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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Nearly 25 million American adults suffer from pain on a daily basis and 23 million report experiencing severe pain.1 In fact, pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined and is cited as the most common reason Americans access health care. Pain is a major contributor to health care costs and a leading cause of disability.2 The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates at least half adult population in the world experienced at least one headache in the past year.3 In an effort to alleviate pain, many turn to using nonsteroidal …read [More]
By Ken Ham As homeschool parents are well aware, homeschooling curriculum can get fairly expensive. And an important aspect of homeschooling (and parenting in general) is teaching our children apologetics and how to develop a truly Christian worldview. They need to know what they believe and why they believe it—and be able to defend what they believe to others. And we have an exciting new opportunity that provides you with over 500 Answers in Genesis apologetics videos for about the cost of just one DVD a month! Much of Answers in Genesis’ video content is now available on the leading [More]
By Susan Patterson Though the warm summer and spring months are the most popular and easy times of the year to grow crops, fall frosts don’t have to stop the harvest. It is possible to grow a bountiful garden throughout even the most frigid winter months if you follow these simple steps. Though those residing in states such as Florida and Louisiana are unlikely to share frost concerns, the majority of the country experiences difficult winters from time to time. Gardeners in the less temperate states have often merely accepted their month-long growing season with resigned acceptance. However, this doesn’t [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Blueberries have been on the “superfoods” list for some time. However, recent research out of the Université Laval of Canada has found that blueberries – the highbush variety in particular – have potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. For the study, proanthocyanidins were isolated from highbush blueberries. The effects of this compound were assessed for their effects on Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans bacteria, a key factor in periodontitis, or gum disease. How proanthocyanidins in blueberries protect our cells and overall quality of life The proanthocyanidins were also studied for their …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Sharon Thomas, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Have you ever wondered if too much bed rest can actually cause back pain? Well, you’re right! In fact, a 2007 study published in the scientific journal Spine confirms what most people would be shocked to hear – just how much physical inactivity can change your spine. And, just for the record, when we refer to ‘bed rest’ – we mean any kind of forced or prescribed period of physical activity restriction. This often happens to people dealing with a significant illness or injury. Of course, sometimes, …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Ken Ham A recent find at two archaeological sites in Croatia (just across the Adriatic Sea from Italy) discovered dairy lipids in several fragments of jars of pottery. This means these people were likely producing cheese and storing it for eating later. In most cases, pottery fragments finds are carefully washed. But the researchers decided to keep some pots unwashed so as to be able to do an analysis and see if they could determine what was in the jars. Had all of the pottery been washed, any traces of dairy would have been lost. So this is an [More]
By Susan Patterson Known as the “heart herb,” hawthorn is widely recognized for its ability to improve cardiovascular performance and lift spirits. Historically, every part of the plant including flowers, leaves, stem, berries and even bark was used to make medicine in ancient Greece and Asia. Hawthorn berries were a staple in the diet of Native Americans who also revered them for their medicinal properties and used them in the treatment of gastrointestinal complaints and heart issues. In the early 1800’s, this medicinal herb was used for respiratory and circulatory conditions as well. About The Hawthorn Bush The hawthorn bush, [More]
By Editorial Team Witch hazel is a topical astringent derived from the bark and leaves of Hamamelis virginiana, the common or North American witch-hazel shrub. Native Americans have long recognized the medicinal properties of witch hazel and used a decoction of the boiled plant parts to treat skin irritations and tumors. Nowadays this popular herbal remedy is recognized world-wide as a natural cleanser and toner, but witch hazel has many more uses than simply to clarify skin and shrink pores. In this article, we explore fourteen amazing witch hazel uses for your health, beauty and in your home. Want to [More]
Chaplains are religious representatives operating in secular institutions. Since humanism is allegedly non-religious, is not a ‘humanist chaplain’ an oxymoron, revealing humanism’s blatant double standards? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In the U.S., a Sunday chicken dinner is as all-American as apple pie, but this dietary mainstay is an example of one of the biggest problems facing the food supply: the growing market concentration. Unless you happened to purchase your chicken at a local farm, farmers market or food co-op, and can attest that it was raised on pasture, the way many people think their chicken is raised, it likely came from a major player in the industry, like Perdue or Tyson. Tyson claims to be “one of the leading supporters of American agriculture,”1 [More]
By Admin By Olga Naidenko Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor for Children’s Environmental Healthand Sydney Evans, Science AnalystEnvironmental Working Group Excerpts: Residents of communities near industrial-scale hog farms in North Carolina face an increased risk of potentially deadly diseases, Duke University scientists reported in a study released this week. Researchers found that compared to communities without big hog farms, in the communities with the highest hog farm density, there were 30 percent more deaths among patients with kidney disease, 50 percent more deaths among patients with anemia, and 130 percent more deaths among …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Ken Ham’s revolutionary new book, Gospel Reset, has just been sent as a mass mailing to 266,000 American churches. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Over the years, I’ve written a number of articles outing industry front groups1 such as the Genetic Literacy Project, the American Council for Science and Health (ACSH),2 Science 2.0, GMO Answers, Independent Women’s Forum, Science Codex, Center for Consumer Freedom and the Center for Inquiry. Once you start to investigate these front groups, you’ll find the same names appearing again and again, cowriting articles, interviewing each other and referring to each other’s work in a closed loop. I’ve also written about academics and journalists who, while presenting themselves as independent experts, are actually shills [More]
