Another Fabricated Jobs Report — Paul Craig Roberts –

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“Big brother in Orwell’s novel 1984 was always bombarding the people with glowing reports of tremendous factory output and productivity which of course was a complete lie, our government uses the same tactics. Over time when you go to the supermarket are you paying more or less each time you check out, I think that is a better indicator of how things really are than fictitious government statistics.”  Admin

Everything we hear from the US government, the puppet governments of its vassal states, and the presstitute media is a lie. Truth is the declared enemy of the West. Those who try to tell the truth do so at cost to themselves. These costs can range from exclusion and slander to watch lists to prosecution and imprisonment. Brave people like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, William Binney, and Bradley Manning have paid an extremely high price for standing up for truth against evil.

The question is: Is truth more powerful than the sword or is truth just an inconvenience and a threat to a reassuring life of delusion?

Some readers tell me that having to face the truth saps their confidence in the future.

Others express their disgust with clueless, complacent and willfully ignorant Americans who even if they understood what was going on lack the courage to defend their civil liberties and the truth that is liberty’s foundation. As one put it, “People are victims until they know the truth, but when they learn the truth and remain victims they become volunteers.”

This site is for those who do not want to be deceived by lies and become volunteers.

It is your site. It depends on your support. My enthusiasm is determined by your enthusiasm.

Another Fabricated Jobs Report — Paul Craig Roberts

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