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One of the remarkable things about the geologic record is that blankets of sediments cover vast areas of the continents. In his book, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, evolutionary geologist Professor Derek Ager marvelled at the way sedimentary layers extended for thousands of kilometres, even across continents. He was particularly impressed with the chalk beds that form the famous White Cliffs of Dover in Southern England, as these trace all the way to Turkey and Egypt. The strata exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon provide another example. Some of these sedimentary formations extend thousands of kilometres across [More]
Could the Genesis creation days be millions of years long? Join us as we dive into the language of the biblical text and discover how long God took to create the universe. Related Articles: How long were the days of Genesis 1? (https://creation.com/how-long-were-th…) The numbering pattern of Genesis (https://creation.com/the-numbering-pa…) How could the days of Genesis 1 be literal if the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day? (https://creation.com/how-could-the-da…) 2 Peter 3:8—‘one day is like a thousand years’ (https://creation.com/2-peter-38-one-d…)
How would our view of dinosaurs change if scientists found carbon 14 in their bones? Well, a group of geophysicists claimed to have discovered exactly that—carbon 14 in dinosaur bones! This is indeed a shocking proposal for those who believe that the last dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, because carbon 14 decays so fast that it could not possibly survive that long. There should not be one atom of carbon 14 present in dinosaur bones, if they really are as old as is usually claimed. After going to great lengths to rule out contamination, the researchers concluded that [More]
Surveys show that many youth who grow up in the church will leave. Today we examine these surveys and present a powerful solution that is already making a difference. Related Articles: Creation apologetics in youth ministry (https://creation.com/creation-apologe…) Fallout – Vital information for pastors, leaders, and parents (https://creation.com/fallout) Fallout facts – why and when do youth fall away (https://creation.com/fallout-facts)
If evolution was true, the further back into history we look, evidence should show a gradual decline in man’s intelligence. Science shows otherwise. Man, created in God’s image, has always been intelligent.
On July 15, 1942, six P–38 Lightning fighters and two B–17 bombers left a secret US Army air base headed for a British airfield to fight Hitler. They never made it. Find out how this story relates to the Ice Age and the authenticity of scripture.
Explaining the origin of death and suffering is vitally important in defending Christianity, since many people use the existence of ‘evil’ as an excuse not to believe in God. Learn why a literal-historical Genesis account is vital in answering. Related Articles: Why would a loving God allow death and suffering? (http://creation.com/why-death-suffering) How did bad things come about? (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/caboo…) Why would a loving God allow suffering? (http://creation.com/why-would-a-lovin…) Is it God’s fault? (http://creation.com/is-it-gods-fault)
Cloning and stem cell research technologies have been around for a while now, and they often generate controversy. Discover the Biblical response that Christians should be taking regarding these things. Related Articles: Stem cells and Genesis (http://creation.com/stem-cells-and-ge…) Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines (http://creation.com/evidence-for-mult…) Patriarchs of the forest (http://creation.com/patriarchs-of-the…) Swedish trees older than the universe? (http://creation.com/swedish-trees-old…)
Can certain geologic features like tillites, chalk beds and paleosols be explained by a global flood? Skeptics say no. Find out how the Biblical flood makes more sense of the very features used to try and disprove it! Related Articles: Can Flood geology explain thick chalk beds? (http://creation.com/can-flood-geology…) Paleosols: digging deeper buries ‘challenge’ to Flood geology (http://creation.com/paleosols-digging…) Flood models and biblical realism (http://creation.com/flood-models-bibl…)
Does the Bible say pi equals 3? Does it mention unicorns as real animals? Does it say that insects have 4 legs? Skeptics answer yes, but are wrong, again! Related Articles: Do rabbits chew their cud? (http://creation.com/do-rabbits-chew-t…) The Unicorn: The Bible does not refer to fantasy animals (http://creation.com/the-unicorn) Science, history, and the Bible (http://creation.com/science-history-b…) Does the Bible say pi equals 3.0? (http://creation.com/does-the-bible-sa…)
Gregor Mendel (father of genetics) and Charles Darwin (father of modern evolution) disagreed. Darwin claimed creatures could change into unlimited other creatures. Mendel’s discoveries suggest otherwise. See which idea science supports. Related Articles: Genetic variability by design (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j…) DNA: marvellous messages or mostly mess? (http://creation.com/dna-marvellous-me…) Splicing and dicing the human genome (http://creation.com/splicing-and-dici…) Incredible Kinesin! (http://creation.com/incredible-kinesin) New bacteria show ‘wonder upon wonder’ (http://creation.com/new-bacteria-show…) Design in living organisms (motors: ATP synthase) (http://creation.com/design-in-living-…)
Evolutionists sometimes say the oddest things. Watch to hear interesting, surprising and sometimes shocking quotes and admissions from leading evolutionary scientists who are daring enough to expose massive problems with various aspects of evolution. Related Articles: That quote!—about the missing transitional fossils (http://creation.com/that-quote-about-…) Leading anti-creationist philosopher admits that evolution is a religion (http://creation.com/michael-ruse-evol…) Amazing admission (http://creation.com/amazing-admission…) Evolution = atheism, no purpose (http://creation.com/wm-provine-evolut…)
Does the Bible teach that the Earth is flat? Did pre-scientific people really think that the Earth was flat? Watch Richard and Calvin debunk the Bible skeptics who misuse various Bible passages to suggest that the Bible says that the Earth is flat.
