The vaccine was implicated in 93% of the deaths in the patients they examined. What’s troubling is the coroner didn’t implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths. By: Steve Kirsch, Dec 28, 2021: Summary The vaccines are bad news. Fifteen bodies were examined (all died from 7 days to 6 months after vaccination; ages 28 to 95). The coroner or the public prosecutor didn’t associate the vaccine as the cause of death in any of the cases. However, further examination revealed that the vaccine was implicated in the deaths of 14 of the 15 cases. The most
Racism is evil: Bible is solution; evolution exacerbated problem. All people come from “the first man Adam”, and can be saved by their relative Jesus Christ, the Kinsman-Redeemer and “last Adam”. …read more Source: <a href= target=_blank title="Racism: biblical creation is the only solution” >
Columbia researchers found that babies born during the pandemic’s first year scored lower on a developmental screening test of social and motor skills at 6 months — regardless of whether their mothers had COVID during pregnancy — compared to babies born just before the pandemic. The study, which included 255 babies born at a NewYork-Presbyterian’s Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital and Allen Hospital between March and December 2020, was published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. “Infants born to mothers who have viral infections during pregnancy have a higher risk of neurodevelopmental deficits, so we thought we would find some changes in
“Will the next big push by the globalists be this chip imbedded in everyone, we’ll just have to wait and see.” Admin Stew Peters Show: The Swedish tech startup Dsruptive Subdermals has created a two-by-sixteen millimeter implantable microchip that it says can be scanned to show your vaccine status. In an interview with the Express, a British newspaper, the company’s managing director says that, quote, “This technology exists and is [going to be] used whether we like it or not.”. Deanna Lorraine joins us to discuss.
Dr. Robert Malone has a Telegram channel where he posts a lot of great information with what’s going on with all things regarding Covid. Check it out here.
What place do land bridges have in the post-Flood dispersal of animals? …read more Source:
“If you go to Jeffs GoFundMe page you can see pictures of the horrible and painful skin condition he’s dealing with over much of his body while the vax makers enjoy total immunity from being accountable for their devastating vaccines. All those involved in this assault on humanity will one day stand before Gods bar of justice from which there is no immunity or escape.” Admin Stew Peters Show: Until the past three months Jeff Jackson was entirely healthy. We’ve seen the photos to prove it. Now, the vaccine is derailing his life. Jeff never had any kind of allergy
Stew Peters Show: We know soldiers don’t need this vaccine for their health. Members of the military are almost all in their twenties or early 30s. They are all in absolute peak physical condition, or at least they’re supposed to be. The number of military members who have died of Covid in the past two years is just 80, out of more than 200,000 cases. The fatality rate for this disease in the military is zero point zero three percent. There are resisters still fighting on in secret inside the military. One of those resisters is Danny, an anonymous serviceman
“Lots of great information regarding the supranational plan to enslave humanity via the Great Reset and more. Must read/watch!” Admin During the 86th Session of the Corona Investigative Committee Dr. Mike Yeadon spoke of the lies of the Covid narrative with the ultimate aim being The Great Reset, presented evidence proving premeditation of particular Covid injection batches containing “lethal doses” and more. This article is the first in a series breaking down Dr. Yeadon’s 2-hour 20 min presentation into more manageable chunks for those who may be short of time and unable to watch the full presentation in one sitting. What
By Michael Denton On this ID the Future from the vault, host Casey Luskin sits down with Michael Denton, a Senior Fellow of the CSC who holds a PhD in Biochemistry. Denton is the author of Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, which has been credited with influencing both Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe. Here they discuss his sequel to that book, Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, which explores various striking ways that Earth and the laws of nature are finely tuned for carbon-based life and, in particular, creatures like ourselves. Denton argues that
“Dr. Faustus (Fauci) is clearly the key figure in this whole disaster called “Covid19″. If he had not gone ahead with this gain of function research all of this would have never happened. Then he lies about it to Congress no less. If he is not brought to justice then our whole system of justice is totally corrupt!” Admin Experts reacting to a Project Veritas report that presidential adviser Anthony Fauci went ahead with dangerous gain-of-function coronavirus research after other federal officials deemed it too risky say it was, essentially, the intentional “manslaughter of millions.” The Project Veritas report cited
01/12/22 “This is occurring about the same time as the March for Life which is scheduled for Jan. 21. So two great events those going can participate in.” Admin “There is no one thing that ends the madness. Each activity contributes to moving the ball forward. The good news is that people in healthcare are getting really upset now and many are sacrificing their jobs to speak out. So, I think this will end sooner than later. “As always, our biggest “convincer” is the vaccine itself. Sooner or later doctors and nurses are going to have to stop
01/12/22 “Scheduled in DC for Jan. 23 is ‘Free Speech Day for Doctors and Other Healthcare Workers‘. So two great events those going can participate in.” Admin In preparation for the annual pro-life event’s return to the nation’s capital next week, the 49th annual March for Life has announced its lineup of speakers pro-life participants will hear from on January 21. The March, which this year is adopting the theme “Equality Begins in the Womb,” unveiled Tuesday its list of speakers and performers who will address the crowd, including Christian actor Kirk Cameron, Reps. Julia Letlow (R-LA) and Chris
