This example shows that triple vaccinated people in the UK are more likely to be hospitalized, not less likely. In other words, the vaccines are doing the opposite of what the health authorities claimed. Mandating vaccination is actually making the problem worse, not better. The FOIA request Consider the following FOIA request from Feb 3, 2022: Read More: Negative vaccine efficacy example in the UK
I came across this site,, which has many stories of those injured or killed by the vax plus other general news regarding Covid. Below are some links to sample posts you can check out. TRAGEDY: 6-Year-Old Milo Edberg Develops Myocarditis And Becomes Severely Injured After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Dad’s Tearful Plea For Answers About His Son’s Death After Pfizer Vaccine: “All He Wanted To Do Was Play Hockey” Szilveszter Csollany: Hungarian Olympic Gold Medallist Falls ill Shortly After Receiving J&J COVID-19 Vaccine, Dies From “COVID” Antony Mo Intended To End His Life Because Of His COVID Vaccine Injuries: “I
“He has a GiveSendGo account setup for donations to help with medical expenses here: ” Admin In January, the Stew Peters Show brought attention to the abuse of a Virginia father named Shamgar Connors, who was spending 12 hours a day on dialysis because a hospital kicked him off the kidney transplant list for being unvaccinated. Shamgar returned to the show on Monday to share that doctors are trying to get him labeled as psychiatrically unstable for his very understandable decision to not get the jab. He is also enduring a heartless attack by members of the lying media, specifically Inside
Isn’t it simply nonsensical to gainsay the large amount of scientific evidence for evolutionary anthropology? …read more Source:
“Excellent article on how repeated booster shots can set you up for autoimmune diseases.” Admin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated booster shots signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health Repeated booster shots may lead to a “death zone,” accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis Molecular mimicry may be to blame for autoimmune conditions caused by COVID-19 shots; there are often significant similarities between elements in the vaccine and human proteins, which
Links to more vax injury testimonials from Dr. Mercola ‘We Did Our Part. Now We Need Help’ COVID Shot Reactions Reported as Early as April 2021 ‘Please Stop Doing This to People’ A Registered Nurse Shares Her Experience With the Moderna Shot Inflammatory Injuries From the Pfizer COVID Shots Seven Months of Bell’s Palsy After Receiving a COVID Jab Prince Edward Island Pfizer-Injured Woman Talks About Her Adverse Reactions
By Ken Ham This unique curriculum emphasizes biblical authority, creation and general Bible apologetics, doctrine, the attributes of God, and the gospel from Genesis to Revelation. It’s a wonderful way to teach your children God’s Word and sound doctrine. This curriculum is designed for mom or dad to teach all students at the same time, then each student (Level K–5) completes age-appropriate learning activities in the full-color workbook. It’s easy-to-use and designed with the whole family in mind (we even have a video on how to include older students). Year 1 of ABC for Homeschool covered the entire book of
By Michael By Ian Taylor, Loughborough University February. The month of shattered dreams and ambitions. The trainers are gathering dust and chocolate bars have replaced protein bars. The gusto with which we… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By J.G. Martinez D Being a conscientious dad, I have always believed that education and experience are the best assets to leave our kids. Of course, I do not mean just regular, institutional education. I mean, teaching self-sufficiency to our children. Public school tends not to do that. And I believe part of that education revolves around teaching our children how to grow at least some of their own food. I feel educating ourselves and having experiences using that knowledge is the best way to ensure a better future. What do you mean when you refer to education? When I
02/08/22 “Well the dirty Dems strike again, trying a backdoor approach to further their gun control agenda. Isn’t it strange that Mexico suddenly becomes interested in firearms usage by gangs in their country just now when it’s been going on for who knows how many years. Do you think the fraudulent Biden regime may have provided some incentives to encourage this sudden interest? We’ll see how this plays out in court.” Admin Thirteen U.S. states have joined a civil lawsuit filed by the government of Mexico against Smith & Wesson, becoming parties to foreign interference to change American
By Michael By Aden Tate The world has changed. Previously, anyone was able to enter the hospital or a doctor’s office anytime that they pleased without any issues whatsoever. If you were sick, you could expect… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Melinda Christian The variety of domestic cats and wild cats like the Sumatran and Siberian tigers display common features, impressive diversity, and God’s glory. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Brian-Admin Young children developing cognitive problems due to widespread use of face coverings. by Paul Joseph Watson Summit News A speech therapist says that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers. Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5 per cent of patients were babies and toddlers, but this has soared to 20 per cent. Parents are describing their children’s speech problems as “COVID delayed,” with face coverings the primary cause of their …read more Source: Health Impact News
Early on in the COVID pandemic, people suspected that the deaths attributed to the infection were exaggerated. There was plenty of evidence for this. For starters, hospitals were instructed and incentivized to mark any patient who had a positive COVID test and subsequently died within a certain time period as a COVID death. At the same time, we knew that the PCR test was unreliable, producing inordinate amounts of false positives. Now, the truth is finally starting to come out and, as suspected, the actual death toll is vastly lower than we were led to believe. …read more Source: Sott
Not only were Pfizer’s trials a fraud, but the FDA knowingly approved it, putting millions of people at high risk. This report will show how autopsies reveal that the Covid-19 jabs are in fact killing otherwise healthy people, how there were intentional lethal batches released, and provide an incredible tool showing Pfizer trial fraud and the FDA’s negligence, so that people are armed with some of the most critical data to date in order to fight against this tyranny. Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon confirmed that 90% of vaccine side effects came from less than 10% of the
Bats are the only flying mammals. What was their origin? According to evolutionists, The 50-million-year-old bat specimens are already recognizable as bats, so where did they come from? When, where, why and how the first bats become airborne is another mystery buried by Deep Time.1 Conversely, creationists maintain bats were created during the creation week just thousand… More… …read more Source:
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News More evidence is surfacing showing that hospitals today are still collecting federal funds as an incentive to diagnose patients with “COVID” via a PCR Test, even if the patient was brought to the hospital with gunshot wounds, or to have a child, or from a car accident. Project Veritas released a video yesterday of a whistleblower, Jeanne Stagg, who was working as a Senior Administrative Nurse at United Healthcare in Louisiana. She came forward to expose the fraudulent practices …read more Source: Health Impact News
02/08/22 “Outstanding interview by Jamie Glazov regarding Chinese influence on the corrupt, fraudulent Biden admin and others on the take. Will we survive as a free republic or devolve into a dictatorship like China?” Admin This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Peter Schweizer, the author of the new #1 New York Times Bestseller, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. He is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and the former William J. Casey Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Peter discusses Red-Handed: Chinese Money in Biden’s Pockets, providing his expertise on the question: Is the U.S.