Where was the Garden of Eden? What was it like? What did it contain? The Bible does not give us all of the answers, but it does give us lot of them, and many can be logically deduced from scripture. Watch this week’s episode to get the answers. Related Articles: Has the Garden of Eden been found? (http://creation.com/has-the-garden-of…)
Jesus prayed that believers, “would be brought into complete unity, or become perfectly one”. Jesus prioritized unity. Watch this episode to learn how this relates to Christians who hold different views of creation. Related Articles: Who is being divisive about creation? (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j2…) ‘But it’s divisive!’ (http://creation.com/but-its-divisive) Why does CMI focus on creation? (http://creation.com/focus-creation) The dubious apologetics of Hugh Ross (http://creation.com/the-dubious-apolo…) Is charity more important than apologetics? (http://creation.com/Charity-or-apolog…) Related Products: Refuting Compromise (http://creation.com/s/10-2-575) The Lost Path to the Roman Road (http://creation.com/30-9-662) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
What are mammoths? When did they live? How did they live? Why did they become extinct and can they be cloned? Find out about these creatures and how they relate to the creation/evolution debate on this week’s revealing episode. Related Articles: Mammoth—riddle of the Ice Age (http://creation.com/mammoth-riddle-of…) The extinction of the woolly mammoth: was it a quick freeze? (http://creation.com/the-extinction-of…) Woolly mammoths were cold adapted (http://creation.com/woolly-mammoths-c…) Mammoth clones coming to a zoo near you (http://creation.com/mammoth-clones) Are mammoths still alive? (http://creation.com/are-mammoths-stil…) ‘Lost world’ animals—found! (http://creation.com/lost-world-animal…) Related Products: The Mammoth & the Ice Age DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-514) The Great Ice Age DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-637) Frozen [More]
We are often told creation is religion and evolution is science. But is evolution really science? On this week’s episode, see how the theory of evolution exhibits most of the characteristic fallacies of pseudoscientific theories. Related Articles: Is evolution pseudoscience? http://creation.com/is-evolution-pseu…) Professor of evolution calls Darwinism ‘pseudo science’ (http://creation.com/professor-of-evol…) Pseudoscience and the stifling of debate (http://creation.com/pseudoscience-sti…) Evolutionists retreating from the arena of science (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j2…) Related Products: The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Many people were taught that fossils are evidence of things happening slowly over millions of years. But they’re not. On this week’s episode, find out why standard evolutionary explanations for fossil formation don’t work. Related Articles: Fast fossils (http://creation.com/fast-fossils) Fast octopus fossils reveal no evolution (http://creation.com/fast-octopus-fossils) Hundreds of jellyfish fossils! (http://creation.com/hundreds-of-jelly…) Three become one (http://creation.com/two-fish-and-pter…) Fossilized insects show signs of stasis and rapid burial! (http://creation.com/mating-fossilized…) Frozen feeding (http://creation.com/frozen-feeding) Related Products: Untold Secrets of Planet Earth: Fossils ((http://creation.com/s/10-2-644) The Fossil Record: Unearthing Nature’s History of Life (http://creation.com/s/10-2-567) Exploring Geology with Mr Hibb (http://castore.creation.com/catalog/e…) Geology by Design (http://creation.com/s/10-3-504) Rock Solid Answers ((http://creation.com/s/10-2-559) [More]
The ‘ape to man’ image. Everyone has seen it on a TV show, a tee-shirt, coffee mugs, kids shows, you name it. Find out why that most iconic evolutionary image is a fraud based on known inaccuracies and false information. Related Articles: The ape-to-human progression: the most common evolution icon is a fraud (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j…) Homo erectus to modern man: evolution or human variability? (http://creation.com/homo-erectus-to-m…) Using facial angle to prove evolution and the human race hierarchy (http://creation.com/facial-angle) Darwin’s apemen and the exploitation of deformed humans (http://creation.com/deformed-humans-e…) Racism—a consequence of evolution? (http://creation.com/racism-consequenc…) Related Products: Apemen: Missing links and the Bible (http://creation.com/s/30-9-539) One [More]
Is Genesis really important to today’s Christian? Without Genesis could we still have a good understanding of Christianity’s main teachings? Find out how and why Genesis relates to all Christian doctrines. Related Articles: Genesis—the seedbed of all Christian doctrine (http://creation.com/genesis-the-seedb…) The use of Genesis in the New Testament (http://creation.com/genesis-new-testa…) Genesis: the least relevant book in the Bible? (http://creation.com/genesis-relevant) Do we still sin? (http://creation.com/the-doctrine-of-s…) The gospel of the Triune God: our prime concern (http://creation.com/triune-god-gospel) Related Products: The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Refuting Compromise (http://creation.com/s/10-2-575) Creation Without Compromise (http://creation.com/s/10-2-551) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
