By Selco Author of The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival and the online course SHTF Survival Boot Camp It is good to research how other people went through hard times in order to be ready more for SHTF. And today, I have a reality check for you. The two biggest misconception or mistakes that can happen there are fact that you may easily conclude something like “oh, this can not happen to me here (because we are better, smarter, richer, more human or whatever)” and second one might be fact that you cannot “bond” with situation that happened to someone
Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian — Joe Biden’s new Public Health© nutrition advisor — claims Lucky Charms© are healthier than fresh meat. Via Dariush’s criminally stupid “Food Compass©”: Soak in the idiocy: per the rankings, Honey Nut Cheerios© is a healthy alternative to a boiled egg. Almond M&Ms© is a superior nutritional choice to ground beef. Then consider that this Food Compass© wasn’t published in some laughable obscure blog in a dark corner of the internet; Dariush somehow managed to get his brazen propaganda piece featured in Nature Journal, widely considered one of the most authoritative scientific publications in the world.
Emotional eating, or eating as a coping mechanism for negative, positive, or stress-driven emotions, is associated with unhealthy dietary patterns and weight gain. A research article featured in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior discusses adolescent vulnerability to emotional eating and how various feeding practices used by parents, such as restriction, food as reward, and child involvement, influence eating behavior. “Emotional eating was previously found to be more learned than inherited. This study examined not only the interaction between parents when feeding their children, but also what children learned from watching their parents eat,” said lead author Joanna Klosowska,
When the Israeli Ministry of Health story broke, I emailed hundreds of people involved in vaccine safety. Only one person replied saying he wanted to see the data: Martin Kulldorff. Executive summary I found an honest mainstream vaccine scientist: Martin Kulldorff. Martin still thinks other vaccines are safe, but with the COVID vaccines he has serious doubts because nobody has shown him a convincing risk-benefit study for those under 70. Martin was the only scientist who wanted to see the Israeli data. Nobody else was interested. Read More: I found an honest vaccine scientist
Stew Peters Show: It turns out more than half of the children they’ve tracked who got Covid 19 shots ended up having a “systemic reaction” to them, meaning some sort of response from their entire body rather than just from where they got the shot. And in six percent of cases, the reaction was bad enough that the child wasn’t able to perform normal daily activities. Dr. Paul Alexander was on Trump’s Covid-19 team in 2020, and he joins us today to discuss the tremendous cover-up
Stew Peters Show: There’s a new draft scientific paper available online. Don’t expect to hear anything about it from the press, even though directly from the supposed “expert” class. Steve Kirsch is a tech entrepreneur who has become one of the top trackers of the mass vaccination fraud. He joins us today to talk about the contents of this paper.
Government regulators at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say they will not release any of the agency’s Covid-19 “vaccine” safety analyses for independent review because their findings are allegedly part of internal discussions that are protected by law. Back in July, The Epoch Times submitted a request to the FDA for all analyses performed using a special method called Empirical Bayesian data mining. This method involves comparing adverse events recorded after injection with a Fauci Flu shot to adverse events recorded after injection with some other non-covid vaccine. Whatever data these analyses produced was used by the FDA to foist
09/16/22 “Another mess the lunatic Dems are creating. Better pray they are big losers in these up coming elections otherwise they will totally ruin this country.” Thousands of men and women throughout all branches of the military have declined the COVID-19 vaccine, even though it was mandated by the government. A federal judge recently prohibited the Marine Corps from enforcing the mandate for thousands of Marines. This week, the Navy quietly rolled back punishment for unvaccinated SEALs. NTD spoke with military whistleblower and former Space Force Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier, author of “Irresistible Revolution,” to hear his thoughts.
Short 2 min. video in which Dr. Ryan Cole explains how the spike proteins are causing cancers to explode in the jabbed. Watch here
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Too-frequent showering and shampooing can dry your skin and hair — as will many soaps Personal care products with phthalates, parabens or triclosan should be avoided People frequently overclean parts of their bodies while under-cleaning others Water conservation can be part of your shower practices — helping the environment Taking a daily shower is a fairly recent development for Americans. Just 100 years ago, many thought getting their whole body wet at once (instead of taking the sponge baths that were common then) would invite diseases like pneumonia and someone would “catch their death.”
