“Just another sign of a decaying and debased culture” Admin A new reality show called “Married at First Sight” is legally marrying two complete strangers as part of a “social experiment,” all in the name of entertainment. The show debuted last week on the FYI channel and follows three couples who are thrown into a legal marriage the moment they meet. A sexologist, psychologist, sociologist and spiritual adviser use “scientific matchmaking” to pair up the couples, then watch to see what happens. According to the show’s publicist, the marriages are indeed binding. But the couples can have their divorces paid
A federal judge has given a secular organization the green light to distribute more atheistic and anti-Christian materials to Florida public school students, in spite of the materials’ graphic content and offensive language. As previously reported, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) learned last year that a Christian ministry had made Bibles available to Orlando high school students on “Religious Freedom Day.” To counter the Bible distribution, FFRF sought permission from the school district to give students a variety of atheistic and anti-Christian materials. According to reports, the Orange County School Board permitted FFRF to distribute several books and pamphlets,
Police in Mississippi watched idly this week as a business owner stole pro-life signs that were displayed on the public sidewalk during an awareness outreach, according to video footage from a Christian ministry. The Ohio-based group Created Equal, which travels the country to educate citizens on the reality of abortion, visited Jackson, Mississippi this week and set up a display outside of the state’s last remaining abortion facility, Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The display was part of the group’s Justice Ride tour, which is being conducted nationwide this summer. Created Equal set up signs both outside of the abortion facility
“Return to the Hiding Place,” a new film based on a true account of Corrie ten Boom’s secret army of untrained teenagers who rescued Jews from the Nazi Gestapo during the Holocaust, will hit theaters Oct. 24 after outperforming big-budget Hollywood showings in its initial release. Based on Hans Poley’s autobiographical book, the movie highlights themes of endurance, perseverance and faith through Poley’s experiences as a student resistance fighter during World War II. The message echoes the story of Anita Dittman, told in her book “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Published in early May, Dittman’s book was accompanied by a documentary
“I’m sure the Western banking interests don’t look kindly on this and view it as a threat. We know from history that Western banksters will resort to force to “solve problems”. Could this be the real reason for the West’s anger towards Russia and China? We’ll see.” Admin The BRICS group of emerging powers met Wednesday with South American presidents as they justified the creation of a development bank seen as an alternative to Western-dominated global financial organizations. The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa held closed-door talks in Brasilia with counterparts from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,
Clear-thinking clergyman warned of the theological confusion that would follow from abandoning what God told us in Genesis and embracing Charles Darwin’s view of origins. …read more
By Ken Ham This news should not be a surprise to anyone! I’ve been saying for years that once you abandon the absolute authority of the Word of God, then ultimately anything goes—if you can get away with it. You see, without an absolute authority, there are no restrictions—no absolute rules—everyone does what is right in his own eyes: In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25) The news item states, Judge in Australia says incest may no longer be a taboo and the only reason it is
By Ken Ham Is the secular media by and large guilty of trying to censor Christianity from the public eye? I believe it is. Here is an example from the area where our Creation Museum is located. Recently our Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper had a list of several “staycation” attractions (i.e., day-trip “mini-vacations” to take in our region) that were presenting “new offerings.” Yet the immensely popular Creation Museum, which has opened world-class offerings each year to our exhibits since our opening, was omitted. A friend of the Creation Museum wanted to point out this omission, so on Saturday he submitted
By Creation Moments We all know that when bees swarm they are in defensive mode. However, not all species of bees have stinging in mind when they swarm. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Promoted for decades as a “safe” sugar alternative, presumably to prevent or reduce symptoms of diabetes, Splenda (sucralose) has been found to have diabetes-promoting effects in human subjects. The artificial sweetener sucralose, which is approximately 600 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar), and marketed under a variety of brand names, such as Splenda, Cukren, Nevella and SucraPlus, has recently been found to have diabetes-promoting effects in human test subjects, despite containing no calories and being classified as a ‘nonutritive sweetener.’ A new study published in the journal Diabetes Care, lead by researchers at the Center for Human Nutrition, Washington University
You’ve probably heard the buzz already about the many health benefits of probiotics, a word which literally translates to: pro- “for” + biotics “life” — FOR LIFE. But did you know that these remarkable commensal microorganisms, which outnumber our bodily cells 10 to 1, and contribute over 95% of our body’s total genetic information, also break down highly toxic manmade chemicals which your body is either incapable, or only partially capable, of defending itself from? Learn about some of the amazing ways in which ‘good bacteria’ help to detoxify chemicals within our body: Read More 7 Ways Probiotics DETOXIFY Your
One of the benefits of exercise overall is improved sleep quality, but it’s typically recommended that you not exercise within three hours of bedtime so you have adequate time to wind down. If your regular bedtime is midnight, then exercising in the evening, at 9 p.m., for instance, should theoretically not interfere with your sleep (although admittedly this schedule is pushing the limits of your body’s natural circadian rhythm). New research is suggesting, however, that exercise as little as 1.5 hours before bed may not interfere with your sleep either and, in fact, might help you sleep better. Strenuous Exercise
