By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The quality, quantity, and composition of the bacteria in your gut have enormous influence on your brain. Dr. David Perlmutter explores this phenomenon in great detail in his new book, Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain-for Life. Dr. Perlmutter is a board-certified neurologist and a fellow of the American College of Nutrition (ACN). He also has a clinic in Naples, Florida, and he’s been very active in publishing his findings in peer-reviewed medical journals. His previous book, Grain Brain, topped the New York Times bestseller list for
“It should be called the Big Pharma Cash Bonanza Act. The system of drug approval we already have is bad enough but this would only make things worse.” Admin A U.S. House of Representatives committee on Thursday unanimously approved a bill to speed new drugs to the market, overcoming last-minute wrangling over how to pay for the legislation. The bill, known as the 21st Century Cures Act, requires the Food and Drug Administration to incorporate patient experience into its decision-making, streamline its review of drugs for additional uses, and consider more flexible forms of clinical trials. The bill, developed by
By Frank J. Sherwin, III Fleas are considered a nuisance. How can they be explained as a part of God’s very good creation? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Shelby Hall It seems that cancer recently has become an ailment that is almost inevitable to get, friends and family are increasingly being diagnosed with the horrible disease. What do we do when we get the diagnosis? Well start pills and chemo right, wrong do not poison your body use this natural remedy to actually heal it! […] …read more Read more here:
Author fails to make link between the Bible and the rise of science despite praising Church’s role in science. …read more Read more here:
By (Activist) (ANTIMEDIA) WORLDWIDE – On May 23, 2015, hundreds of thousands of concerned individuals will gather across 38 countries and 428 cities to join in peaceful protest against the Monsanto Company as a part of the March Against Monsanto grassroots campaign. This movement seeks to raise awareness to the dangers surrounding Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds and cancer-linked herbicide Roundup. The campaign comes as the demand for GMO labeling and non-GMO food alternatives continues its exponential climb, with states like Vermont enacting mandatory GM labeling legislation that will require food corporations to let consumers know if their products contain
By Shelby Hall While there are tons of anti aging products out there on the market, buthey can be rather expensive. Stop wasting your money, do this instead! Using essential oils and things you would usually keep in your kitchen, you can make the best anti aging “creams” ever. 1. Lemon Things needed: Several fresh lemons Cotton balls […] …read more Read more here:
By By Paul Fassa (NaturalNews) Mainstream medicine has ways of disguising the fact that their treatments often lead to the demise of cancer patients. It’s easy to claim that the patient simply died of cancer, not chemotherapy poisoning or radiation damage.Their rate of reversing cancer is dismal… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Creation Moments “That’s a knotty problem!” This figure of speech is used to describe a problem that’s complex and difficult to solve – filled with knots, so to speak. Today, we’re going to talk about a knotty solution that God has given to a fish that’s been called the most disgusting creature in the sea. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) In the 23 years since she was diagnosed with HIV, 61-year-old Loreen Willenberg of Sacramento, Calif., has never taken any drugs to restrain the virus. She has never shown symptoms or become ill from HIV or AIDS. She has experienced no drop in her CD4 T-cells, the immune… …read more Read more here: Natural News
It was a job he couldn’t refuse. Pakistani businessman Parvez Henry Gill claims that four years ago, he was told in a dream that God wanted him to find a way to help persecuted Christians in Pakistan, The Washington Post reports. How should he go about this monumental task?: “I want you to do something different,” God told him. The Express Tribune explains, in his words, his approach to answering God’s call: “I said, ‘I am going to build a big cross, higher than any in the world, in a Muslim country,’ ” said 58-year-old Gill. “It will be a
The prospect of genetically engineering humans has come a step closer, with the publication of the first paper to describe efforts to modify embryos. There is a long way to go before we can safely tinker with our genes, but at least one group in the US and four in China are aiming to edit human embryos: this will be the first of many studies. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Ken Ham “Pray because there is no other weapon we know to combat the powers of this world,” said Dr. K.P. Yohannan, Gospel for Asia (GFA) founder and president, in a special presentation for the AiG staff on the National Day of Prayer. We are often blessed during our morning staff meetings to hear and learn from leaders in other ministries around the world. Well, recently K.P. shared with us about his passion for prayer, which is fueled by his own testimony, a direct result of his mother’s prayers for him. K.P. grew up in India, blessed to be
“It’s only a matter of time before this is allowed. There is an alternative organization, Trail Life USA, based on Christian values you can check out if you are unhappy with the direction the Boy Scouts are going.” Boy Scouts of America President Robert Gates said on Thursday the group’s ban on adult gay leaders cannot be sustained, a move that could open the door to ending the policy. Gates said at a national meeting of the group he does not plan to revoke the charter of Boy Scout councils that allow gay leaders, according to a text of the
