence that the earth is young and radiometric dating is highly inaccurate. Related Articles: How dating methods work (https://creation.com/how-dating-metho…) Radioactive dating methods – Ways they make conflicting results tell the same story (https://creation.com/radioactive-dati…) Radiohalos: Startling evidence of catastrophic geologic processes on a young earth (https://creation.com/radiohalosstartl…) New radiohalo find challenges primordial granite claim (https://creation.com/new-radiohalo-fi…)
Genesis 6 records that the sons of God and the daughters of men produced the Nephilim. Several views are presented on the identity of the Nephilim. Related Articles: Who were the ‘sons of God’? (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/arti…) Were the ‘sons of God’ and/or the Nephilim extraterrestrials? (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabo…) The Paracas skulls: they’re not aliens (or nephilim)! (https://creation.com/paracas) Related Products: Alien Intrusion – UFOs and the evolution connection (book) (http://creation.com/s/10-2-566) Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a deception (DVD) (http://creation.com/s/30-9-566) The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505)
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Streamed live on Jan 26, 2018 This is the title of CMI’s groundbreaking new book and documentary. Unlike anything CMI has ever done before, we interviewed 15 PhD scientists and asked them to list the fatal flaws of evolution, according to their own areas of expertise. Instead of our traditional approach of defending the Bible, this time we put the evolutionists on the defensive and make them answer the most difficult questions we could think of. In this introductory talk, Dr. Carter will summarize the major issues for the evolutionist three critical areas: natural selection, [More]
Science, creation, Genesis and spiritual growth. How do these things relate to each other? Related Articles: Linking and Feeding (https://creation.com/linking-and-feeding) ‘Thought bombs’ and the ‘ripple effect’ (https://creation.com/thought-bombs-an…) Why we do what we do (https://creation.com/why-we-do-what-w…) Related Products: The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Data from the 2015 flyby of Pluto confirmed biblical creationist predictions and posed serious challenges for the ‘millions of years’, evolutionary story.
Are biblical creationists damaging Christianity by ignoring modern science? We have been accused of that, but the truth is exactly opposite. Science supports Scripture. Related Articles: Damaging Christianity by ignoring science? (https://creation.com/damaging) Creationist qualifications (https://creation.com/creationist-qual…) Related Products: The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
What is it that humans have that God has and other animals don’t? Related Articles: Made in the image of God (https://creation.com/made-in-the-imag…) Man: The image of God (https://creation.com/man-the-image-of…) Did the Fall destroy God’s image in man? (https://creation.com/fall-destroy-god…) Related Products: The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Major scientific problems with the Big Bang are explained along with its incompatibility with Scripture! Related Articles: Big bang beliefs: busted (https://creation.com/big-bang-beliefs…) ‘Light from the big bang’ casts no shadows (https://creation.com/big-bang-casts-n…) Bye-bye, big bang? (https://creation.com/bye-bye-big-bang) Secular scientists blast the big bang (https://creation.com/secular-scientis…) Related Products: Dismantling the Big Bang (http://creation.com/s/10-2-188) Starlight, Time and the New Physics (http://creation.com/s/10-3-505) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Millions of people from all around the world have reported seeing what they think are aliens from outer space. How should Christians respond to these reports? The Bible provides direction for understanding aliens and UFOs. Special Thanks: Wendell Marinho – permission to use alien ship animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sZ5H… GeekJoan – permission to use microscopic life footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoNQW… Related Articles: Did God create life on other planets? (https://creation.com/did-god-create-l…) Are we alone, or is there life elsewhere in the universe? (https://creation.com/god-and-the-extr…) Aliens in your bedroom (https://creation.com/aliens-in-your-b…) Related Products: Alien Intrusion (http://creation.com/s/10-2-566) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Creation magazine (free [More]
portions of an interview with a leading archaeologist.
Before we can hope to understand creation we need to be sure of the literary style of Genesis. Is Genesis poetry or does it record actual historical events? We compare the structure of biblical poetry with historical narrative and see which form of literature Genesis matches. Special Thanks: David Helling – Adam and Eve footage commissionedpictures.com (films showing history as it truly happened— according to scripture.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POpB_… The Master’s University – footage of Dr. Steven Boyd visit their website at http://www.masters.edu/ or their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/mastersuniv/ Related Articles: Is Genesis allegory or poetry? (https://creation.com/is-genesis-alleg…) Genesis is history! (https://creation.com/genesis-is-history) Should [More]
What’s the connection between the Bible’s history and spiny plant fossils buried deep in the fossil record? Well, from a biblical perspective, thorns arose after the first humans sinned, at the time called “the Fall”. Therefore, these plants with thorns must have lived—and been fossilised—after the Fall. However, according to conventional geology, these fossils are in so-called Devonian rocks, which are allegedly over 360 million years old. Does this mean that the Bible’s history regarding thorns is wrong? No, the problem is that conventional geology ignores how the global flood of Noah profoundly affected earth’s sedimentary rock record. Such a [More]
Did God use evolution to create the universe? Some people think so. Today we critique an article arguing for ‘evolutionary creation’. Related Articles: “Evolutionary creation”, round squares, and other nonsense (https://creation.com/round-squares-bi…) Evolutionary syncretism: a critique of BioLogos (https://creation.com/biologos-evoluti…) A response to Timothy Keller’s ‘Creation, Evolution and Christian Laypeople’ (https://creation.com/timothy-keller-r…) BioLogos, theistic evolution and the Pelagian heresy (https://creation.com/biologos-pelagia…) Did God create over billions of years? (https://creation.com/Did-god-create-o…) Perils of Theistic Evolution (https://creation.com/perils-theistic-…)
One of the biggest mysteries in earth history is what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. There are over 100 theories, including the suggestion that dinosaurs suffered from slipped discs, shrinking brains or chronic constipation. The most popular idea is that a meteorite hit the earth and caused dramatic changes in earth’s climate, which led to the demise of the dinosaurs. However, even though this story is often repeated as fact, many scientists don’t believe it. For instance, in their book The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy, two evolutionary scientists explain how the meteorite idea has become a new dogma that [More]
This common question has a simple answer and a more complex answer. Today we examine both of them. Related Articles: If God created the universe, then who created God? (https://creation.com/if-god-created-t…) Who created God? (https://creation.com/who-created-god) Who made God? (https://creation.com/cfk-who-made-god)
One of the remarkable things about the geologic record is that blankets of sediments cover vast areas of the continents. In his book, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, evolutionary geologist Professor Derek Ager marvelled at the way sedimentary layers extended for thousands of kilometres, even across continents. He was particularly impressed with the chalk beds that form the famous White Cliffs of Dover in Southern England, as these trace all the way to Turkey and Egypt. The strata exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon provide another example. Some of these sedimentary formations extend thousands of kilometres across [More]