By Creation Moments No matter where you live, it is likely that a wondrous creature is, right now, at work in or near your lawn. This creature has more ability to sense the things going on around him than a sophisticated space probe. It can even hear earthworms chewing beneath the ground. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Big brother in Orwell’s novel 1984 was always bombarding the people with glowing reports of tremendous factory output and productivity which of course was a complete lie, our government uses the same tactics. Over time when you go to the supermarket are you paying more or less each time you check out, I think that is a better indicator of how things really are than fictitious government statistics.” Admin Everything we hear from the US government, the puppet governments of its vassal states, and the presstitute media is a lie. Truth is the declared enemy of the West. Those who
By Tessa Rath On this episode of ID the Future, biologist Richard Sternberg continues with the fifth part of his presentation of evidence that refutes the myth that the human genome is full of junk DNA. This is the second in a series from a recent Science and Human Origins conference featuring Dr. Sternberg, John West, Ann Gauger and Casey Luskin. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
A highly unusual spider testifies to biblical creation. …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, biologist Richard Sternberg continues with the fourth part of his presentation of evidence that refutes the myth that the human genome is full of junk DNA. This is the second in a series from a recent Science and Human Origins conference featuring Dr. Sternberg, John West, Ann Gauger and Casey Luskin. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
“Great video expose on leftist indoctrination going on in our schools.” Admin Fox News’ Megyn Kelly just released this shocking new documentary about how serious liberal indoctrination is inside America’s public schools. If it wasn’t clear how far the left has gone in taking over educating our children and how much Islamic culture is taught in the classroom, this will change that. Watch (above) as Kelly gives examples of a high school teacher stomping on the American flag and another school which said a pledge to the country of Mexico! In one 6th grade class, President George Bush was compared
“Something else to avoid.” Admin In a scathing expose of the USDA’s new meat inspection program, the Washington Post quoted a representative from the meat inspectors union, who said: “pig processing lines may be moving too quickly to catch tainted meat… Tremendous amounts of fecal matter remain on the carcasses. Not small bits, but chunks.” What about the other white meat? In the video, Autopsy of Chicken Nuggets, you can see an infographic the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine created to highlight what they consider to be the five worst contaminants in chicken products. In their investigation of retail chicken
By Robert Crowther On this episode of ID the Future, biologist Richard Sternberg continues with the third part of his presentation of evidence that refutes the myth that the human genome is full of junk DNA. This is the second in a series from a recent Science and Human Origins conference featuring Dr. Sternberg, John West, Ann Gauger and Casey Luskin. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
“Lots of good info on healthy chocolate plus a couple of good video interviews as well.” Admin A considerable number of studies are in agreement that dark chocolate has pronounced health benefits1—provided you eat it in moderation (one to two ounces is recommended by some researchers2). The same cannot be said for milk chocolate, however. There’s a big difference between your average chocolate bar and what could be referred to as “therapeutic” chocolate. To understand this better, here are some definitions: Cacao: Refers to the plant Theobroma cacao, cultivated for its seeds, known as cacao beans or cocoa beans. Cacao
Most of us have seen the Top 10 lists of why we should be drinking lemon water. But do we really know the added vitality and cleansing effects on the body lemon water provides? Lemon water sounds like a good idea, and you’ve probably seen pictures on Pinterest of large pitchers of water with vibrant lemons and the top 10 reasons why you should be drinking it. It’s easy to take these images and lists at face value, and most won’t end up actually drinking lemon water regularly, rather be able tell their friends the top 10 reasons lemon water
Earth’s magnetic field decay, combined with rapid reversals during the Flood, is good evidence for a young world. But now one secular co-author of the rapid reversal papers has retracted. …read more Read more here:
What began as possibly the first organized opposition to evolution grew into England’s Creation Science Movement. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments In many of our Creation Moments programs, we have shown that animal intelligence is not a result of evolution but God’s gift to His creatures. While animals are limited to a much smaller area of specialty, some can perform feats of intelligence that even man cannot accomplish. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Just one more reason to be wary of vaccines.” Admin Unbelievably, the method of producing vaccines using cells that are derived directly from human cancer tumors has been approved even though the vaccines may induce cancer in recipients. This method is cheaper and faster than breeding animals for the culture media – and human cancer tumors are readily available. At a meeting of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2012, the discussion which led to approval was no less than a scandal. [1] The health authorities and vaccine manufacturers blatantly revealed their uncertainty regarding the safety of vaccines
