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Introduced by Ed Decker. No matter what you think of these two guys, this is a piece of history!
Jehovah’s Witnesses & Jesus Christ part 2 of 2 Dr Walter Martin www.youtube.com Spreading the truth!
Dr. Walter Martin reveals the methods for confronting Jehovah’s Witnesses and reaching them with the Gospel; followed by a time of questions and answers.
Dr. Walter Martin establishes a strong defense for the deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity.
Dr. Walter Martin explains how to dialogue with the Jehovah’s Witness and plant the seed of truth.
Message By Dr. Walter Martin. Was the Negro race a curse from God? A shocking truth about the Mormon teaching on the issue of Blacks. Many years the church has tried to hide these facts, cover them up. Find out the outrageous teachings of the “Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints”. Most importantly you will learn what the Bible has to say about it. All people will be saved If they truly repent and believe on the Jesus Christ of the Bible.
Dr. Walter Martin warns the church against false christs, false prophets, false teachers, and the growing deception; followed by a time of questions and answers.
Dr. Walter Martin exhorts the church to awaken, recognize the sign of the times and speak out for the strong defense of the Gospel.
Dr. Walter Martin provides a detailed comparison of Mormon teachings to historic Christianity.
This clip is from our series “Interview with Dr. Walter Martin on Cults”. This clip answers the question: Is hell conscious, continual, eternal punishing or punishment in the sense of extinction? Are Garner Ted Armstrong and the Seventh-day Adventist wrong in their teaching on hell? What does the Bible teach about Gehenna? Why do Christians not believe in soul sleep? and more
Dr. Walter Martin establishes a strong defense for the deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity.
Dr. Walter Martin warns the Christian of the growing evils outside and in the midst of the body of Christ.
Dr. Walter Martin provides an overview of occultic practices which lead the Christian away from the God of the Bible to the god within.
Dr. Walter Martin warns the Christian of the growing evils outside and in the midst of the body of Christ.
Dr. Walter Martin explains the dangers of opening the door to this dark dimension; followed by a time of questions and answers.
Dr. Walter Martin explains how to dialogue with the Jehovah’s Witness and plant the seed of truth.
Dr. Walter Martin warns the Christian of the dangers of touching this forbidden dimension of darkness; followed by a time of questions and answers.
Dr. Martin was perhaps the 20th century’s greatest defender of the Christian faith and of God’s Word. Though the phrase “Emergent Church” was not even in use yet, in this 1987 clip Martin nailed the exact problem sweeping our churches and theological institutions today.
Dr. Walter Martin reveals the methods for confronting Jehovah’s Witnesses and reaching them with the Gospel; followed by a time of questions and answers.
Ed Decker, the founder of Ex-Mormons for Jesus and Saints Alive ministries plays the role of a Mormon at Dr. Martin’s door.
Larry Wessels, Director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; see our playlist “dealing with Anti Trinitarians” at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=… websites: http://www.BibleQuery.org, http://www.HistoryCart.com & http://www.MuslimHope.com) & editor of the “Christian Debater Guide” presents his ministry’s radio broadcast “Christian Answers Live!” hosted by Lee Meckley. This particular program features guest Christian author & apologist Robert M. Bowman, Jr. speaking on the subject of his book, “Why You Should Believe in the Trinity: An Answer to Jehovah’s Witnesses” published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. As Robert Bowman states in his book, “Trinitarians (people who believe in the [More]
This episode starts with discussion of early church manuscripts and how the Roman Catholic Church kept the World ignorant of the Bible text by reading it in Latin. This involves the martyrdom of John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, and Thomas Cranmer.
The Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio Page www.apologetics315.com Christianity 101 Data DVD chriswhiteministries.com
In this lecture, entitled External Evidences for the Truth of the Gospels, Dr. Timothy McGrew maps out the external and internal evidence bearing on the authenticity of the Gospels and explores some of the positive external evidence for their truthfulness. These include non-Christian sources and incidental historical confirmations. This is one hour of content followed by thirty minutes of Q&A. This is PART 2 of a series of lectures: 01: Who Wrote the Gospels? 02: External Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels and Acts 03: Internal Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels 04: Alleged Historical Errors in the [More]