What are the odds the midterms will even occur? – wnd.com

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“The author presents some troubling questions about the “they” behind the scenes and how they might be planning to cancel the midterm elections next November by some means. One thing we can count on is that “they” will not give up on their NWO ambitions easily We do indeed live in perilous times. Stay close to the Lord in the days ahead.” Admin


We’re starting to wonder what kind of odds the bookies will be offering, when we go to place our bets on the coming midterms (if the elections are held). Bet on the Dems winning? On a Republican win? Or on no-one-wins if there is no election?


A happy Republican view about Joe Biden’s reelection possibilities is emerging, suggesting that Democrats might just accept defeat in 2024 and are probably moving toward that position. We should question this.


An honest election in 2024 presupposes one in 2022. It also presumes that poor Joe will have any say in it at all, as opposed to that well camouflaged “they” that stands back from the light, writing his speeches and talking points. Given the expectations of a massive defeat, do we really believe, as a certainty, that “they” will allow the midterms to take place, at all? How many options do we think “they” have gamed and entertained, as to which dire “National Emergency” they could get away with proclaiming, sufficient to excuse canceling the elections entirely?


Read More: What are the odds the midterms will even occur?