Exposes theistic evolutionists’ wrong views. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Ken Ham The American Humanist Association has launched a campaign asking all Americans to sit down during Pledge of Allegiance until Congress removes the phrase “under God.” This isn’t the first time the American Humanist Association has tried to get “under God” struck. Their efforts imploded on the rocks of reason, when in May they lost a lawsuit demanding the pledge’s ban in Massachusetts. They claimed that the pledge discriminates against unbelievers, but the court ruled that, since recitation even in public schools is voluntary, no one’s rights are being violated. A similar suit is now underway in New
The Standard Model of particle physics is on a collision course with the Big Bang model. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Creation Moments Parents today are under a lot of pressure to be more “permissive” and less “authoritative” in raising their children. Research has now shown the results of this progressive thinking. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Below are two articles on the Ebola test, apparently it can give false negatives. Not exactly news you want to hear. Lets hope this is something rare.” Admin On July 15, Omeonga’s boss walked into his office at St. Joseph Catholic Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia full of worry. The hospital director told Omeonga he had shaken hands with a man who was later diagnosed with Ebola, and now he was feeling ill—the director had been vomiting, had a headache, and was running a high fever. But two days later, when the diagnostic test came back negative, that worry was banished,
“We just keep ignoring the Bible and doing what is presumed right in our own eyes, pounding more nails in our spiritual coffin.” Admin The Supreme Court unexpectedly cleared the way Monday for a dramatic expansion of gay marriage in the United States and may have signaled that it’s only a matter of time before same-sex couples can marry in all 50 states. Rejecting appeals from five states seeking to preserve their bans, the Supreme Court effectively made such marriages legal in 30 states, up from 19 and the District of Columbia, taking in every region of the country. Challenges
“This happened 10/5/14 and is something that’s been needed for a long time. It’s time for churches to address relevant issues and not be timid about doing it.” Admin Nearly 1,500 pastors nationwide are expected to participate in an effort today that seeks to challenge government restrictions against political speech from the pulpit. The effort is called Pulpit Freedom Sunday, and was organized by the Pulpit Initiative, a project of the Christian legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). As the seventh annual event of its kind, ADF is encouraging pastors to “speak truth into every area of life from the
Dr. Hugh Ross wrings “reasons to believe” out of God’s Word, not by simply reading what’s there, but by twisting and distorting it. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“Personally, I walk for cardio/weight loss and do Isometrics for strength. Keeps me in great shape for my age. Power Isometrics by D. Nordmark is a good book on the subject, it can be found on Amazon.” Admin “Getting in shape” can relate to a lot of things. It can be spiritually, mentally, physically and so on. Getting in shape doesn’t suggest an “ideal” image, but more so a feeling and being healthy in all categories. When we think of what it feels like to go about life not having enough energy or feeling tight/pain all of the time or
If you and your family love to break bread but at the same time do not want to poison yourself then let us help you find the healthiest bread on the market, the breads to avoid, and why! Bread is being blamed more and more for many health problems, it mainly has a bad reputation because grains are not easy for your body to digest and can overwork your pancreatic enzymes, an overload of gluten and contains the anti-nutrient phytic acid. The wheat crops in this country have been through some serious genetic manipulation to make them profitable for the
“The article notes that no special state or Fed gov funds are being used to pay for the extra program these kids will need, so the cost is being dumped on the local community apparently. Another mess created by Mr. O and his idiotic open borders policy.” Admin The placement of illegal immigrant students has wreaked havoc on schools across the country. Many schools that have never had to deal with challenging situations related to immigrant students are now forced to do just that because of the federal government’s actions. The Statesboro Herald reports: Fifty-four Central American refugee students, some
Animals were flexing their muscles even “before” the Cambrian Explosion. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Seattle – A new study published in the September 2014 volume of the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology reveals a significant correlation between autism disorder (AD) and MMR, Varicella (chickenpox) and Hepatitis-A vaccines. Using statistical analysis and data from the US Government, UK, Denmark and Western Australia, scientists at Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) found that increases in autistic disorder correspond with the introduction of vaccines using human fetal cell lines and retroviral contaminants. Even more alarming, Dr Theresa Deisher, lead scientist and SCPI founder noted that, “Not only are the human fetal contaminated vaccines associated with autistic disorder
By Ken Ham I’ve had to deal with my share of critics in over 30 years of ministry! Often times I never know what I am going to be asked. And these can be stressful situations dealing with attacks on the authority of the Bible. How prepared are you for such attacks? We have a brand new book out that will help you learn how to deflect these hostile critics’ claims. Consider for a moment the last time that you struggled to provide a solid biblical answer to a newspaper, blog, debate board, or maybe a comment on YouTube or
“Coconut oil has also been shown to benefit Alzheimers as well, story 1 and story 2.” Admin Simple diet and other lifestyle changes reversed memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients in groundbreaking UCLA study. Read More Activist Post: UCLA Discovers Natural Treatment for Reversing Alzheimer’s Memory Loss.
