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The latest conclusion from big bang cosmologists is that our universe doesn’t exist! …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham This week I appeared on Ray Comfort’s The Comfort Zone on the topic of ALIENS! You may be surprised at what I say—particularly when I show an alien that resides in my office! I encourage you to watch this entertaining video segment with me and Ray Comfort, as well as others from the Living Waters ministry. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
By Creation Moments Because half of the radioactive carbon-14 in anything decays to nonradioactive material in 5,730 years, things that are supposedly millions of years old cannot possibly have any. At least that’s what evolutionary scientists always thought. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Magnesium is an essential mineral for staying healthy and is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Multiple health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth. Findings published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that for every 50 mg per day increase in intake of the mineral, the risk of cancer was modestly reduced by 7%. A notable study of more than 4,600 Americans, begun in 1985, found the risk of developing metabolic syndrome over the next 15 years was [More]
By Ken Ham Sometimes I think we should be paying atheists to be our publicists! Sure they often distort, misquote, misrepresent, and tell outright untruths about us. But they can be so creative in their writings, that, as they make up stories about us, they gain a lot of publicity for AiG across the Internet and other media all around the world. Now the space aliens nonsense that went viral (I supposedly said aliens are going to hell—but I don’t even believe in aliens!) has reached the Irish Independent newspaper and even a Muslim website! The Irish piece stated the [More]
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, Stephen Meyer is on The Universe Next Door, talking with host Tom Woodward about criticisms of his latest book, Darwin’s Doubt–now released in paperback with a new epilogue in which Dr. Meyer responds to his critics. Meyer discusses the criticisms of his thesis based from cladistics, as well as other critiques “straw men” critiques. Listen in!       
We discuss whether the Bible says that either Adam or Eve was more guilty than the other. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a moth or butterfly completely restructures the creature internally and externally. Scientists at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. wondered whether that included the caterpillar’s brain as well. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“If this outbreak gets worse this is something that very likely will happen. Who knows what they will put in these vaccines and the option of refusing will not be available. Something to think about.”  Admin As the Ebola death toll rises and as images of bodiesbeing abandoned in the streets of Liberia are broadcast around the globe, there has been a growing outcry for the scientific community to “do something” about this deadly virus.  And as luck would have it, there is an “experimental Ebola vaccine” that is ready to be tested on humans next month.  If Ebola starts to spread [More]
Last month’s revelation that an entire trial of two suspects to be charged with terrorist offences was to be held in secret exposes once again the growing lawlessness within the British ruling elite. In a chilling, top-secret judgement befitting a police state dictatorship issued on May 19, which only became public due to an appeal lodged by theGuardian and other newspapers, it was ruled that the trial could take place in total secrecy, with the identity of the two suspects concealed. No journalists were to be permitted to cover the trial, nor even to report on its existence. Then on June [More]
A review of Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview by Jerry Bergman. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
‘Christian’ compromises of Genesis actually marginalise the Creator; but relegating God to a ‘backstage role’ is to disregard the text itself, as well as to deny Him his rightful glory. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
“Eisenhower warned when he left office about the influence of the military-industrial complex and this is a perfect example of what he meant. This insane GMO policy is still being pushed today.”  Admin Studies that link Genetically Modified (GM) food to multiple human health ailments are not the only thing that has millions of people questioning the production of GM food. The fact that previously classified secret government documents show how the Bush administration developed ways to retaliate against countries that were refusing to use GM seeds is another. If documents regarding our food are required to be concealed from [More]
Super low in calories, naturally fat-free and having more potassium than four bananas, coconut water is one of the best electrolyte hydrators in the world. It’s Mother Nature’s sports drink and it is just as effective (or more effective) than any carbo-electrolyte drink on the market. Coconut water has fewer calories, less sodium, and more potassium than any sports drink. Ounce per ounce, most unflavored coconut water contains 5.45 calories, 1.3 grams sugar, 61 milligrams (mg) of potassium, and 5.45 mg of sodium compared to Gatorade, which has 6.25 calories, 1.75 grams of sugar, 3.75 mg of potassium, and 13.75 [More]
