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A critic asserts that no passage in the New Testament purports to be inspired by God. Is that true? …read more Source: creation.com     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE October 20, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) unanimously (15-0) voted to add unlicensed COVID-19 shots to the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules February 9, 2023, the CDC accepted the panel’s recommendation and officially added a primary series of mRNA COVID “vaccine” to its routine immunization schedules for children and adults, plus a bivalent booster While the addition of the COVID shots to the recommended vaccination schedule does not make the jabs mandatory for school attendance, their inclusion allows states and local jurisdictions [More]
Headlines last week declared natural immunity better protection than vaccines, based on a Lancet study that backed up a groundbreaking Israeli study from August 2021.   Yet vaccine mandates continue to block a full return to normalcy, and it’s taking a particularly hard toll on college kids.   Three years in — and well after COVID-19 ceased to be a deadly, nationwide threat — many institutions are still reluctant to let go of pandemic restrictions.   Parents have come to see how those lingering rules have hit the young especially hard. For college students, campuses feel forever altered under the weight of the ubiquitous refrain “to keep the [More]
SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA vaccine sequences circulate in blood up to 28 days after COVID-19 vaccination
  Alex Jones is joined by Mike Adams of https://naturalnews.com and Eric Coppolino (twitter: @PlanetWaves) to break down the severity of the fallout from the Ohio train derailment.   Watch: Ohio Derailment More Deadly Than Chernobyl, Experts Warn
Recently, video footage captured the spectacular collapse of an estimated 11,000 tons (22 million pounds) of rock, as a section of England’s Broadchurch cliffs catastrophically collapsed. The video footage may be seen in the link in the footnotes.1 The collapse of this section of the Broadchurch cliffs followed weeks of heavy rain. The Broadchurch cliffs are part of England’s famous Jurassic Coast, a 95-mil… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
02/22/23   Religious freedom has faced a number of attacks and setbacks during the Biden administration after President Trump instituted unprecedented protections for people of faith during his administration.   Some of the more egregious examples included the Department of Justice harassing and criminally charging pro-life protesters who demonstrated outside of an abortion clinic and the passage of the Equality Act that could significantly interfere with individuals free exercise of religion. Now, the Biden Department of Education has proposed eliminating a Trump-era rule that restricts federal funds for universities that restrict the religious freedom of students and faculty.   The [More]
02/22/23 “This will allow the Dems to pack every major federal agency with far left woke radicals and one can only imagine what a disaster that will be.” Admin Late last week President Biden expanded upon his original “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government” executive order because, according to the White House, “members of underserved communities — many of whom have endured generations of discrimination and disinvestment — still confront significant barriers to realizing the full promise of our great Nation, and the Federal Government has a responsibility to remove these barriers.”   Biden stated that [More]
02/212/23   For those who believe in a providential God who ultimately governs over the affairs of this world, it’s noteworthy that the revival on Asbury University campus is winding down this week just in time for the release of the movie “The Jesus Revolution.”   The film hits theaters nationwide Friday Feb. 24 starring Kelsey Grammer as California pastor Chuck Smith, one of the leaders during the Jesus movement of the late 1960s and ’70s, that saw hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, come to faith.   Jonathan Roumie plays hippie preacher Lonnie Frisbee in the movie. The actor is best known for the [More]
02/21/23   It takes a lot for a church service to make the news — but that’s exactly what’s happened at small Asbury University in Kentucky, where a spontaneous revival on campus has been going on for almost two weeks now.   Given the amount of publicity that the overflow crowds of students and others who have joined in, the cynical among us might think this was just a grift — a clever way for a young spiritual leader to make a name for himself, say, or a ploy to get money.   It’s natural to have these kind of [More]
When you’re hungry and craving a quick snack, it’s tempting to make some instant noodles or reheat leftover pizza instead of cooking something healthy. However, enjoying these processed foods regularly may have a negative effect on your overall health.   Data reveals that at least two-thirds of American adults are either overweight or obese. At the same time, millions of people eat fast food every day.   According to a large-scale population study conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney (USYD), eating highly-processed (ultra-processed) snacks can promote overeating, contribute to unwanted weight gain and even increase your risk of developing chronic disease.   [More]
Falun Gong and Shen Yun are opposed to atheism and belief in evolution, and appear to preach a recent creation. But what are biblical creationists and Christians generally to think? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Those randomized to 8.5 hours of sleep a night lost significantly more body fat than those who got 5.5 hours. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
Documents obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Dr Melissa McCann reveal that the TGA appears to have hidden numerous vaccine-induced deaths from the public view, including those of two children. Dr McCann shared the shocking revelation in her address at the Covid Vaccine Conference, hosted by Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party over the weekend in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. The event featured leading ICU physician Dr Pierre Kory, cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr Peter McCullough, and McCullough’s collaborator, author John Leake. Addressing sold out crowds, Dr McCann shared the extraordinary lengths she had to go to to extract causality [More]
