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Is there a ‘God gene’? And would a lack of it excuse a non-believer from investigating the evidence for God and the Gospel? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Phyllis Bentley Weakness in memory can be quite a big complain, especially with the growing old age. Weak memory is the condition in which the person faces difficulty in remembering certain things which are necessary to maintain normal life. Common Causes of Weak Memory -Aging -Lack of concentration -Depression -Anxiety -Alcoholism -Drug abuse -Brain tumors -Certain medications Our nature is filled with some amazing super foods that help us to retain our memory and let it function properly. The amount of some good nutrients in food also decides the way they will work on your memory. Best Home remedies [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Alex Jordon Water with lemon and cayenne pepper doesn’t taste like a fruit beverage but it has tremendous health benefits. It is believed as a detox drink, some people also believe it helps the fat burning when taken regularly. There is still no studies to prove that, but there are many proven benefits of this cleanse water and both ingredients are good for all the body. It’s simple to make this drink: Ingredients A glass of hot water A Half fresh lemon 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper Directions: Put the cayenne pepper into the water and squeeze the fresh [More]
Churches in Britain are launching a national “call to prayer” on the first Sunday of 2016 in an attempt to reverse negative attitudes towards Jesus and Christianity. The New Year Prayer day, on Sunday 3 January 2016, comes after new research showed that when Christians talk to friends about Jesus, in eight out of ten cases they put them off. Only in two out of ten cases do they succeed in making them want to know more. The study by the Church of England and the Evangelical Alliance also found that four out of ten adults do not believe Jesus [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Cornelius Hunter for a discussion about “junk” DNA and the ENCODE project. Dr. Hunter lends his insight into how non-coding DNA fits into the ongoing debate between Darwinian evolution and Intelligent Design, noting how Darwinian evolutionists have changed their predictions and explanations in order to accommodate contradictory evidence that would falsify their theory. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge has posted the flight paths of the Russian aircraft according to Turkey and to Russia. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-24/17-seconds-changed-world-leaked-letter-exposes-turkeys-hair-trigger-reality We know that Turkey is lying for three reasons. One reason is that NATO governments lie every time that they open their mouths. A second reason is that Turkey’s claim that the SU-24 was in Turkey’s airspace for 17 seconds but only traveled 1.15 miles means that the SU-24 was flying at stall speed! The entire Western media was too incompetent to do the basic math! A third reason is that, assuming Turkey’s claim of a 17 second airspace [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: Why Spuds May Be the Ultimate Survival Food For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Back in 2010, a fellow by the name of Chris Voigt wanted to prove the U.S. Department of Agriculture was wrong for not allowing white potatoes to be purchased for the federal Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, and limiting white potato use in school programs. After all, he was the head [&hellip Source: Why Spuds May Be the Ultimate Survival Food Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
A newly released intelligence report from the Pentagon shows that the U.S. government knew that supporting jihadists in the fight against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad would produce a fundamentalist Islamic State in Eastern Syria — and that Obama’s supposed “anti-ISIS” coalition knowingly backed ISIS and other Islamic terrorists for precisely that purpose. The heavily redacted Defense Department report, obtained by watchdog Judicial Watch via a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, shows once again that, contrary to the false narrative peddled by the establishment press, the rise of the savage terror group known as ISIS was actually deliberate policy. Now, the [More]
 “Wide open borders, hugh deficits, criminal gun running in “fast and furious” and Benghazi, TPP, bogus climate change alarm-ism, supporting terrorists, common core education fiasco, promoting perversion, greatly weakening the military …. this is quite a legacy Mr. O is leaving behind and he isn’t even done yet. Please pray for Mr. O, he is obviously in desperate need of it.”  Admin The U.S. issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from Muslim-majority countries in the five-year period encompassing the 2009 through 2013 fiscal years, according to published Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data. To put this number in context, it [More]
The statue of Thomas Jefferson at William & Mary College (Credit: William & Mary College) Students attending the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia – the second oldest college in the nation – say the statue of Declaration of Independence writer Thomas Jefferson ought to be removed from campus because the Founding Father was… “And whose statue would they prefer to see, Karl Marx perhaps. Marx would better represent their ideals I’m sure.”  Admin
“Just another of Mr. O’s treasonous legacies.”  admin ISIS recently sent out a new video taunting America and threatening attacks. A new study says the U.S. should take those threats seriously. The Islamic State has recruited thousands of supporters in the United States, far more than previously thought, according to a scathing new report, raising the likelihood that supporters of the terrorist army could…
By Ken Ham Here is the Fox News headline: “Pastafarian woman gets to wear strainer on head in license photo” It seems half the time when I see headlines in the news I have to wonder if the story is even real satire, or misleading. Well, this headline seems to be real, and it’s just absolutely ridiculous: “Pastafarian Woman Gets to Wear Strainer on Head in License Photo.” It’s just another example of how far our culture has drifted from biblical authority and even from basic respect. Apparently in Massachusetts, as has happened in other states, a woman who is [More]
