So often Christians have not received any training on how to defend their faith starting with the book of foundations–;Genesis. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola This film was proudly brought to you by FMTV, the Netflix® for Nutrition and Health. Want to LEARN how to improve your health with thought-provoking documentaries and interviews featuring the world’s leading health and wellness experts?Start Your FREE 10 Day Trial and kickstart your health today! Would you like to get Super Juiced? Click through to the official Super Juice Me website for details. By Dr. Mercola If you feel challenged in consuming enough vegetables, then making a small investment in a high-quality juicer is one of the best steps you can take for your health. Raw
Do raindrop imprints help identify the pre-Flood/Flood boundary? …read more Read more here:
By (Activist) By Heather Callaghan After America has witnessed at least two cases of forced chemotherapy on children – the true, damaging nature of chemotherapy bubbles to the surface. A 17-year-old was strapped down and forcefully injected chemo toxins against her express wishes after it went before a judge. Likewise, an Ohio children’s hospital caught dosing a 10-year-old Amish girl with experimental chemotherapy drugs got a judge to uphold an order to keep up the “life-saving” procedure. The family left the country for her recovery with alternative methods. The unfortunate truth is that judges setting these violating …read more
This is a special day because it is one that has brought a wave of wisdom, clarity, complete transparency and transformation to our entire perspective on health, wellness and disease prevention. We were enlightened with 35 revelations today which shocked us to our core and we’re sharing them with you in the hopes you will spread this profound information to help educate others. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Creation Moments Are zebras white with black stripes or are they black with white stripes? If you’re thinking that zebras just have a coat of two colors and that they don’t have a “background” color at all, think again. Embryologists tell us that the zebra’s background color is black and that their stripes and bellies are white additions. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you want a better birth experience, you may want to stay out of the hospital. Women are becoming increasingly disenchanted with their hospital birth experiences for a number of reasons. With insurance companies forcing hospitals to herd patients in and out as quickly as possible, many women report their birth experience feels rushed, impersonal and sanitized. The documentary “Business of Being Born,” produced by Rikki Lake, explores the home birth experience from the vantage point of expectant moms, dads, and midwives. If you are planning a family, I strongly encourage you to watch.
By REALdeal Source: 7 Ways to Erase Wrinkles, Sagging Skin & Fine Lines Naturally For more content like this visit by KAREN AZEEZ It seems like every magazine features the new cream, lotion or serum that’s touted to be the next “superstar for healthy skin.” Women will throw down a week’s wages for the promise of banishing fine lines and wrinkles – and are often sadly disappointed. But in reality, true beauty comes from within. [&hellip Source: 7 Ways to Erase Wrinkles, Sagging Skin & Fine Lines Naturally Learn more at – Healthy …read more Read more here:
By REALdeal Source: The Top 8 Natural Remedies For Sciatic Pain For more content like this visit The sciatic nerve is one of the largest nerves in the body. It begins at the lower spine and runs through the buttocks and down the lower limb to the foot. This nerve provides movement, feeling and strength in the legs. About 40% of the world’s population will suffer from sciatica at some point in [&hellip Source: The Top 8 Natural Remedies For Sciatic Pain Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham The producers of the hit TV mini-series The Bible have just come out with a new series titled A.D. The Bible Continues to show what happened after the Crucifixion of Christ. The NBC website describes the purpose of this program this way: [It is] an uplifting spiritual journey through the later chapters of biblical history. “A.D. The Bible Continues” picks up where the smash hit miniseries “The Bible” left off, continuing the greatest story ever told and exploring the exciting and inspiring events that followed the Crucifixion of Christ. The first episode, “The Tomb is Open,” aired
By Phyllis A number of health conditions can cause the white blood cell count to plummet. Infections, leukemia, cancer treatments, anemia, medications, autoimmune disorders, and even allergies can all take aim at the immune system, weakening it and leaving the body more vulnerable to infections. What is White Blood Cell Count? White blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, and typically work as part of the immune system to fight off bacterial and viral infections. What’s considered a “normal” white blood cell count is usually between 4,500 to 10,000 white blood cells (WBCs) per microliter of blood. Those who
By jeery park This plant is a very hearty succulent that can grow in a wide range of climates. Moreover, it can survive in temperatures from freezing colds to 120 degrees F, as well as in droughts and a rain-forests as long as its roots do not drown or get damaged. Its leaves are harvested to obtain liquids that can be sold or processed into gel by combining it with a thickening agent. Additionally, this substance has many important benefits and has soared in popularity to treat variety of conditions. Health Benefits and uses of Aloe vera juice 1. Weight
By Ken Ham The AiG website was again recognized for excellence in 2015 by winning the Best Multichannel Initiative award at the National Religious Broadcasters conference. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The rapidly declining moral state of America was the subject of a recent New York Times opinion piece. In it, the author bemoaned the deplorable state of many of today’s families and nationwide moral problems. He wrote, “We now have multiple generations of people caught in recurring feedback loops of economic stress and family breakdown, often leading to something approaching an anarchy of the intimate life.” This opinion piece is titled “The Cost of Relativism,” and it certainly shows what moral relativism is costing this nation. The author, David Brooks, states, It’s increasingly clear that sympathy is