02/07/22 Stew Peters Show: The social credit score system of China is here. RINO Republicans will throw a fit over the communist Chinese, while at the same time remaining absolutely silent about the same persecution happening to American patriots at home. Conservative political figure and public speaker Michelle Malkin has been banned from Airbnb, a company used for rental housing and promoting gay sexual relationships, and Dan Crenshaw didn’t blink an eye or bat an eye lid.
Steve Kirsch: I had a chat with Richard Hirschman, the funeral director who was interviewed by Jane Ruby on the Stew Peters Show. At nearly 800,000 views on Rumble alone, his interview is one of the most popular episodes in Stew Peters Show history. I was originally introduced to Richard via one of my contacts who is a very high profile and highly respected MD. Richard has been embalming people for more than 20 years. He lives in Alabama. Here’s my 53 minute interview where we get into the profound implications of what Richard found: that the vaccines are likely killing
By Ken Ham What is the purpose of public education? Well, some people might think it’s to teach children how to read, write, do math, know history, and understand the basics of science. Many believe education is a neutral endeavor of merely teaching children what they need to know. But that’s a myth! There is no neutrality (Matthew 12:30). And many of those teaching and working in the public education system know there is no neutrality and are actively and consciously working to teach children their worldview (which really is the religion of the state—the religion of naturalism). And we’re
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Oregano is an herb with a potent antioxidant capacity that not only is high in the phytonutrients carvacrol and thymol, but has one of the higher Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) measurements in the herb family Oregano oil can be purchased as an extract or essential oil. The extract, oil of oregano, can also be made at home from fresh leaves. Take care when purchasing oils since some manufacturers sell adulterated products The extract and essential oil can be used topically to help treat fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot or ringworm. Data show
A major pharmaceutical company this week fired many employees who refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Syneos Health is a global pharmaceutical outsourcing company with some 28,000 employees in more than 110 countries. It contracts with bigger pharmaceutical companies including COVID-19 vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson/Janssen. While J & J employs pharmaceutical representatives, it also contracts with Syneos Health to provide additional pharmaceutical representatives. Each Syneos representative is paired with one from J&J and they work together, selling drugs to doctors and other health care providers. “It’s the same exact job, same exact customers, same exact expense reporting.
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Year 2021 will go down in history as the “Year of the COVID-19 Vaccines” as life insurance claims skyrocketed, and the funeral industry prospered, as about 400,000 excess deaths occurred with the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines. Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion insurance company based out of Indiana, was the first one to report the excess in number of death claims in 2021 last month (January, 2022). See: Crisis in America: …read more Source: Health Impact News
By Ken Ham BioLogos is a supposed Christian organization that we’ve spoken out against for years. Based on public statements that BioLogos and the teachers they platform have made, we’ve warned believers to stay away from them—they don’t believe the Word of God (and not “just” in Genesis!). Answers in Genesis–Canada’s Calvin Smith recently published a powerful two-part exposé on how this organization does not believe the Bible or the gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, Answers in Genesis–Canada’s Calvin Smith recently published a powerful two-part exposé on how this organization does not really believe the Bible or even the gospel
Daily Caller News Foundation Marine Corps officers seeking religious exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the process for vetting their accommodation requests is a “sham.” The military says the vaccine mandate is in place to keep the force “healthy and ready.” Republican California Congressman Darrell Issa has been advocating on the service members’ behalf, arguing that if the military wants to preserve readiness, it should pause the mandate. The COVID-19 vaccine exemption process in the Marine Corps gives no consideration to the faiths of individual soldiers and could hamper military readiness, according to
Stew Peters Show: Tragically, we weren’t in time to save Scott Quiner. But it looks like we were just barely in time to save Charles Hughes. Charles is the West Virginia paramedic who was taken hostage at a hospital for “Covid” despite not even testing positive for the disease. When Charles checked into his new care facility, Dr. Will Spencer noticed that he was severely injured. The bones in his hands were all out of place, dislocated. His elbows were out of joint, his shoulder was injured, there were bruises all over his body. In other words, Charles had been