According to many Bible skeptic internet warriors the Bible is an evil book that condones slavery and rape, etc. How do Christians answer these accusations when skeptics quote passages from the Bible itself as supposed proof? Watch this episode to find out! Related Articles: Is the Bible ‘evil’? (http://creation.com/evil-bible-fallacies) What about bad things done by the Church? (http://creation.com/bad-things-by-chu…) ‘Christian’ vs evolutionary atrocities (http://creation.com/christian-vs-evol…) How did bad things come about? (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabo…) Understanding death (http://creation.com/understanding-death) Darwin’s arguments against God (http://creation.com/darwins-arguments…) Related Products: One Human Family: The Bible, science, race and culture (http://creation.com/s/10-2-578) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Evolution and the Holocaust (http://creation.com/s/30-9-571) The [More]
The Bible is not the only record of an account of a global flood. Many cultures around the world have stories similar to the biblical account. This reinforces that it was a real event. Related Articles: Flood! (http://creation.com/many-flood-legends) The Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark (http://creation.com/noahs-flood) Genesis authenticated in clay (http://creation.com/genesis-in-clay) Flood legends, and creation in the science class (http://creation.com/ancient-flood-sto…) Noah’s Flood and the Gilgamesh Epic (http://creation.com/noahs-flood-and-t…) Related Products: The Authenticity of the Book of Genesis (http://creation.com/s/10-2-589) Raging Waters DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-524) Noah’s Flood: Evidence In Australia DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-515) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Many historians describe primitive ‘Stone age’ men living long before the first man, Adam, existed. This reinforces a time line that contradicts the Bible. Learn how the Bible’s timeline provides the best framework for understanding the ‘stone age’. Related Articles: The Stone ‘Age’—a figment of the imagination? (http://creation.com/the-stone-age-a-f…) A Better Model for the Stone Age (http://creation.com/a-better-model-fo…) A Better Model for the Stone Age Part 2 (http://creation.com/a-better-model-fo…) Modern ‘Stone Age’ reconsidered (http://creation.com/modern-stone-age-…) Related Products: Apemen: Missing links and the Bible (http://creation.com/s/30-9-539) One Human Family: The Bible, science, race and culture (http://creation.com/s/10-2-578) 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History (http://creation.com/s/00-1-536) The Creation [More]
Genesis chapters 1 and 2 certainly are different, but they are not contradictory. Learn how the differences actually serve to provide the most details of a single creation account. Related Articles: Genesis contradictions? (http://creation.com/genesis-contradic…) Does Genesis hold up under critic’s scrutiny? (http://creation.com/does-genesis-hold…) Differences between Genesis 1 and 2? (http://creation.com/genesis-1-2-steak) Related Products: The Genesis Account (http://creation.com/s/10-2-606) Refuting Compromise (http://creation.com/s/10-2-575) 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History (http://creation.com/s/00-1-536) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
A common objection is: “Believing the Bible is true because it says so is circular reasoning.” Yet all philosophical systems start with axioms which are non-provable. Learn why starting with the Bible is the best way to defend it. Related Articles: Defending the Bible? (http://creation.com/defending-bible) Faith and facts (http://creation.com/faith-and-facts) Agnostic asks whether biblical Christians commit circular reasoning (http://creation.com/agnostic-asks-whe…) The rules of the game (http://creation.com/the-rules-of-the-…) Related Products: Creation not confusion (http://creation.com/s/30-9-598) Battle for the Mind DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-592) Creation Without Compromise (http://creation.com/s/10-2-551) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
How did science begin? What sort of a worldview provides a basis for understanding nature? Learn why modern science was actually birthed and flourished under a Christian worldview. Related Articles: The biblical roots of modern science (http://creation.com/biblical-roots-of…) Why does science work at all? (http://creation.com/science-biblical-…) Related Products: The Christian Roots of Science DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-625) Busting Myths – 30 Ph.D. scientists who believe the Bible and its account of origins (http://creation.com/s/10-2-605) The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Most have seen the supposed ‘ape-to-man’ progression on a T-shirt, poster or elsewhere pushing the idea that humans evolved from ‘ape-men’ in the past. What are these supposed ‘proto-human’ fossils that scientist have found and how would Bible-believing creationists explain them? Related Articles: Fossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 1: the genus Homo (http://creation.com/fossil-evidence-f…) Explaining robust humans (http://creation.com/explaining-robust…) Making sense of ‘apeman’ claims (http://creation.com/apeman) Related Products: Apemen: Missing links and the Bible (http://creation.com/s/30-9-539) One Human Family: The Bible, science, race and culture (http://creation.com/s/10-2-578) Charles Darwin’s Religious Views (http://creation.com/s/10-2-544) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)