Abby Martin speaks with RT Correspondent Marina Portnaya, about a new UN resolution that is being compared to the US Patriot Act, going over how the text could allow countries to increase surveillance under the name of counter terrorism, as well as giving states new tools to crack down on dissent by simply labeling activists ‘terrorists’. read more Activist Post: Did The UN Just Pass The Global Patriot Act?.
A new movie attempts to create awareness of the problems facing Christian families when their children attend university …read more Read more here: creation.com
Listen Now. part 1 On this episode of ID the Future, Senior Fellow Dr. David Berlinski and Casey Luskin discuss Steven Pinker’s argument from his recent book The Better Angels of Our Nature that human nature is improving. Tune in to this first segment as Dr. Berlinski examines statistical evidence used in support of Pinker’s argument and explains why he has doubts about Pinker’s claim that violence is on the decline.
By Ken Ham I wrote yesterday about the Duggar family, stars of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, and their visit to the Creation Museum. During their tour of the museum and gardens one of the older girls, Jessa, posted some pictures from the Creation Museum on Instagram that have quickly attracted a lot of attention, including being featured in a US Magazine article. Here is a photo Jessa posted of an exhibit inside the museum: Her caption read, If there really was a worldwide flood (as the Bible speaks of), what would the evidence be? Billions of dead things buried
By Ken Ham In February 2015 Bill Nye will be making his first speaking tour of my home country Australia to “foster a scientifically literate society, making science entertaining and accessible.” According to the group hosting Mr. Nye, Think Inc. . . . is hosting Bill Nye the Science Guy to promote the sciences, and prompt thought in evolution among young adults. As Bill Nye says: “We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need . . . engineers that can build stuff, solve problems.” Now, the website describes the event as trying to “prompt thought in
By Ken Ham If you live in the area of Washington, DC, make sure you register for an event coming to a church nearby. On Saturday, October 18, I will be giving two presentations and a Q & A session at Severn Christian Church in Maryland. I don’t often get the opportunity to speak in this area, so please help spread the word. My speaking topics will cover such subjects as the six days of creation, age of the earth, defending the Christian faith, and how to present the gospel in this very secular age. There will also be a
“Just an ill-conceived attack on home schooling. All other school shootings have been done by public school students, what does that say about public schools. You can be sure that these “tests” will be used to find problems of some sort so as to make home schooling in Connecticut more difficult which is what this is really all about. Have to get those kids into the gov. indoctrination centers i.e. public schools.” Admin A Connecticut commission has made recommendations that would restrict the freedom of homeschooling families. The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, created by Governor Dannel P. Malloy in the
“Be sure to read Dr. Brown’s commentary after the initial report.” Admin Accredited or not accredited … that is the question. Keeping to its biblical code of behavior as a Christian college since 1889, Gordon College has now been given an ultimatum by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC): be an accredited academic institution by accepting “homosexual practice” or stick to its Christian teachings on sexual behavior and be unaccredited. Read More College accreditation: Please God – or please man?.
By Creation Moments In the fall the plants and trees of much of the Earth’s northern hemisphere prepare for winter. Flowers lose their petals, and the leaves fall from trees as the air begins to become cooler. But there is far more to this change in the plants than simply a response to lower temperatures. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Excellent reviews for it on Amazon where it can be purchased in Kindle, paperback or hardback format” Admin By Ken Ham Todd Friel is a dear friend to me and to our ministry here at Answers in Genesis. I am a fan of his work and appreciate his bold stance regarding the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. Todd recently released a book titled Jesus Unmasked: The Truth Will Shock You, published by New Leaf Press. NLP is a publishing extension of New Leaf Publishing Group, as is Master Books, my exclusive publisher. I appreciate the work of New Leaf Publishing
“This policy makes no sense. Since Ebola symptoms can take up to 21 days to occur you could have many seemingly well victims arrive here only to later on manifest signs after they have made contact with who knows how many people, a prescription for disaster. Yet this CDC chief thinks that banning flights wouldn’t help, nonsense. If you’re trying to have Ebola spread here then letting flights continue unabated from Ebola plagued countries will most likely accomplish that” Admin Someone please PLEASE explain to me how this makes sense at all. Please. Now, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, the
By Ken Ham by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge Well, it’s been over seven months since my historic debate with Bill Nye “the Science Guy.” Our conservative estimate is that upwards of 15 million people have now seen this widely recognized debate. And now we have an exciting announcement to make. Popular AiG speaker and author Bodie Hodge (my son-in-law) and I have written what we believe is a unique and powerful book about the debate—not just dealing with the content of the debaters, but detailing behind the scenes and personal information. We believe this publication (estimated to be …read