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Dr Josh McDowell tells about the undeniable historicity of the existence of Jesus Christ and more importantly, His death on the cross. Full video from ABNSAT.com under ‘Online Video’, titled “Jesus Touching Heart&Mind”
For more information and resources visit: www.reasonablefaith.org In September 2012, during his visit to The University of St Andrews in Scotland, Dr William Lane Craig delivered a lecture entitled “Is The Material World All there Is?” followed by audience Q&A. In this lecture Dr Craig outlined seven reasons to think that the material world is not all there is but, quite to the contrary, that the material world contains “signposts of transcendence” pointing towards the truth of Christianity. Though the intention was to video tape the entire lecture, a technical error meant that the last half hour was only captured [More]
reasonablefaith.org – October 29, 2011 – Frank Turek does an interview with William Lane Craig at the Apologetics Confrence at the Southern Evangelical Seminary. Dr. Craig speaks on his experiene with the Reasonable Faith tour in the UK. We welcome your comments in the Reasonable Faith forums www.reasonablefaith.org
A lecture Dr. William Lane Craig gave at Saddleback in 2009. Here he talks about the Kalam Cosmological Argument made by Al Ghazali. Here’s a link to a lecture by William Lane Craig on really bad objections (some of them laughable) youtube atheists made against the Kalam Cosmological Argument: www.youtube.com You can see this lecture in parts here: www.youtube.com Here is a playlist of videos of William Lane Craig addressing a comprehensive list of refutations and objections and questions made by various people about the Kalam Cosmological Argument: www.youtube.com
Prof. William Lane Craig was invited by the undergraduate Christian Union at Imperial College, London to give a lunch-time lecture on “The Evidence for God”. Dr Craig presented seven arguments and then invited questions from the student audience. The lecture was web streamed at the time. This is a high definition film recording of the event which includes the previously unseen Q&A session.
I don’t think that arguing against objective morality, or arguing FOR it but towards a naturalistic source, are the only options. Take a look at what happens when we (even hypothetically) concede that it has a theistic basis! It certainly doesn’t do Christianity any favors. Twitter: twitter.com SCRIPT IS AT www.nonstampcollector.com OTHERS at www.nonstampcollector.com Why couldn’t an objective morality simply make sense? Why does looking at morality through the lens of Christianity make such LITTLE sense? Well, it’s obvious why – Christianity and its god is nonsense. There could be no clearer sign that Christianity is a man-made bunch of [More]
PBS’ “Closer to Truth” conducted the best interview Dr. William Lane Craig ever had. Host and scientist Robert Lawrence Kuhn asks all the right questions about philosophy, religion, and science with him. You will get a nutshell of Dr. Craig’s thoughts in this interview (although his views on the resurrection of Jesus is absent from this interview). Hopefully, it will lead you to pursue more research on the topics. Dr. Craig is quite simply a philosopher’s philosopher. Watch this interview in parts: www.youtube.com William Lane Craig’s website: reasonablefaith.org Link www.closertotruth.com Index of videos on William Lane Craig drcraigvideos.blogspot.com William Lane [More]
A short interview with Dr. William Lane Craig, a leading Christian philosopher, about how college students should respond when they wrestle with doubts about the faith. William Lane Craig expert: William Lane Craig interviewer: Glen Davis
Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS’ “Closer to Truth”) asks philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig about whether God’s existence can be demonstrated or not. Questions explored: Can you demonstrate God’s existence mathematically? Does an argument have to convince everybody in order for it to be valid? What are some of the best arguments for God’s existence? What is the Cosmological Argument? What is Leibniz’s argument for God’s existence? Does the contingency argument depend on a universe having a beginning? What is the Teleological Argument? What is meant by Fine-Tuning and Intelligent Design? Can the universe be “designed” by chance? [More]
William Lane Craig sets out historical and Biblical evidence that leads to the conclusion that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Audience Q&A follows the main presentation. Filmed in Southampton Civic Hall, this event was part of the UK Reasonable Faith Tour during October 2011. The Tour was sponsored by Damaris Trust, UCCF and Premier Christian Radio. William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada California. For more resources visit www.bethinking.org
