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Is Yoga is just a harmless way to exercise or can it be a doorway to New Age occultism and spiritual deception? Listen and know the truth.
Great video featuring Caryl Matrisciana, Johanna Michaelsen and others discussing the occult influence occurring in schools, churches and on TV.
Dr. Walter Martin continues his series “Kingdom of the Cults” with psychic phenomenon. Through a biblical christian perspective he investigates levitation, apportation, dream interpretation, and astral projection. Concluding that the purpose of psychic phenomenon is a substitute for faith and an imitation to deceive.
Dr. Walter Martin continues his series “Kingdom of the Cults” with spiritism. He speaks about the subject in reference to Edgar Cayce, Jeane Dixon, and Astrology. Using the word of God he demonstrates how we must defend ourselves, our brothers and our sisters from this devastating practice.
Jeane Dixon and Edgar Cayce have been leading Christians astray for decades saying that they are Christian and in line with biblical theology. Dr. Walter Martin dissects their theology and demonstrates how it is not Christian.
Jeane Dixon and Edgar Cayce have been leading Christians astray for decades saying that they are Christian and in line with biblical theology. Dr. Walter Martin dissects their theology and demonstrates how it is not Christian.
Excellent program by Dr. Martin discussing the Christians view of Scientology
Dr. Walter Martin discusses several different UFO accounts and the implications they have on the christian faith.
By God’s amazing grace, Monte & Marci Dauer were miraculously delivered out of the deception of New Age thinking in 1983 and were born-again into God’s Kingdom. They were baptized soon after, and began renewing their minds in the Truths of God’s Word, which they learned is the only standard by which to measure truth! A new life began for the Dauers as they renounced their deeds of darkness. Monte attended Bible College and they became active in their new church. They have a heart for evangelism and use their personal life testimonies to reach the hearts and lives of [More]
Former satanist turned evangelist, John Ramirez, discussing the reality of the spirit realm and how demons and other spiritual hit-men target Christians.
She mixed Christianity with the occult and it led her down a spooky path… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
UFO’s and the Bible-by Phil Fernandes.
A look at modern witchcraft in America through the eyes of a former practicer of Wicca
A little girl was actually used to “breed” babies for her father to SACRIFICE in his rituals as a satanist high priest!! See how she overcame this! http://www.cbn.com/700club
Recovering from an abusive marriage, Sandra searched for power and significance in the occult. After an awesome encounter with God, Sandra turned from the New Age to a new birth in Christ. See how Jesus changed her life. Want to learn more about how Jesus can change your life? Go here: http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/Bibl… Still have questions? We’d love to talk with you. Email us here: http://www.cbn.com/contact/feedback-s…
Is there a dark side to Wicca? What does the Bible say about practicing magic arts?
Are the Harry Potter books contributing to the growth of witchcraft around the world?
A former Wiccan tells her story. very good.
He was deep in the world of Wicca until a pastor asked him a simple but crucial question… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
Larry Wessels, Director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV; websites: BIBLEQUERY ORG, HISTORYCART COM, & MUSLIMHOPE COM) is joined in studio by the “In Defense of the Faith” team to answer commonly asked questions & objections to the Christian faith. Ministry volunteer Thomas Lowe provides basic questions & arguments from unbelievers that have come in during the live television & radio broadcasts of “In Defense of the Faith.” Larry, Dale & Mark have for many years been on the answer panel of “In Defense of the Faith” fielding hundreds of questions from the general public [More]
Sarah was deep into the occult and thought her suicide was the only way to find peace. Then she met two girls in college who helped her discover a new life.
Jeff Harshbarger was only in the third grade when his parents bought an ouija board. It seemed like a lot of fun until he found out that it was no game
Author of the book “The Beautiful Side of Evil” ; Johanna Michaelsen talks about her experiences behind her book. Are miracles and wonders always from God? Or could they be from the opposite? Johanna Michaelsen talks about her experiences, how she was duped by evil, and how she was delivered from it..
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV, see our other videos on this subject at www.youtube.com websites: www.BIBLEQUERY.ORG, http & www.MUSLIMHOPE.COM) was invited by the Austin Baptist Association to lecture for multiple nights on the subject of the occult at their summer youth camp. The first night covered Biblical references for the Devil & the demonic to establish scriptural groundwork for the ensuing nights. The second night covered Ghosts & Poltergeists, UFOs, Black Magic, witchcraft & “Things that Go Bump in the Night.” The third night covered the “Tools of the Occult” such [More]
Larry Wessels, Director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; see websites: BIBLEQUERY ORG, HISTORYCART COM & MUSLIMHOPE COM) is joined in radio studio by Dr. Edmond C. Gruss, author of the book, “The Ouija Board, A Doorway to the Occult,” who is Professor Emeritus at The Master’s College, Santa Clarita, California. He is also author of “Cults and the Occult,” “Apostles of Denial: An Examination and Expose of the History, Doctrines & Claims of the Jehovah’s Witnesses,” “The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Prophetic Speculation,” and several other books on the cults and the occult. Normal “Christian Answers Live!” [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; see websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) sponsored his ministry’s radio broadcast “Christian Answers Live!” hosted by Lee Meckley & Jim Toungate. This particular broadcast featured special guest, William M. Alnor, author of the book, “UFOs in the New Age: Extraterrestrial Messages & the Truth of Scripture.” Bill Alnor is also president of Eastern Christian Outreach, Inc., Philadelphia; publisher of “The Christian Sentinel” magazine; professor at Temple University; pastor of Calvary Chapel of the Lehigh Valley; and author of “Heaven Can’t Wait” and “Soothsayers of the Second [More]
From the Ancient of Days First Christian Symposium on Aliens Conference, filmed in Roswell, New Mexico. DVDs available on a name-your-own-price donation basis at www.AncientofDays.net Aliens and Demonology A Study Throughout History and Scripture with Bill Alnor PhD The late Dr. William Alnor is the author of four books: Soothsayers of the Second Advent; UFOs in the New Age; Heaven Can’t Wait, and UFO Cults and the New Millennium. He also authored hundreds of articles and investigative reports in many magazines and journals. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including 20/20, Inside Edition and A Current Affair. [More]