“If this is successful at McDonald’s I’m sure we’ll see it elsewhere which eventually means many more unemployed.” Admin After seeing a decline in earnings for the first time in nine years, McDonald’s plans to do something no other store of its kind has ever done before; open a store run entirely by robots. The store is set to open July 4th in Phoenix, Arizona once the state-of-the-art robot remodel is complete. The restaurant will still employee a small team to insure all of the robots are working correctly, the food along with the cleaning supplies remaining stocked and removing
By (Activist) By Joshua Krause The police state just took a very dark turn. We all know that private corporations tend to side with the government on privacy issues, and they’re more than willing to hand over our information when the government asks for it. Google and Facebook are pretty well-known examples of that, and they’ve been doing it for so long that nobody even bats an eye at their government compliance anymore. What people don’t realize is that this situation applies equally to all major companies, not just the ones that handle our information. <div …read more Read
By John C. P. Smith Is Jesus of the New Testament different from the God of the Old Testament? This study answers the claim that the God of the Old Testament is not a God of love. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Without a doubt, one of the most important nutrients for optimal health is vitamin D. But questions still remain about just how much is needed. Dr. Robert Heaney M.D., is one of the premier vitamin D researchers in the world. He’s also the research director of GrassrootsHealth, headed by Carole Baggerly, which is compiling data from a number of population-based studies like the D*Action project, which many of my readers are participants in. What is clear is that the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) should really be 10 to 15 times what the Institute of
By REALdeal Source: 6 Simple and Safe Varicose Vein Remedies For more content like this visit by MICHELLE TOOLE Varicose veins not only look bad but can cause a great deal of pain. Despite popular assumptions, they can affect both men and women and are not exclusive to the legs. The veins in our body are busy and with the help of surrounding muscles, pump blood to and from the heart. [&hellip Source: 6 Simple and Safe Varicose Vein Remedies Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
The tuatara is a small reptile that defies evolutionary explanations. …read more Read more here:
The long-term consumption of blackcurrant has shown anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic actions in hypertensive subjects. The berry has been proven to help slash the risk of heart attacks, stroke and heart failure. New research show it prevents other metabolic dysfunctions induced by diets high in fat and cholesterol triggering the same mechanism as statin drugs. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By (Activist) By Daisy Luther One day, you’re just moving through life with everyone else in your office or at your church, and then, for whatever reason, the reality of how tenuous our current lifestyle is, hits you squarely between the eyes. You realize that electricity and grocery stores and transportation are all things that you’ve been taking for granted and that these things could actually disappear. Maybe you’re concerned about a natural disaster. Perhaps you saw something on the evening news. It could even be a job loss that puts these things out of reach. But whatever the
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin exposes how evidence given for macroevolution in The Language of Science and Faith is too weak to hold any weight. In their book, Francis Collins and Karl Giberson make the all-too-common claim that macroevolution is merely microevolution over a prolonged period of time. Are the proposed mechanisms really as simple as they sound? Luskin discusses the insufficiency of Collins and Gibersons’ argument in Part 5 of his continued review of The Language of Science and Faith. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find
By Creation Moments What scares you more – the polar ice caps melting and a worldwide cataclysm or the increased prices of everything you buy because of exaggerated global-warming claims? What upsets thinking people are all of the false and preposterous claims about global warming they hear on the nightly news. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Three out of four Americans garden, according to the National Garden Association (NGA),1 and if you live in the US, spring has sprung. It’s time to dust off your gardening gloves and head outdoors. New York gardener Michele Owens told USA Today:2 “The combination of light, a little bit of warmth from the exercise, and dirt — those are powerful things. Those are things that we’ve evolved to need, I think.” Whether your passion is planting a vegetable garden, flowers, trees, or everything in between, gardening offers seemingly limitless …read more Read more here:
“Eric Hovind just put up this site which lists creation parks and museums around the US and the world that one can visit.” Admin Welcome to the one-stop site to visit creation museums all over the country… And increasingly growing to other parts of the world! Also book guided creation tours of so called secular places and see other museums, the Grand Canyon, monuments, & underwater caverns (to name a few) the way God intended. Read More Visit Creation | | 1-877-479-3466.
Rifqa Bary, the Ohio teen who made national headlines in 2009 when she ran away from her Muslim family after secretly converting to Christianity, writes in her new book that nearly six years after her escape she still lives in fear but does not regret her decision. Born Fatima Rifqa Bary, the Sri Lankan native moved with her family to the US in 2000, when she was 8 years old, ostensibly to seek medical treatment after an accident involving a toy airplane left her blind in her right eye. At age 12, Rifqa secretly became a Christian. When her devout