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Former Canadian paramedic Thomas O’Connor, who resigned from his job due to the unlawful mandates in Canada, revealed that his former colleagues are seeing significant increases in infant deaths since Christmas in their county.   The thirteen-year Ontario Paramedic veteran addressed a crowd in Pembroke, Ontario, and shared the shocking information:   Watch: Former Ontario Paramedic Reveals Massive Rise in Infant Deaths (Video) – RAIR
The Biden administration and the World Health Organization are conspiring with governments around the world behind closed doors to foist a massive “International Pandemic Treaty” on Americans and all of humanity,   The New American magazine’s Alex Newman warns in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The draft of the WHO agreement would seize control of pandemic response from nation-states and would even implement an Orwellian censorship regime to silence voices contradicting the official narrative.   However, it is still possible to defeat this monster — if Americans get involved.   Watch: Biden & UN WHO “Pandemic Treaty” Will Crush [More]
Transhumanism holds that scientific and technological advances can be used to improve humanity—at its heart it is a godless movement, and justified by belief in evolution. …read more Source: creation.com     
An overwhelmingly majority of Americans aged 17-24 are unfit for military service, according to a Department of Defense report.   The U.S. Armed Forces increasingly struggle to meet their recruiting targets for the nation’s volunteer military, an issue in part attributable to the ever shrinking pool of eligible recruits. A colossal 77% of Americans aged 17-24 are unfit for military service, the Pentagon has concluded, a figure which has risen 6% since 2017.   The DOD report, which was cited in a Feb. 16 congressional hearing, according to the Epoch Times, concluded that obesity was a driving factor in the eligibility [More]
Ben Armstrong Show: If a stranger at a bar poisoned a 24-year-old’s drink and they died, everyone would care. If the government poisons the same 24-year-old with a vaccine and they die, nobody cares. Even their family might shrug their shoulders and just want to move on, nothing to see here, just forget it happened.   Watch: Nobody Cares When a Young Person Dies From The Vax  – The New American
This is why the CDC has NEVER used the Medicare data to prove the vaccines are safe. And this is why NOBODY in mainstream medicine wants you to see this data. EVER. They ALL want it hidden. FOREVER.   Executive summary Isn’t it a shame that none of the world’s governments make the vaccination-death records publicly available? My claim is that if they did that, it would end the debate instantly and prove to the world that the vaccines are unsafe. So that’s why they keep it locked up.   But apparently there is one whistleblower who is interested in [More]
A newly published report charges that animals in Ohio parks are dying “at alarming rates” following the derailment of a chemical-laden train in East Palestine only a few weeks ago.   There were 50 train carriages, 10 of which were carrying hazardous chemicals, that derailed on February 3. The railroad actually allowed a “controlled release” of the poisonous gasses on the Norfolk Southern train – reportedly to prevent an explosion.   A report from the Ohio Star said officials told East Palestine residents days after the accident they could return home, “despite the reports of hundreds of dead fish in the Ohio [More]
By Casey Luskin On today’s ID the Future, Casey Luskin rebuts the oft-repeated claim that the human and chimp genomes are 98-99% similar and therefore surely resulted from Darwinian common descent. Luskin cites an article in the journal Science which describes the 98-99% claim as a myth. The original figure was derived from a single protein-to-protein comparison, but once you compare the entire genomes, and use more rigorous methods, the similarity drops several percentage points, and on one account, down into the mid-80s. Additionally, the chimp genomes used in the original comparison studies borrowed the human genome for scaffolding, thus [More]
03/01/23   There is an enormous threat to children from Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and there is also a grave danger to the independence of private schools and homeschooling that comes from accepting government funding, warns education researcher Lisa Logan in this explosive interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman.   It is all part of a global agenda being pushed by the United Nations and UNESCO in particular. First, Logan explains how SEL is being used to manipulate children into radical political, cultural and even spiritual beliefs by hiding behind terms that are not threatening. [More]
03/01/23   What’s happening to children’s books is not child’s play. The opinion cartel is not only using new woke children’s literature to indoctrinate the young, but is even editing well-known titles from the past to make them politically correct.   Examples in the latter category include Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and other works by Roald Dahl. In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews Benjamin Faulkner about the subversion of children’s literature.   Ben, a researcher and writer for The John Birch Society and The New American, is now working on a major article on this topic. In this interview, he shares some [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Even getting just one more hour of sleep a night may help with weight control. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Ken Ham I believe God has done something for AiG way “more abundantly than all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20) that will help take the ministry to levels of impact we could not have imagined. And it will save tens of millions of dollars and years of time! Yes, truly “nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). Wouldn’t it be amazing for God to provide a way for AiG to have a building like the following with 36 acres and 900 parking spaces that would house our offices, an Answers Academy Christian school and Education Center, [More]
By Michael By Dr. Diane Fulton Eat lingonberries — the new superfood with exceptional health benefits. Lingonberries, also known as partridgeberries, redberries or Alaskan lowbush cranberries, grow on an evergreen shrub in northern climates. These berries contain important polyphenols — anthocyanins, resveratrol and quercetin — vitamins —… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Stew Peters Show: Public officials in Ohio continue to lie to the residents of East Palestine about the safety of the water. Kristen Johnson joins Stew to detail the sickness she developed after driving through East Palestine. The creek water in East Palestine is laced with chemicals and is killing beavers and raccoons. Governor Mike DeWIne should have never authorized the dumping of chemicals from intact train cars and lighting them on fire! They ‘chernobyled’ East Palestine Ohio!