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
When this article was written, the number of West Africans who contract the deadly Ebola virus was doubling about every three and a half weeks, making it the worst outbreak of the disease since the first recorded occurrence in 1976. Where did this virus come from? More… …read more Read more here:
“You just never know what an act of kindness might lead to!” Admin When a young Filipino girl received a Christmas gift-filled shoebox in 2000, she couldn’t have imagined that one day she would meet the 7-year-old boy from Idaho who packed the box in a small town 7000 miles away. And, she never dreamed that she would marry the American boy, now grown up, 14 years later. This month Joana and her new husband Tyrel Wolfe dropped off their own gift shoeboxes at Samaritan’s Purse headquarters in North Carolina, where Operation Christmas Child is run, and told their remarkable
The biblical account of death stands in stark contrast to the Western story of death and evolution over millions of years. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham What do climate change, evolution, and aliens have in common? Well, according to comments by the author of a study reported in Christian Today, evangelicals are hesitant to embrace science because we (supposedly) deny all these things. But is this true? Are creationists science-deniers? Science vs. God’s Word? The author of the study, Joshua Ambrosius, does what many evolutionists (such as Bill Nye) do when he wrongfully equates science with climate change and evolution, saying, “Evangelicals have been hesitant to recognize the discoveries of modern science—from evolutionary origins to climate change.” Notice how he claims evangelicals are
“The main stream media has done virtually no reporting on this even though this resolution could put us on a direct path to WW III! The warmongering crazies in our government must have lost their collective minds, provoking a war with Russia based on falsehoods and fabrications is sheer lunacy. But we already know that such a war will occur based on the dreams and visions many have had of it. Now is the time to pray that God will intervene and stop this madness before it’s too late.” Admin Today the US House passed what I consider to be
Some of the top medical procedures in the world involve either radiating, poisoning or surgical removal of human tissue. To medical professionals, the solution is to eliminate the problem in the fastest way possible, regardless of the short or long-term consequences. Think twice before you decide to commit to any of these procedures. There is always an alternative. Read More 7 Of The Top Medical Procedures Whose Risks Far Exceed Any Benefit.
Christianity significantly influenced every aspect of colonial life and was at the heart of many laws which were to govern colonial and later American society. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Multimedia On this episode of ID The Future, CSC Research Director Casey Luskin examines a recent paper in Genome Biology and Evolution which argues that the famous beta-globin pseudogene is functional. Why is this pseudogene famous? Well, it’s been Exhibit A — literally, offered as evidence in a court case — for critics of intelligent design who argue that our genome is full of useless, functionless junk, and therefore can’t be a product of design. In light of this new evidence for the functionality of the beta-globin pseudogene, it seems that this so-called Exhibit A, collapses. Your browser does
Old-earth creationists fumble in their attempt to avoid Jesus’ clear teaching about the age of the earth. …read more Read more here:
15 Questions for Evolutionists Evolution: the naturalistic origin of life and its diversity (The General Theory of Evolution, as acknowledged by prominent evolutionists, includes the origin of life; see introduction to Origin of life.) by Don Batten 1. How did life originate? Evolutionist Professor Paul Davies admitted, “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.”1 Andrew Knoll, professor of biology, Harvard, said, “we don’t really know how life originated on this planet”.2 A minimal cell needs several hundred proteins. Even if every atom in the universe were an experiment with all the
By Creation Moments All toads are not fat and ugly. The golden toad, which lives only in a few square miles of the cloud forest of Costa Rica, is a trim and slim toad with garishly bright orange coloring. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Coconut oil has made the journey from villain to victor in the health food world. What used to be deemed an evil saturated fat, dangerous for anyone worried about heart disease and high blood pressure, has become a healing nourishing substance soaring in popularity. How did such a drastic change come about? What made people change their minds about the numerous benefits of coconut oil? This story is tied in with the saturated fat myth that to this day runs rampant spreading misconceptions. …. Over 50 Coconut Oil Uses – Some Might Surprise You Read More The 50 Latest Coconut