‘Bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics’, ‘Insects evolve resistance to pesticides’, ‘Organisms evolve tolerance to pollutants’—these headlines lead many to think that the molecules-to-man evolutionary process is happening before our very eyes. Schools and universities present such information in a way that convinces many students that scientists have observed evolution and therefore have proved that ‘evolution is a fact’. But closer scrutiny of each of these alleged examples of ‘evolution in action’ reveals a very different story. For example, let’s take the case of worms in the bed of the Hudson River (USA) becoming resistant to industrial pollution. …read more Read
A mom of two young children is wondering: What’s in ice cream sandwiches these days? Christie Watson’s kids love eating ice cream. But one recent morning, she saw an uneaten ice cream sandwich sitting on her patio table. When she looked closer, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It wasn’t melting. I noticed that my son had left his ice cream sandwich outside,” she said, “and I was wondering why is there still ice cream in there?” The Walmart Great Value sandwich had barely melted 12 hours later….even though it was an 80-degree morning. “I thought that’s quite weird,”
Evidence for a young earth and biblical history. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Creation Moments Many ancient peoples made various ointments from spices, including ancient Israel. In India, they have been using a spice called turmeric for medicinal purposes for 3,000 years. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
There are many different reasons. …read more Read more here: creation.com
For protozoa-to-person evolution to have worked over time, purely natural factors must have conceived, constructed, integrated, and implemented new proteins into old organisms. Brave researchers—already convinced that this somehow occurred—have been investigating this core issue, but their recent discovery refutes their own perspective. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
By Ken Ham An article came across my desk yesterday that brought me back to a quote I made in the 1988 book (out of print) The Genesis Solution: “Christians may wake up one day to find Christianity outlawed.” The Chronicle of Higher Education is a highly respected newspaper within academia. (In fact, we subscribe to it at AiG so we can monitor developments in education.) In a commentary written in the June 2014 edition, the author is calling for the following: if a Christian college makes its faculty sign a statement of faith indicating that the professors believe in
By Creation Moments Precision in communication is highly important. This is especially true of the type of communication called music, whether you are talking about Mozart or magpie-larks. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Plant biologists continue to frame interesting clover traits in terms of evolution. However, one clever clover trait in particular keeps showing up—or disappearing—in peculiar patterns. Do these patterns illustrate evolutionary changes or does something entirely different switch off this trait? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
Why we can’t rely on scientific discoveries to give an accurate account of what happened in the past. …read more Read more here: creation.com
“We have homeless in growing tent cities, vets who can’t get the care they need at VA hospitals, record numbers on food stamps and a government that’s in debt up to it’s eyeballs yet Mr. O, the facilitator of this law breaking invasion wants to spend 50M to give posh accommodations to these illegals. I’ll have to agree with Sarah Palin, time for Mr. O to be impeached for his criminal activities.” Admin Welcome to America! The Obama administration has awarded a $50 million contract to a charitable group to buy a Texas resort hotel and transform it in to
Barack Obama recently laughed and fist bumped a cashier who moonlights as a crossdresser after he joked with the president that he has sexual relations with men. The Austin Chronicle reports that Obama visited the Franklin Barbecue on Thursday during his visit to the Lone Star State, a popular restaurant in the city that was backed up with its characteristic long line upon his arrival. As Obama made his way to the front of the line to pay for his meal, he was met by cashier Daniel Rugg Webb, who also works as a comedian and musician, and at times
“This just illustrates how ungodly the Democratic party has become. I don’t know how a true Christian can in good conscience vote Democratic.” Admin An emotionally charged Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday highlighted the escalating controversy between social conservatives and Democrats who are trying to establish a constitutional right to government-funded birth control and unrestricted access to abortion. At issue was the Democrats’ Women’s Health Protection Act, S.1696, a bill that would eliminate nearly all state limitations on abortion and bar states from adopting new ones. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said the bill “would make abortion common, without limit and
A number of scientists in recent years have stated that atheists might not actually exist, and that a belief in God is naturally ingrained into all people, prompting a recent article that is stirring discussion around the world. Last week, Nury Vittachi published a story entitled Scientists Discover That Atheists Might Not Exist, And That’s Not a Joke. In the article, Vittachi cites the works of several researchers, such as Graham Lawton and Pascal Boyer, who argue that belief in God is naturally ingrained into every person. “Cognitive scientists are becoming increasingly aware that a metaphysical outlook may be so
Famed actor and former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson says Americans need be “mindful” of a government that undermines religious freedoms, and on July 18, he has a new movie coming out in theaters illustrating just how dangerous an overzealous government can be. “Persecuted” is a dramatic, fictional thriller about a popular preacher who dares resist a new “religious unity” bill being pushed by powerful players in Congress. The preacher soon finds himself toppled from the pulpit and a fugitive on the run for his life, all for refusing to compromise his freedoms of speech and religion. PERSECUTED – In theaters