By Creation Moments Over the years, Creation Moments has been introducing you to animals that are superior to humans when it comes to such things as eyesight, hearing and the ability to survive in conditions that are too hot or cold for us humans. But now, some scientists in Australia are saying that animals are smarter than us, too! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Debi Elison-Warsat Turmeric is an ancient Ayurveda medicine that has been used for centuries throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia. It is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds there is, and now it has been found that it can help with cancer as well. Cancer is a disastrous disease that is wreaking havoc on the nations, but what if I told you that the effects did not have to be disastrous? Turmeric could be the answer to your problems! Turmeric is a spice that is often used as a food flavoring in Asian dishes. It belongs to
“Some good news!” Admin The U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA announced today that the organic industry continues to show remarkable growth domestically and globally, with 19,474 certified organic operations in the United States and a total of 27,814 certified organic operations around the world. According to data released by the Agricultural Marketing Service’s AMS National Organic Program NOP, the number of domestic certified organic operations increased by more than 5 percent over the last year. Since the count began in 2002, the number of domestic organic operations has increased by over 250 percent. The certified operations list is available at
By David Benjamin Source: Stop Headaches in Under 5 Minutes With Water and This For more content like this visit by DAVID BENJAMIN Headaches are not fun, especially when they become worse and turn into migraine headaches. Often times, people with headaches turn to drugs, and quick pill fixes. But these pills have long-term effects that are not good on your health. If you understand the cause or main causes of your migraine headaches then [&hellip Source: Stop Headaches in Under 5 Minutes With Water and This Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series is based upon Casey Luskin’s chapter in the volume More than Myth, edited by Paul Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014). In this segment, Casey discusses the third problem: that random mutations cannot generate the genetic information required for irreducibly complex structures. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
“This is just another example of the introduction of Islam into schools. How many schools are involved in things like this, who knows but it needs to be stopped.” Admin Pretend you’re a Muslim. That’s what a 10th grade World History writing assignment asks students to do at a Wisconsin high school. WISN talk radio host Vicki McKenna posted Union Grove High School teacher Beth Urban’s email for a five-paragraph essay on Twitter. It reads: –Pretend you are: 1. Muslim male/female in U.S. 2. Give 3 examples of what you do daily for your religion and any struggles you face.
Soon there may only be atheists in the foxholes. Christians are leaving the U.S. military or are discouraged from joining in the first place because of a “hostile work environment” that doesn’t let them express their beliefs openly, religious freedom advocates say. Michael Berry, senior counsel at the Liberty Institute, a Texas-based legal organization dedicated to defending religious liberty in America, said recent high-profile cases of military chaplains facing punishment for private counseling sessions that reflected the teachings of their religion could cause devout Americans who are qualified for military service to think twice about joining the military. In December,
By Ken Ham Normally I wouldn’t respond to the latest ridiculous tirade from intolerant secularists who continually oppose Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the future Ark Encounter. I thought I would respond to the latest tantrum, however, because it illustrates their utter intolerance of Christians. It is actually another illustration of the motivation behind the opposition to the Ark project, the Creation Museum, and AiG in general. The Creation Museum attracts around 300,000 visitors a year (more than 800 people a day). In fact, this past week has been setting records—today we must have had more than 1,700
By REALdeal Source: How To Get Silky Smooth Feet Using A Natural Treatment With Baking Soda For more content like this visit The desire of every woman is groomed and beautiful feet. The dry, cracked and hard heels create many inconveniences. But did you know that ordinary sodium bicarbonate, is beneficial to the skin on your feet, has antiseptic properties and reduces water hardness. It is a very effective, but a cheap tool. You can achieve the [&hellip Source: How To Get Silky Smooth Feet Using A Natural Treatment With Baking Soda Learn more at <a class="colorbox" rel="nofollow" …read
By REALdeal Source: 5 Foods That Work Wonders on Digestive Problems For more content like this visit by DEREK HENRY Whether you have been diagnosed with a digestive disease or not, chances are you are suffering from some type of intestinal distress. We have wandered a long ways away from clean, unprocessed, and live foods. The resulting deficiency has left our guts raw and inflamed – a precursor to all sorts of [&hellip Source: 5 Foods That Work Wonders on Digestive Problems Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series is based upon Casey Luskin’s chapter in the volume More than Myth, edited by Paul Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014). In this segment, Casey discusses the second problem: that unguided chemical processes cannot explain the origin of the genetic code. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Christina Sarich What kind of person, even as the head of a major food retailer, would want to feed developing children pesticides and questionable genetically modified ingredients? That’s a question to consider when you find out that one of Gerber’s popular baby food items has been found to be full of insecticidal GMOs. Do these executives not realize they are feeding these to our children or do they just not care? Lab tests have confirmed that Gerber’s Lil’ Crunchies snacks are full of Roundup Ready, insecticidal GMO ingredients. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued a policy
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear the first podcast in a series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series is based upon Casey Luskin’s chapter in the volume More than Myth, edited by Paul Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014). In this first segment, Casey discusses how there is no viable mechanism to generate a primordial soup. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future