Pfizer predicted $32 billion in profits from its COVID-19 shots and another $22 billion from Paxlovid — a pill used to treat COVID-19 but can cause the virus to rebound — for a total of $54 billion. While the world was plunged into a time of economic instability and panic during the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer made out like bandits and continue to reap the astonishing profits of their ineffective COVID-19 treatments. Ironically, part of what makes the treatments so profitable is the fact that they don’t do what they’re supposed to, which is to prevent and effectively
At a press conference yesterday, over 400 doctors and scientists from more than 34 countries declared an international medical crisis due to diseases and deaths associated with Covid injections. The Declaration originated among concerned medics and professionals in India from a group called the Universal Health Organisation (“UHO”). Read/Watch: International Medical Crisis Declared Due to Unprecedented Illnesses and Deaths from Covid Vaccines – The Expose
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE August 31, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the reformulated mRNA COVID bivalent boosters, and they didn’t even allow members of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to meet, discuss or vote on the matter The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met for eight hours September 1, 2022, and authorized the untested boosters 13-to-1. CDC director Rochelle Walensky endorsed the recommendation later that evening Pfizer’s new booster is a bivalent injection targeting Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, which are the two currently in circulation, while Moderna’s shot
Three Italian surgeons conducted a study analyzing blood from 1,006 people who developed symptoms after they got a Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna mRNA injection and found 94 percent of them to have “aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin,” one month after inoculation. Erythrocytes are a type of red blood cell that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide. “What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds … have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA ‘vaccines,’” the
Stew Peters Show: Karen Kingston guest. Biden recently signed an executive order. Underneath all of the intentional confusing language, this executive order is about advancing transhumanism: The use of genetic engineering, computers, and other advanced computers to make us less and less human and instead more and more machine-like.
09/15/22 “We know from the dreams and visions that God has given people that Russia will at some time launch a nuclear attack on the US. Our relations with Russia are now as bad if not worse than they were during the Cuban missile crisis. Are we reaching a point when these dreams and visions will be fulfilled? Only time will tell.” Admin The Russians continue to threaten us with nuclear annihilation. Why are so few people in the western world alarmed by this? I think it is because our leaders are assuring everyone that the Russians are
09/15/22 “Why would any ‘Christian’ convention want this leftist, ungodly nutcase speaking to them. The Bible says there will be a great falling away from the faith in the last days, we’re certainly seeing signs of it.” Admin They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a woman couldn’t do whatever she wanted with her body. They’re framing arguments by appealing to emotion while changing both language and meanings of words. Ironically, her comments came during a roundtable discussion on “reproductive health.” To the
Ask Dr. Jane is BACK to expose the metals in the jabs, how ivermectin could be cancer-killing, and why the Elites are injecting animals with mRNA!
09/14/22 Check out our posts featuring news you won’t see from the MSM. Lots of great news from sources like (post 1),,, global, (post2),,, Here are the links: post 1 post 2
“There’s a link to part 1, check it out for the first 11 points.” Admin In Part 1, we looked at the definition, some basics, and a few general principles of street smarts. Now it’s time to get more practical and see a few tactics and ways to improve. It bears saying: this is not an end in itself, rather it’s a process: we gotta go out and expose ourselves, constantly. Granted, if done with intent, purpose, and method, it’s possible to advance faster. Just like any other skill. Let’s dive right in, then. 12. Soak up your
By Michael By John Anderer Sleep isn’t always easy to come by in today’s fast-paced “always on” culture, but new research shows just how essential a little bit of shut eye is to our minds. Researchers at Concordia University report older adults with insomnia are more likely… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The explicitly stated goals of global elites are sounding more and more like science fiction these days. We’ve already seen the nascent use of microchips implanted in one’s forearm to pay for goods and services – and with the advent of self-driving cars in a time of climate change concerns and scare tactics, plenty of people predict that it won’t be long until we see automated driving restrictions and mileage rations. (Imagine getting this message on your dashboard when you turn on your car: “You have already driven your allotted mileage for this month.
“Some great bits of information in this post.” Admin My email to nearly 300 CDC employees paid off. One of them responded on a secure channel and I can now ask questions and get answers. Here are two things I learned: Read More: I now have an informant deep inside the CDC
Now is the time for all sane people to see the truth that COVID “vaccines” are killing people believing the propaganda from government, media, and drug companies. There has been a profound change in the nature of the COVID pandemic. Over one million have already been declared dead from COVID. And with more than 500 dying every day in the U.S. (nearly all vaccinated), it is critically important for the public to understand that the COVID vaccines are the root cause of high death rates. Vaccine shots have now been shown to cause substantial blood damage, and also wreck
Stew Peters Show: Dr. Fuellmich has made it his mission in life to expose the danger that forced Covid jabs pose to the public. He’s been tracking the surge in young people dropping dead out of the blue ever since the vaccine rolled out. Dr. Fuellmich is on to once again prove the overwhelming amount of deaths resulting from the shot.
09/14/22 “Here is more evidence regarding election fraud in addition to that exposed in the 2000 Mules video.” Admin A US Senator suggested I view “SELECTION CODE: The Movie.” It’s excellent. I recommend everyone reading this take an hour to watch it, especially the last 15 minutes. Please promote it on social media after you view the film. It seems to have escaped notice by all the mainstream media. Are you surprised? The movie reminded me of the current battle to expose the truth about vaccine fraud. Election fraud is arguably the more important issue, and I hope
09/14/22 Stew Peters Show: Maria Zeee reporting. We know for a FACT that the COVID19 pandemic was planned. Now we have document proof that future pandemics are already in the making in Australia.