01/12/22 “If you read the Popes remarks in more detail they sound like they are taken right out the globalists playbook. The Pope is either extremely ill-informed or just showing himself to be another NWO shill. Excellent article by Mr. Kirsch rebutting the Popes claims about an ideological divide created by baseless information or poorly documented facts.” Admin The Washington Post reports: In a sweeping speech on the pandemic and other global issues, Pope Francis on Monday called for widespread vaccination in all countries and suggested the global coronavirus response was being complicated by “baseless information or poorly documented
01/11/22 “I’m sure the AG will be investigating the FBI’s possible involvement in the events of Jan. 6, 2020 as well … NOT! Anyone objecting to stolen elections, vax mandates, our open borders etc. will most likely be in the fraudulent Biden regimes crosshairs. Get ready for a rough ride in 2022, stay close to the Lord.” Admin At a Senate hearing Tuesday titled “Domestic Terrorism Threat One Year After January 6,” Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen explained why he created a new unit focused on domestic terrorism. “We have seen a growing threat from those who
01/11/22 The LGBT movement, if it is successful in its campaign to persuade governments to restrict what is said about the same-sex agenda, eventually will target even the gospel of Jesus Christ as told in the Bible, warns a key Christian leader. “Let’s just state the obvious. If the government can tell you it is illegal to teach biblical truth on the issue of human sexuality, the array of LGBT issues, understand two things. Number one, it won’t stop with LGBT and understand, eventually it means the criminalization of whatever Christian speech is no longer politically attractive. And
By Ken Ham Have you ever wanted to be a detective and solve crimes? Well, here’s your opportunity, April 29–30, 2022, at the Creation Museum. In this hands-on program, designed specifically for adults, you’ll learn how forensic scientists use unique traits that God created in every individual to determine identity. It’s going to be a fascinating experience! AiG’s trained forensic scientist, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, loves using her skills to teach people to have a consistent biblical worldview. Explore the two types of science as you collect, examine, and analyze evidence to reconstruct an event that happened in the past as
By Fabian Ommar By Fabian Ommar Long-distance travel is a part of this time of the year, and even though the world hasn’t returned to normal, the economy has reopened to a great … Read the rest The post Are You Prepped for Long-Distance Travel? appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
Research shows the risk of death from Covid for over 70s has decreased by tenfold compared to a year ago, thanks to vaccines, natural immunity, treatments, and the replacement of Delta by the mild Omicron variant. In younger age groups the decline is sharper with the risk of death to healthy teens “almost zero”. Professor Anthony Brookes, an expert in genetics and health data at University of Leicester, helped compile the research based on Office of National Statistics, Government and NHS infection reports. He said Covid no longer posed a significant threat to “the vast majority of people” …read more
Stew Peters Show: Under the latest state health order in California, just to visit a nursing home, a guest must be fully vaccinated and fully boosted, and they must produce a negative Covid test on top of that. Fran Austin is an elderly Christian woman currently trapped in an outpatient facility in California. She’s basically been abandoned by her family; nobody visited on Christmas, and nobody called. Michael Jackson is an RN in California who has taken an interest in Fran’s case. He joins us
By Rob Webb The expected benefits from the new NASA telescope, the naturalistic assumptions integrated into its mission, and the only way to make sense of scientific investigation: God. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Stew Peters Show: It doesn’t get as much attention as New York or California, but Hawaii may be the state that has been most tyrannical in the face of Covid-19. Levana Lomma is one of the local Hawaiians fighting back against this. All the way back in spring of 2020 she founded For Our Rights dot org to defend basic liberties that the coronavirus pandemic is being used to stamp out: The right to speak freely, the right to go about unmasked, the right to refuse a vaccine. She joins us.
I missed this study. So did the mainstream media for some reason. But this study is yet another independent analysis that is difficult to refute: we have been misled by the CDC, FDA, and NIH. Read More: New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths)
Here’s what a group of 56 German doctors wrote to the German Parliament (use Google Translate to read it in English or reference the translated version here). These doctors are very smart and their arguments are excellent. All their arguments are based on science and make perfect sense. They are consistent with the positions of thousands of scientists in Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Scandinavia, Great Britain and the United States. But sadly they will be ignored. Read More: 56 German doctors cite 7 excellent arguments against mandatory vaccination
01/11/22 “This is just appalling folks! The treachery and criminality of the fraudulent Biden regime is off the charts. I have no doubt the Dems will double their efforts to do as much damage as possible before the midterm elections in Nov. assuming such elections occur.” Admin The southwest border during President Joe Biden’s first year in office reached historic levels of illegal crossings, pulling agents off the front line and leaving large swaths of the border unpatrolled. Drugs, especially fentanyl, flowed in, and overdose deaths are at an all-time high. “What we’re experiencing now on the
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Why astronomers believe in an expanding universe, how the universe isn’t “expanding into” anything, and the reasons biblical creationists should be careful when arguing against the big bang …read more Source: AIG Daily
“Must watch show with Dr. Jane Ruby regarding the deadly vax lots being used.” Admin Stew Peters Show: Team Enigma is back at it again with more information bombs about the bioweapon clot-shot. Dr. Jane Ruby joins us to discuss this new development.