The eleven-year Hell Creek Project involved collecting fossils from the famous Montana Hell Creek Formation, including over fifty Triceratops specimens. The latest report from the project, however, reveals three “logic holes” in its attempts to answer questions about when and how these dinosaurs evolved. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Creation Moments Mitochondria generate energy inside each of your cells. They have their own DNA, which is passed directly from mother to child. This fact and the known rate at which mitochondrial DNA mutates has led to some conclusions which would be expected by those who accept the biblical history of mankind. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“Since Mr. O is such a great admirer of Islam this reinventing of history is not surprising nor is the fact that Muslims support him the most strongly of all religious groups here.”  Admin President Obama’s remarks thanking Muslims for “building the very fabric of our nation” and claiming they were in part responsible for “the core of our democracy” have left many in and outside of Washington scratching their heads. But the Founding Fathers would find the comments even more baffling. Far from incorporating Islam into America’s early tapestry, their own writings reveal the Founding Fathers were at war [More]
“The former Archbishop needs to take a hard look at what’s going on in the world regarding Islams persecution of Christians, his remarks show how out of touch with reality he is.”  Admin Indeed, the British values of female genital mutilation, honor killing, jihad warfare, sex slavery gangs — Muslims are bringing these and other British values roaring back. “‘Islam is reviving British values’, says former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams,” by Lizzie Dearden, the Independent, August 2, 2014 (thanks to Anup): Islam is rejuvenating “British values”, the former Archbishop of Canterbury has claimed while lambasting sections of the press [More]
Who has ever heard of a fossilized brain? Few would expect such a discovery, yet it looks like that’s what researchers found inside a Stone Age skull from Norway. If so, it would confirm a published creation prediction and challenge many evolutionary timescales. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Update: Since secularists and some media outlets have been falsely accusing me of saying space aliens are going to hell as a result of this post, please read my response here. I’m shocked at the countless hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent over the years in the desperate and fruitless search for extraterrestrial life. Even Bill Nye “the Science Guy,” in our recent debate, happily gloated about tax dollars being spent toward this effort. And now, secular scientists are at it again. Of course, secularists are desperate to find life in outer space, as [More]
What’s even worse than claiming that the Bible is ‘wrong’? Saying that it’s ‘not even wrong’! But this is the unfortunate consequence of many compromise views on Genesis history. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
“The guards don’t run the prison, Islam does.” — Tommy Robinson, upon his release from prison. “The state is finding it harder to do its most basic duty, which is to protect the public.” — UK Home Secretary Theresa May. The court heard how he doused his wife with gasoline and set her on fire. His defense attorney told the jurors, “He wasn’t being listened to, he wasn’t being obeyed.” Tablighi Jamaat — a fundamentalist Islamic sect opposed to Western values such as democracy and equal rights, but committed to “perpetual jihad” to spread Islam around the world — is [More]
By Creation Moments In the book of Judges we read of how “a certain woman” gave the Philistine leader Abimelech a skull fracture when she threw a millstone on him from a tower. Some biblical scholars concluded that no woman could lift a millstone to throw it. Besides, what would a millstone be doing at the top of a tower? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“There is a chart in the article that shows 36 percent of the so called “very religious” lean to vote democratic. Given all the ungodly things the democrats support and stand for one might consider this surprising but given how much ungodliness has crept into the Church maybe not.”  Admin The so-called “God Gap” between Republicans and Democrats continues to play an important role in partisan differences, according to a new Gallup poll. Among very religious Americans, about half, 49 percent, identify as Republican or are likely to vote Republican. Among nonreligious Americans, also about half, 52 percent, identify as [More]
By Ken Ham Well, the intolerant secularists are at it again. They are organizing a protest of the AiG Mega Conference in Costa Mesa, California. But this is a private conference, held on private property, and nobody is being forced to attend. Yet apparently for these secularists, such a conference should not even be held—perhaps be outlawed entirely in this land of the free! The Freethought Alliance and Backyard Skeptics (claimed by the group to be the largest secular organization in Orange County) sent out an email stating they will be protesting the AiG conference being held at Calvary Chapel [More]
It is difficult sometimes to get the appropriate balance of ‘grace and truth’ when responding to opponents. Here are some principles that CMI uses. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Is there an evolutionary advantage to having a mode of swimming like this? …read more Read more here: creation.com