Is God Using Biden To Punish America? – Scott Lively

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Last Sunday I published an article at titled “Is God Using Russia to Punish Ukraine?” It made some of my friends and supporters nervous, because the cancel-culture globalists have launched the mother of all propaganda and punishment campaigns to “cancel” an entire nation: pro-family, anti-globalist Russia.

And in the cancel culture (as I know all too well from personal experience) everyone who associates with or defends in any way the target of a smear-job will get cancelled too. That’s how this new form of war is waged against the little people by the elites.

The latest reminder of that was watching the despotic Justin Trudeau regime declare martial law to crush peaceful opposition to vaccine tyranny in Ottawa. Remember Ottawa? Remember vaccine tyranny? The trucker convoy bearing down on DC? Hillary’s spy-treason? Election fraud? CRT propaganda? The second amendment? “Gay”/Transgender grooming of children by our public schools? None of that seems to matter now because of the Ukraine war, and that’s no accident. As I said in a recent WND article “From time immemorial elitist despots have started wars to deflect attention from domestic political crises.”

Let’s leave aside the question of whether Christian Russia – which has both honored God and protected normal marriage in its new constitution — has any right to use military force to stop the Obama/Biden/Clinton/Soros-created LGBT Woke-ocracy of Ukraine from putting anti-Russian nukes on the Russian border. And denying the ethnic Russian citizens of Ukraine the fundamental human right to vote for independence — a tyranny backed by eight years of bloody government suppression.

Let’s instead ask whether God is using Barack Obama’s avatar Joe Biden to punish our own country. I’ll answer with another question: “Politically speaking, what is the last best hope for saving America?”

Isn’t it the MAGA movement?

What “MAGA movement?” Do you mean that formerly united group of Trump supporters now fighting with each other tooth and nail over whether or not Vladimir Putin is (the globalists’ version of) the Antichrist? Or whether the Ukraine president (a former TV comedian who thought performing a homoerotic dance skit with three other men would be a good message for the children of his nation) is a hero for forcibly conscripting his entire male civilian population to be slaughtered in an unnecessary no-win battle with the overwhelming might of the Russian army, when he could win the peace by simply agreeing to remain neutral and not join NATO?

And who are the very worst enemies of the MAGA movement and America itself? Aren’t they the same people beating the war drums against Russia, and who for years have been pushing Ukraine as hard and fast as possible into full-blown Cultural Marxism? Why do half of us suddenly trust the very same media, Democrats, neo-con RINOs, and the leftist “international community” about Russia and Ukraine when we know they lie about EVERYTHING else we care about?

And even if they were right, which they aren’t, why are we letting them pit ourselves against each other at the expense of our common goal to take back American… from THEM.

Jesus warned us that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Joe Biden has divided us by starting a war, just as I predicted he would when everyone else was saying there would be no Ukraine war, and he did it in such a way as to frame Russia as the aggressor, just like Obama did with the Ukraine coup in 2014.

Answer me this. Was JFK the aggressor by launching the Bay of Pigs invasion during the Cuban Missile Crisis before Cuba had even fired a shot, or was the true aggressor in that case the-formerly-but-no-longer-Communist Russia?

So, back to my leading question. Is God using Biden to punish America? That’s really a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious. God is unhappy with America because we have turned our backs on Him as a nation and allowed His enemies to gain control of our social, cultural and political institutions. His enemies are our enemies, and the proof of that is the illegitimate puppet regime of Joe Biden, so evil and so corrupt in so many ways that we grow exhausted just listing them.

America is adrift on an ocean of baby blood, on a rudderless ship infested with loathsome parasites and predators – and yet the only people capable of taking back control of the ship can’t keep our focus on the task at hand. Instead we’re hanging over the rail to get our best look at distant fire-fights on somebody else’s ship — and cheerleading for the side our own domestic enemies put in power.

In my last WND column I said “President Trump, who would never have gotten into this situation in the first place, will be the main beneficiary of this crisis IF the MAGA movement keeps its eye on the prize of retaking the country and doesn’t get caught up in anti-Russian jingoism.” I’ll close by re-stating that point:

Biden’s Ukraine war and Putin/Russia scape-goating is part of a larger strategy for killing the Red Wave in 2022 and if we’re not smart enough to see that and make a course correction back to unity and focus on the essentials, he/they might just pull it off.