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Adolf Hitler embraced Darwin’s ideas and eugenics to justify exterminating ‘weaker’ races. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
A DVD discussing whether or not God exists needs a push in the right direction. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Ann Gauger is on The Universe Next Door with Dr. Tom Woodward talking about her path to becoming a research scientist at the Biologic Institute. Listen in as she discusses her work in the areas of origins and common ancestry. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
Within the first three minutes of the Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye debate, it was obvious how radically the creation-evolution debate has changed since the 1970s and 1980s. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
“It looks like the state of FL will be turned into a GM experimental lab with unknown consequences. If you live in FL you may want to voice your concerns, the article tells you how.”  Admin Are you aware that genetically modified mosquitoes are being set for release worldwide? Right after GM mosquitoes were let loose in Brazil, dengue fever cases spiked. Now, the Florida Keys are in danger of facing a similar fate. The mosquitoes haven’t even been officially approved, but Oxitec, the British company who created the mosquitoes, has already shipped them to Florida. The only hope is [More]
“This is nothing short of astounding that a bill with such far reaching ramifications could be passed with only 3 members of the US house being present. Wait till you read what was in it. It is another major provocation which will lead us ever closer to war with Russia and nuclear destruction. I have never seen tensions this high since the days of the Cuban missile crisis in the early 60’s, this time though it’s the US taking the part of the bad guy.”  Admin Late Thursday night, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a far-reaching Russia sanctions bill, [More]
“The scenario outlined in this article certainly seems plausible based on everything we see going on around us. When the collapse will occur is anyone’s guess but the time to prepare for it is NOW!”  Admin America’s first 9/11 served to turn American into a police state under dictatorial control. In the name of protecting the people from experiencing a another 9/11, it became “necessary” to protect Americans from their Constitutional liberties in the name of fighting the “evil doers”. After 9/11 we saw the creation of the American Stasi and SS organizations in the name of the creation of [More]
By Ken Ham A new video series from Conservation International personifies nature to educate people about the supposed danger of looming human extinction, but really it is an ardent promotion of nature worship. Screenshot of natureisspeaking.org. These short films, voiced by famous actors such as Harrison Ford and Julia Roberts, declare without compassion such things as, I [the Ocean] am the source. I am what they crawled out of. Humans, they’re not different. I don’t owe them a thing . . . . It’s not their planet anyway. It never was. It never will be. I’ve [Mother Nature] been here [More]
From our environment, to our food, medicine and lifestyle, we are surrounded by things that depress our immune system. Knowing the culprits can make a big difference in how long and how often you encounter illness. Read More  11 Things Guaranteed to Depress Your Immune System – Waking Times : Waking Times.
The CDC recently admitted that this year’s flu shot likely won’t protect you from the flu, but did it ever? Though the CDC has issued a formal apology regarding the issue for this season, flu vaccinations have long been seen as ineffective by a horde of experts. But don’t worry – here you will find more than 20 natural flu remedies using natural antivirals. No surprise here, but there won’t be any refund for insurance companies or patients who have already taken a flu vaccination early as preparation for the 2015 flu season in January and February, despite the CDC’s [More]
“Just another attempt to silence Christians and forbid the mentioning of Scripture in any government controlled setting.”  Admin The U.S. Army has issued a “letter of concern” to a Georgia chaplain for citing the Bible during a recent suicide prevention training session. According to reports, Col. David Fivecoat, the commander of the Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade at Fort Benning, Ga., ordered Chaplain (CPT) Joe Lawhorn, to come to his office on Thanksgiving Day, at which time he presented him with the letter. Fivecoat expressed concern over the content of the session with the 5th Ranger Training Battalion at the [More]
“When the big banks go under again as they surely will then those who have deposits in them can kiss their money goodbye because of these new rules which have been enacted.”  Admin The G-20 met recently in Australia to make new banking rules for the next financial calamity. Financial reform advocate Ellen Brown says these new rules will allow banks to take money from depositors and pensioners globally. Brown explains, “It became rules we agreed to actually implement. There was no treaty, and Congress didn’t agree to all this. They use words so that it’s not obvious to tell [More]