By Heather Callaghan DTRHRadio On the September 22nd edition of DTRH, Popeye welcomes back to the broadcast friend, author, and researcher Heather Callaghan of Natural Blaze. The two of them get into a bunch of topics… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Warts are a common growth on the skin, and are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are over 100 different types of HPV which infect the skin. Most masses can be located on your genitals, in your mouth, or commonly on your hands and feet. Some types of HPV are associated with cancerous growths and all are contagious. However, it is not uncommon for just one family member to have them and on just one area of the body, such as the hands. Warts appear when the HPV virus infects the top layer [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan Like a script from a movie you already know the ending to; each year we can expect a hoax study or attack on anything that is not FDA approved. It is with great hope that the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
In the search to rid Australia of cactus plant infestations, the answer was found in a tiny insect. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
The fashion among certain atheists of demonizing evo-skeptic Christians fails to advance the science they profess to support, instead undermining the very foundation upon which science was birthed and flourished. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Each year, since 2007, The Center for Biological Diversity has given a Rubber Dodo Award1 to the person, company, or organization that has “done the most to destroy wild places, species, and biological diversity.” This year’s award, issued on November 5, 2015, went to Monsanto for its reckless peddling of glyphosate around the world — a pesticide that was recently classified as a “probable human carcinogen” by The World Health Organization (WHO), and has been linked to a worsening of virtually all chronic disease states. According to Don Huber, an expert with a doctorate [More]
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) This story takes on additional significance in the wake of the horrendous murders of 128 people in France just days ago by operatives of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).Spoof interviewer Mark Dice, known for his videos featuring clueless American liberals… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin by Barbara Loe Fisher National Vaccine Information Center Following is a public comment made by Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC Co-founder & President, at the Nov. 13, 2015 meeting of the FDA Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on proposed changes to FDA requirements for licensure of vaccines intended for use during pregnancy Birth defects, chromosomal damage, premature birth, low birth weight, pregnancy complications and sudden infant death syndrome, not infectious diseases, are the leading causes of death for about 23,000 infants dying before their first birthday in the US every year, with half of those …read [More]
By Ken Ham The Guardian (a news source in the UK) reports, “The Catholic church is being investigated by Tasmania’s anti-discrimination commissioner over claims an anti-same-sex-marriage booklet it published was offensive and insulting.” The short booklet, “Don’t Mess with Marriage,” an attempt to encourage Roman Catholics to support biblical marriage in the face of an upcoming decision about legalizing same-sex “marriage,” was reportedly distributed through the Catholic school system to Catholic families across the island state of Tasmania. And now the Catholic church is being investigated for discrimination simply because leaders stated what they believe about marriage. I liked this [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Roxanne McDonald The Truth about Cancer Excerpts: Can a “health food” eaten by millions really be dangerous? Canola oil and its derivative, rapeseed, are primary suspects for the exceptionally high incidence of Asian lung cancer[1]. According to mainstream media though, canola oil is “good for the heart” offering viable monounsaturated fats similar to olive oil. Sadly, much of what we hear in the mainstream media and various “health” blogs has been influenced by aggressive marketing tactics of big food companies. For this reason, it is critical to know what websites to avoid and where you [More]
Coping with a sore throat is not a particularly pleasant process. Eating is the last thing that attracts you, but specific foods may actually fuel your body and accelerate recovery. Here are 12 healing foods which will give you enough nutrients to fight off not only your sore throat, but almost any complementary symptoms that come along with a cold. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Julie Fidler The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued a technical report warning that doctors’ ability to treat life-threatening infections in children is being compromised by the practice of adding antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs to the feed of healthy livestock. “Children can be exposed to multiple-drug resistant bacteria, which are extremely difficult to treat if they cause an infection, through contact with animals given antibiotics and through consuming the meat of those animals,” said the report’s lead author Jerome A. Paulson, MD, FAAP in a statement. Nearly 80% of antibiotic use in the United States is in [More]
By Creation Moments Don’t mess with the hoopoe – especially the female! Their Creator blessed this bird with an oil gland that produces a really foul-smelling liquid. When rubbed into their plumage, it smells like rotting meat and deters not only predators but parasites as well. In fact, it also acts as an antibacterial agent. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By none Seeds came to mind when I started thinking of things that gave a satisfying crunch and nutritionally pack a punch. So here is what I did…I combined sesame and flax seeds with 3 farm fresh eggs and spices. The first batch was great but we played with other seeds too. My son, Carson helped me with the choice of seeds, the amounts and the choice of spices. This is how “Carson’s Crackers” were created. I used a silicone baking mat to line a cookie sheet. When you pour the mixture onto the silicone it kind of slides around [More]