By Ken Ham Some Christians have argued with us at Answers in Genesis for taking Genesis as literal history, thus insisting on six literal creation days, a young earth and universe, and Adam being created directly from dust and Eve directly from his side. They say that Christians have different interpretations of eschatology (premil, postmil, amil, etc.), baptism, speaking in tongues, and the Sabbath day; therefore, in the same way, Christians have different interpretations of Genesis. But there’s an enormous difference! When Christians disagree about eschatology, baptism, gifts, or the Sabbath, they’re primarily arguing from Scripture (called “exegesis”). Obviously, not [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) It is well-known that the COVID vax has the potential to cause numerous side effects, many of which lead to lifelong adverse health outcomes. Some of the world’s top physicians are now stepping forward to shine the spotlight on the widespread underreporting of vax injuries. A handful of the industry’s most respected clinicians are even going as far as acknowledging that the mainstream media are censoring COVID vax injuries. Courageous doctors step forward and warn about massive censorship of COVID shot related injuries and deaths It is no secret that we live in contentious [More]
“The criminal fraud illegally in the WH has once again shown his true colors by selling down the river and betraying his oath to support and defend the constitution and thereby our freedoms. But this is what you would expect from a lying, treasonous fraud like him.” Admin   The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would give this Geneva-based UN subsidiary the authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic.   Despite widespread criticism of the WHO’s response to the COVID pandemic, U.S. [More]
Executive summary Perinatal deaths are defined as fetal deaths (deaths after 20 weeks) and infant deaths (deaths after giving birth). These deaths are typically sent to a funeral home.   I talked with one of the funeral homes used by UCSF. In the last 6 months of 2022, they saw the rates of perinatal death cases jump by a factor of over 20X above normal.   I asked Dr. James Thorp about these numbers and his reaction was, “I’m not surprised.”   The hospitals aren’t talking and the mainstream media isn’t covering this, but I thought you should know.   Should [More]
10 billion dollars and 25 years in the making. Will it find extraterrestrial life? …read more Source: creation.com     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — all of these countermeasures were based on a combination of lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance Universal lockdowns have never before been used as a pandemic prevention measure, and for good reason. It doesn’t work. To prevent spread of infection, you isolate those who are actually sick. Healthy people cannot spread infection, so there’s [More]
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Source: creation.com     
Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker STORY AT-A-GLANCE Strawberries can be given as fresh, healthy pet treats or added to your pet’s nutritionally adequate, species-appropriate diet They are rich in flavonoids like anthocyanins, which offer antioxidative and antimicrobial activities, and may have protective effects against several diseases, like heart disease, cancer and diabetes Strawberries contain fisetin, a flavonoid antioxidant that has neurotrophic, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effects Strawberries also contain an enzyme called malic acid, which acts as a natural whitener for tooth enamel Strawberries are quintessential and versatile fruits that people add to many kinds of desserts and fresh fruit salads. [More]
As a cloud of mistrust grows that is as thick as the one of toxic gas that hovered over East Palestine, Ohio, after a train derailment early this month, one local resident is wondering at a strange coincidence that borders upon a potential conspiracy.   Farmer Bob Moore told the Gateway Pundit that he has trouble reconciling the toxic disaster with what had at first seemed like a push for residents to have medical data available online for first responders.   In October, the East Palestine Fire Department announced it would be using the MyID service to allow residents to have health information stored and available [More]
You’ll eat glorified cancer and be happy?   As the globalists continue to promote meat alternatives, a new concern has arisen regarding one of those alternatives — lab-grown “meat.” Namely, it is the fact that there have not yet been hard tests done to dispel fears that these products may cause cancer.   The lab-grown meat industry’s grappling with this question is detailed in a new Bloomberg report.   As the report explains, the materials used in many lab-grown meat products — immortalized cell lines — replicate eternally just like cancer does. While these cell lines have previously been used to [More]
“Video interview is at the bottom of the article.” Admin   “There are all kinds of things in the vaccine toolbox to kill or control you.”   “I think it’s hard to overstate the evil of this vaccine program,” claims Diana West in an exclusive interview for RAIR Foundation USA. “We are governed by people of dark criminality.”   West, a widely syndicated columnist, former CNN contributor, best-selling author, and Yale graduate, believes that the covid-19 vaccine campaign was just one cog in a giant wheel, accelerating us towards a total loss of our freedoms as we have known them to date. “I [More]
02/20/22   Oxford was one of the first to announce a scheme where car owners will be fined for driving outside of their local area. On Saturday, people gathered in Oxford to protest the 15-minute prisons the World Economic Forum and its collaborators are attempting to implement.   Proving that even children have more common sense and forethought than Net Zero Zealots, 12-year-old Jasmine sent Klaus Schwab a strong message: “How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of all children, by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison.”   David Kurten of the Heritage [More]
By Avery Foley An alternative but still wrong interpretation of archaeology …read more Source: AIG Daily