June 22nd, 2011 – The 3rd Annual Speaking Truth in Love Conference at Grace Community Church in Auburn WA – www.graceinauburn.com Dr. Phil Fernandes – www.instituteofbiblicaldefense.com Dr. Fernandes is President of the Institute of Biblical Defense. He is a Christian Apologist, Author and Pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship. Dr. Fernandes holds the following degrees: Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion degree from Greenwich University, Master of Arts in Religion degree from Liberty University, Bachelor of Theology Degree from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. He has authored 6 books: Content Earnestly for the Faith, God, Government, and the Road to Tyranny, The God Who [More]
Faisal Malick, a former devout Muslim, will discuss how Christ transformed his life and how the love of Christ is transforming others. He is the author of “The Destiny of Islam in the Endtimes”… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
www.cbn.com JERUSALEM, Israel- Several years ago, Ali took the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca known as Hajj.”Of course when I went to Mecca I was going there in order to pay hommage to the Kabba and to fulfill the requirements in Islam,” he recalled.But the trip became more of a spiritual journey than he could ever imagine.”That night I saw Jesus in a dream. First, Jesus touched my forehead with his finger. And after touching me, He said, ‘You belong to me,'” Ali recalled.”And then He touched me above my heart,” he continued. “‘You have been saved, follow me. You belong [More]
An Ethiopian man witnessed a vision of Jesus that healed him from an incurable disease. After being healed he converted from Islam to Christianity and now shares his testimony and the love of Jesus Christ in Ethiopia. To give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com
A teen boy in Ghana who was a Muslim became a Christian. His father was strongly against it. His father also threatened him to kill. He escaped to his friend house. A few weeks after he hid from his father, he heard that his father had paralytic disease. He went home back and prayed for his father. His father was miraculously healed. And entire family become Christians. www.cbn.com Prayer line: 800-759-0700
Amy was born in Muslim family in Syria. At age of 18, her family moved to Egypt. She went to school in Europe. She renounced her faith when she moved to Egypt. She’d never had peace in her heart until she saw Jesus in her vision at the moment she was planed to do surgery next day. Amy could found peace and love in Jesus Christ. www.cbn.com Toll Free Prayer Line: 800-759-0700
Al Fadi is a former Wahabbi Muslim from Saudi Arabia. He is the researcher, editor, writer, and translator for numerous ministries, including “Answering Islam” and runs an outreach ministry designed for non-Muslim and Christians. To give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com
Naeem Fazal was born and raised in Kuwait. He grew up in a Muslim household, was a teenager in the midst of the Gulf War, and came to the United States in 1992. He had a supernatural experience with Christ that changed the course of his life. Naeem is married to Ashley and is a proud father of his two children. To give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com
From Islam to Christ. Khalil, A radical Egyptian terrorist changed from a murderous “Saul” to a forgiving “Paul” after Jesus Christ visited him in a soul-penetrating dream. This hater of both Christians and Jews set out to discredit the Bible, but instead, he was transformed when Jesus appeared to him and changed his heart. http://dreamsandvisions.com… God told in Joel 2:28 “And it shall come to pass afterward,that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,your old men shall dream dreams,and your young men shall see visions” This is what happening in these last [More]
Her family was deep in a mysterious cult, until her brother took a stand and started Linda on the path to freedom… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Interview with Earthquake Kelley: Learn how Kelley got into witchcraft, voodoo and the Ocult at an early age, and found out the truth behind these powers. He also tells of his trip to Hell.
He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Khaleed likes music. The Lord told worship leader Eddie James to take him on his tour. He started to witness of miracle healing. Soon after, he encoutered with God and he saw heaven. That was the moments that he changed his life to Lord Jesus. (The original video title is “Khaleed: Changing a Muslim’s Mind”.) This video is from CBN and if you want to give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com To see videos of heaven testimonies: www.heavenvisit.com
Critics often try to attack Christianity by making the claims that it stole from pagan or mythological sources. In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, we will debunk the alleged evidences of critics and skeptics in defense of the biblical accounts.
In this short video I am giving an answer to those who asked if I believe that Satan really exists.
The first episode in a series on apologetics… the discipline of giving an answer for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. New episodes will be released each month in 2010 on the Apex blog: blog.apexcommunity.org