“Of course these refugees were created by the US funding and training the murderous jihadists who are waring against the Assad government”  Admin Syrian refugees displaced by civil war. The federal government is preparing for another “surge” in refugees and this time they won’t be coming illegally from Central America. The U.S. State Department announced this week that the first major contingent of Syrian refugees, 9,000 of them, have been hand-selected by the United Nations for resettlement into communities across the United States. The announcement came Tuesday on the State Department’s website. Like the reporting you see here? Sign up [More]
NEW YORK (JTA) — Dimly lit, the stone slab, or stele, doesn’t look particularly noteworthy, especially when compared to the more lavish sphinxes, jewelry and cauldrons one encounters en route to the room where it is installed. Indeed, in a Twitter post this fall, art journalist Lee Rosenbaum described the nearly 13-by-16 inch c. 830 BCE rock, as “homely.” What’s significant about this stone — on view at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art as part of its “Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age” exhibit running through January 4 — is its inscription: “the earliest [More]
“In the angelic message given Dumitru Duduman about the Russian attack on the US he notes that before this attack people will start fighting against the government, we can see the preparations being put in place for it now. If you are not right with God, get right. Dangerous times are coming!”  Admin Shocking video provided exclusively shows a Washington state sheriff’s deputy proclaiming that law enforcement officers need armored military vehicles because of “constitutionalists” with firearms. Some Sheriff’s offices “just want to get rid” of “obsolete” vehicles, but they all love assault weapons LRAD sound weapon The video, shot [More]
If the Lu-Hf dating method has been calibrated against the U-Pb “gold standard” with its own uncertainties, then it cannot be absolute. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments A few decades ago, when computers first began to become available to the general public, some writers, particularly for popular science magazines predicted that computers would soon have an intelligence similar to human beings. Do you ever wonder what happened to such optimistic expectations? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Intriguing navigational aids of the ancient Icelandic seafarers …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Tessa Rath On this episode of ID the Future, hear Dr. Paul Nelson’s latest discussion with Tom Woodward on The Universe Next Door. Nelson and Woodward talk about what can be conceptualized about the origin of life from the story of Humpty Dumpty; Dr. Nelson’s experience in graduate school, and his recent visit to the intelligent design community in Brazil; and finally, current research around self-replicating RNA and the origin of life. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future [More]
Did your cat evolve to like you? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments What has five eyes and is the fastest-running insect on Earth? The little fellow is called the Cataglyphis, or desert ant. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“Another leftist attempt to totally takeover education starting from the earliest years. If you want to program childrens minds with leftist propaganda then starting young is a great way to do it.”  Admin The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round, just like the endless cycles of big, bad government programs to federalize preschool and daycare. On Wednesday, the White House Summit on Early Education will unveil nearly $1 billion in new “investments” to “expand access to high-quality early childhood education to every child in America” from “birth and continuing to age 5.” It’s a retread of President Obama’s [More]
Even though most of the laws and guiding principles that govern this nation are predicated on the Bible, a surprisingly large proportion of young Americans have developed not only an ambivalence toward Scripture, but an extremely negative view of it, as well. A Closer LookIn the largest study ever undertaken by the Barna Group on a single generation’s take on the Bible, it found many trends in Millennials (Americans ages 18 to 29) that some might find disturbing when it comes to the unchurched and heartening — when looking at the practicing Christians surveyed. Partnering with the American Bible Society [More]
By Ken Ham I’m always thrilled when Answers in Genesis has an opportunity to impact students with the truth of God’s Word. Recently, AiG’s Dr. David Menton was invited to speak to the Christian pharmacy student group at University of Cincinnati (about a 30-minute drive from our Creation Museum in northern Kentucky). Dr. Menton, who taught at Washington University’s prestigious school of medicine in St. Louis for 34 years, shared one of his popular talks, The Seeing Eye with pharmacy and medical students in attendance. The students appeared to be thrilled with his talk—the president of the student group said [More]
Responding to underhanded tactics to silence the creation message …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Evolutionists sometimes challenge those of us who believe in creation with the words, “Just name one scientist who doesn’t accept evolution!” Since many Christians are not familiar with the names of notable scientists, the evolutionist then says, “See! You can’t name any because there aren’t any!” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear a clip of Casey Luskin speaking at a recent Science and Human Origins conference. Casey discusses why the fossil evidence doesn’t support the claim that humans evolved from ape-like precursors. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future