By Troy Lacey A secular interpretation of the global flood falls short …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Stew Peters Show: Protect you and your family from dangerous spike proteins at http://HeroicDoctors.com Dr. Paul Alexander is here to expose the lies about the mRNA bioweapon injections. The medical industrial complex has falsely claimed the clot shot stays localized at the injection site. In reality, the death vaxx circulates deadly mRNA throughout the entire body. All of those involved in developing mRNA technology knew from the beginning it would not stay at the injection site. Is it possible unvaccinated blood transfusions could help the vaccinated recover from the effects of the bioweapon? Read Dr. Alexander on his Substack at https://palexander.substack.com/p/covid-mrna-technology-vaccine-sequences
Stew Peters Show: Innocent Canadian children have died in the thousands because of the death vaccine. Odessa Orlewicz joins Stew to talk about the plethora of kids who are dying suddenly. 80% of Canadian children have been double vaxxed. Provinces are no longer reporting the number of flu deaths to conceal the surge in vaccine-related fatalities. A murderous regime from around the world has colluded together to kill our children!
Stew Peters Show: The vaccinated are ticking time bombs! Terry Jenkins is here to tell her story about how the vaccine caused debilitating and life threatening side effects. When local pharmacists are confronted about peddling death causing vaccines they gaslight and dismiss the evidence as “crazy”. If pharmacists don’t tell people that death is a potential side effect then they have blood on their hands. More and more people are waking up and realizing the shots are very dangerous. Terry Jenkins’ father died three months after he received his fourth shot! Several in Terry’s family received the shot and all [More]
“This was no controlled burn, this was a deliberate action to make this disaster as harmful as possible by releasing this toxic cloud of chemicals and dioxin into the atmosphere, soil and water. Would you want to drink the water or eat any crops grown in this area.” Admin   Residents of East Palestine, Ohio have been reporting bizarre symptoms following the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment and subsequent toxic explosion, the NY Post reports.   “Doctors say I definitely have the chemicals in me but there’s no one in town who can run the toxicological tests to find out which ones they [More]
The humble fingernail turns out to have intricate design. The middle layer has fibres aligned to prevent tearing down to the nail beds, and the two outer layers make nails as strong as hooves. …read more Source: creation.com     
02/27/23   The “Ministry of Truth” appeared in “1984,” a creation of author George Orwell, and it was assigned to deal with the dissemination of lies.   Since then, Joe Biden has been accused a number of times of trying to create that very entity, through his now-defunct “Disinformation Governance Board” and more.   Now there’s a specific plan being offered in Washington State that is, in fact, nothing more than a “state-level ‘Ministry of Truth.'”   That’s according to Live Finne, of the Washington Policy Center, who charged the new legislative proposal “would criminalize certain forms of expression based [More]
By Michael By John Anderer Olive oil is a pillar of the Mediterranean diet, widely considered one of the healthiest approaches to eating. The health benefits of olive oil are hardly a secret, and most are attributable to its minor components such as polyphenols. Now, a new… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham Gender confusion is sweeping through our culture at an alarming rate (in fact, you could even say it’s quite literally “catching”—more on that below), leaving broken, hurting victims in its wake. Yes, many young people are now waking up, realizing the rosy picture painted for them was a lie—but the irreversible damage has already been done, and there’s no going back. (But Christ is the answer to the hurt and brokenness—he can make you whole!) What choices can parents make to, by God’s grace, do their best to avoid a horror story like this in their own [More]
Shanna Swan, Ph.D., a reproductive epidemiologist with the Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York, has been studying declining sperm counts for decades. In 2017, she and colleagues published a study that went viral because it predicted an impending fertility crisis. Men experienced a 50% to 60% decline in sperm counts from 1973 to 2011, the 2017 study found, amounting to a decline of over 1% per year over the last 50 years.1,2 The team then expanded the study, adding seven years of data and an expanded geographical range. The new study, published in Human Reproduction Update in November [More]
By Michael By Joe Vitiello We have the meats! Okay, we borrowed that from Arby’s, but seriously, we do have a whole lot of meat in this article, but not just any meat. How about the healthiest meats, according to nutrition experts? First, let’s clarify: what is… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham It seems every day there’s a new challenge to the truth of God’s Word and the gospel, whether from the “hard” sciences, archaeology and historical studies, or our increasingly anti-God culture. These challenges are hurled by everyone, from serious academics to social media influencers. How can we equip Christians (especially our young people) to think through these attacks and discern truth from error? Christians are told to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Mark 12:30). God wants us to think through things but to do so with minds renewed by the [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Sam Calavitta, aka Coach Cal, founder of The Treigning Lab, has put together much of the health science I’ve been teaching over the years into a unique training program that is getting extraordinary results The most central strategies are those that optimize ATP production (energy production) and mitochondrial function ATP (the energy currency of your cells) can be produced in three ways: aerobically in the mitochondria, anaerobically in the cytosol, or through phosphocreatine. Of these, the phosphocreatine pathway is the most effective in terms of boosting athletic performance, as it allows your body [More]