By Mike Barrett The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 12 warned 5 e-cigarette manufacturers, including Juul, that they have 2 months to figure out how they’ll prove to the agency that they’ve taken steps to prevent the sale of their products to young people. [1] Experts say there has been an “epidemic” rise in teen use of e-cigarettes, which are typically sold with liquid nicotine that comes in a variety of tantalizing flavors that appeal to young people. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb warned the FDA could take the step of requiring companies to: Change their sales and [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The plastic piling up on the shores of Manila Bay in the Philippines is disturbing, and the first thought that comes to mind when you watch the video above may be along the lines of, “Where does all that plastic come from?” It comes from around the globe, in the form of plastic bags, bottles, utensils, straws, microfibers and more, which make up both large debris and an estimated 15 trillion tons of tiny microplastic particles floating in the ocean.1 You’ve probably seen the tragic photos of sea …read more Source: mercola     
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe it’s almost fall time and that another winter is on its way. But before we say goodbye to milder weather, we get to enjoy fall colors, “sweater weather,” and delicious fall treats here in Northern Kentucky. And to celebrate the fall season we’re hosting a Join us for Fall Fun Day on Saturday, October 13, 2018! Appalachian music from the Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers Meeting our K-9 “officers” and their handlers—and even enjoying a skills exhibition from these highly-trained dogs Face painting Balloon animals Donkey cart rides Pumpkin decorating Animal encounters Games Special [More]
By Julie Fidler Most doctors are wonderful people and consummate professionals who truly want the best for their patients. But a recent study suggests much of the blame for the opioid crisis lies squarely on the shoulders of doctors who write prescriptions for hard-hitting opioids when other simpler pain-relieving methods would suffice. The study shows that as recently as 2015, doctors were still prescribing the addictive and potentially deadly painkillers even for minor injuries in great numbers. Researchers wrote in the Annals of Emergency Medicine that 1/4 of patients treated for ankle sprains between 2011 and 2015 were prescribed an [More]
By Dr. Mercola 1 Which of the following supports healthy thyroid function, boosts metabolism and helps normalize insulin and leptin function? Trans fat Vegetable oils Margarine Coconut oil Coconut oil supports thyroid function, normalizes insulin and leptin function, boosts metabolism and provides excellent and readily available fuel for your body in lieu of carbohydrates. Learn more. 2 How many carcasses per minute must USDA food inspectors inspect for signs of disease and fecal material in chicken slaughter lines? 140 Food inspectors visually inspect 140 carcasses per minute — between two and three chickens per second — for the presence of [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Associate Director John West exposes the darker side of P.T. Barnum. Maybe you’ve watched The Greatest Showman – but have you heard of Barnum’s “What Is It?” exhibit? Listen in for more about racist displays of human “freaks” and how the science of the day endorsed Social Darwinism. For more, watch the newly released documentary, Human Zoos, and visit HumanZoos.org. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more [More]
By AdminM Infant Deaths Following Vaccination: The Numbers Don’t Lie—Or Do They? by the Children’s Health Defense Team National and international health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) routinely and emphatically claim that serious adverse events following vaccination are rare. Nowhere is officialdom’s minimization of vaccine risks more apparent than in these agencies’ position on vaccine-related deaths. The WHO, for example, states that “so few deaths can plausibly be attributed to vaccines that it is hard to assess the risk statistically.” Nevertheless, once regulators [More]
09/23/18   My Generation is the last one to have known privacy and to have lived out most of our lives in freedom.   I remember when driving licenses did not have photos and most certainly not fingerprints. A driving license was issued on proof of birth date alone.   Prior to the appearance of automobiles IDs did not exist in democratic nations. You were who you said you were.   The intrusive questions that accost us every day, even when doing something simple as reporting a telephone or Internet connection being out or inquiring about a credit card charge, [More]
Sep 21   We pose the question in light of the report that AG Jeff Sessions’ deputy, Rod Rosenstein, conspired to spy and overthrow the sitting President of the United States: why hasn’t he and his boss been fired? We also discuss the growing tension between Israel and Russia in Syria as Israel’s propaganda factories, colloquially known as their free press, spin a tale of deception and continue the push for war with Iran.   Watch: Wired Snakes in White House Plot to Overthrow President Trump
By Michael By Susan Boskey Perhaps not your grandparent’s pain meds, medical marijuana is quickly becoming a favorite ‘go-to’ medicine for Baby Boomers and those ever-more elderly. Getting to this point of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham With all its technologies, the twenty-first century has opened up brand-new avenues of learning with online courses, eBooks, websites, and more. For all its faults, the internet has made information and learning so much easier than ever before, and we’ve been able to utilize many of these technologies to share the message of biblical authority and the gospel with others. And on National Online Learning Day, I thought I’d highlight some of our online resources you may not be familiar with. If you follow my blog, you’re likely familiar with our main website, AnswersinGenesis.org. This website hosts [More]
By Mike Barrett People are spending less time outdoors and more time in front of gaming consoles these days. Most of these individuals can play video games without becoming obsessed with them, but others can’t be pried away from them. Well, in case you missed it, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified “gaming disorder” as a mental health disorder, officially adding it to the 11th edition of its International Classification of Diseases (ICD) on June 18, 2018. Wait, what? [1] ?Dr. Vladimir Poznyak, a member of the WHO’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, which proposed the new [More]
By AdminM by Paul FassaHealth Impact News A few decades ago, during the 1970s, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” morphed to “an aspirin a day keeps heart attacks and strokes away.” This is still a medical mantra today even as science-based evidence has proven otherwise. Not only does this not work as a preventative measure for cardiac arrest and strokes, the side effects to the gastrointestinal or GI tract can be severe. This is not an opinion. Several studies and even the FDA have expressed concerns about this approach for a …read more Source: Health Impact News [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s ‘flagship product’ Roundup®–now owned by Bayer Pharmaceuticals [1], apparently has contaminated every last bastion of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze