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“Sadly the GS have taken a radical left turn recently as this article from 06/13 illustrates. There is an alternative organization with Christian values you can check out, the American Heritage Girls.” Admin A recent Girl Scout-sponsored event in New York City, billed as one that would “celebrate women and girls,” featured a live screening and panel discussion of the documentary MAKERS, a feminist, pro-abortion video account of prominent women who are described as “trailblazing” and whose “pioneering contributions” are purported to have changed America. At Catholic Stand, writer Mary Rice Hasson describes the May 9th event, which was also [More]
“Whats happening in Europe is coming here as well.”  Admin This article, “The Islamization of America in 2013” by Pamela Geller at Breitbart, January 9, is lengthy, but read it all: it is an extremely useful summary of what is going on in America today. Check out also Pamela Geller’s revamped new Atlas Shrugs website, which is sleek, efficient, and up-to-the-minute. (Our own redesign and move to a new platform hit a few snags, but will be coming soon: watch this space.) Since I wrote my book Stop the Islamization of America and established the Stop Islamization of America initiative [More]
“Great article on the rapid development of new “mark of the beast” technology that I’m sure we will see mandated for use in the near future. Just another sign of being in the last days.”  Admin Most readers are undoubtedly familiar with the development of radio-frequency identification (rfid) technology that, under certain applications, is forecast to be connected to future human-enhancement technologies, especially neurosciences, brain-machine interfacing, and cybernetics. This rfid tech employs tiny integrated circuits for storing and processing information using an antenna for receiving and transmitting the related data. This technology is most commonly applied as a “tag” for [More]
“The WH is now trotting out its propaganda machine to convince us that global warming is now responsible for global cooling. These people are so desperate to implement their cap and trade carbon tax schemes, which will cause energy prices to skyrocket, they will resort to any absurdity to keep this hoax going. Check this post out to find out what the real agenda is.”  Admin The Obama administration is pushing back against skeptics who claim this week’s “polar vortex” of cold weather is proof global warming is a myth, saying weather patterns such as these are actually a result of climate [More]
“So much for your rights, big brother knows best. The flu vaccine has toxic ingredients and is of dubious effectiveness so who really benefits from this … obviously the vaccine makers and power mad politicians. ” Admin NYC Board of Health voted unanimously mandatory flu vaccine for children. 1/8/2014 Read More  NYC Board of Health voted unanimously mandatory flu vaccine for children. 1/8/2014 | InvestmentWatch.
“This article shows the true state of employment in the US is far different from the phony unemployment numbers put out by the government.” Admin The civilian labor force in the US has been causing bouts of hand-wringing and head-scratching. It represents the official number of people working or looking for work. It’s what the official unemployment rate (U-3) is based on. If labor force participation drops – if for whatever reason, millions of people are no longer counted as part of the labor force, as is the case in the US – it’s a troublesome indicator for the economy and the real employment picture. It [More]
“Just another example of compromising to accommodate the “new reality” we now live in where anything goes and sin and repentance are no longer relevant.”  Admin dailymail.co.uk Parents and godparents no longer have to ‘repent sins’ and ‘reject the devil’ during christenings after the Church of England rewrote the solemn ceremony. The new wording is designed to be easier to understand – but critics are stunned at such a fundamental change to a cornerstone of their faith, saying the new ‘dumbed-down’ version ‘strikes at the heart’ of what baptism means. In the original version, the vicar asks: ‘Do you reject [More]
“We should expect more of this to come. Includes video of program.” Admin Five-time boxing champion Evander Holyfield, known for his Christian faith, has been scolded by a narrator on a reality television show in the United Kingdom for expressing biblical views about homosexuality. The narrator on the “Big Brother” show warned him: “Before you entered the Big Brother house, the rules regarding unacceptable language and behavior were explained to you. Last night in a conversation with Luisa, you expressed the view that being gay was not normal and that it could be fixed. Read More  Boxing legend pummeled for [More]
“Islamic ruled countries comprise the majority on the list of 50. Gee, how can that be since it’s “the religion of peace”.”  Admin The isolationist regime of North Korea once again tops the Open Doors USA list of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians. Open Doors USA released its list Wednesday of the world’s 50 worst violators, weighing factors such as the jailing of Christians, executions and legal restrictions on religious freedom. The Christian group this year added the category of whether or not a nation was a “failed” state. Operations Director Jerry Dykstra says a failed state is “a [More]
“I personally drink Reverse Osmosis (RO) purified water which removes the fluoride.  The article mentions that minerals are removed as well which is true but they are in a raw elemental form not easily absorbed by the body. Better to get your minerals from food sources and/or a good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement.”  Admin Fluorine is an element. It is a gas, never occurring in its free state. In microscopic amounts complexed with other minerals, it is often listed as a trace mineral, a nutrient for human nutrition. The fluoride added to 90% of drinking water is hydrofluoric acid which is a [More]
Ice cream recipes have changed considerably since the days of old fashioned ice cream parlors. We’re now subjected to a slew of toxic ingredients in almost every type of ice cream found in parlors, restaurants and grocery stores. From economy to premium brands, there is often no escape from the chemical concoctions in our favorite frozen treats. So what ingredients should you avoid and why are they so deadly? Read More  PreventDisease.com – Stay Cool and Healthy This Summer: Avoid Ice Creams With Toxic Ingredients.
Here is an excellent site,  co2science .org, which exposes the global warming agenda, its questionable science and the political reasons behind it (control) through a number of short videos commenting on these topics. Highly recommended. Here’s the lead in text on the page: “Many people have expressed grave concerns about what was attempted to be accomplished when representatives of the nations of the world met in Copenhagen in early December 2009, seeking to acquire power to restrict the use of energy produced from coal, gas and oil in the guise of fighting global warming and averting the so-called climate crisis. [More]
“Well another little disaster taking shape because of the unaffordable care act. Clearly when this thing was created in secret by the Democrats no intelligent thought was used in assessing it’s overall impact. Doctors don’t like it and it’s shaping up to be one of the greatest boondoggles of all time.” Admin The Affordable Care Act’s health insurance mandate requires any employer with more than 50 employees to offer health insurance to its workers. While the negative impact on small businesses is well known, a more sinister side effect of the implemented plan is just surfacing – the potential end to [More]
“Excellent article showing that solar cycles are the dominant factors in climate change and not CO2 and that we are heading for colder temps.” Admin We reported recently about our spectral analysis work of European temperatures [1] which shows that during the last centuries all climate changes were caused by periodic (i.e. natural) processes. Non-periodic processes like a warming through the monotonic increase of CO2 in the atmosphere could cause at most 0.1° to 0.2° warming for a doubling of the CO2 content, as it is expected for 2100. Fig. 1 (Fig. 6 of [1] ) shows the measured temperatures (blue) [More]
The video above gives a wonderfully clear illustration of what happens when someone nearby you sneezes … and you end up inhaling the virus. It’s said that a single sneeze may produce up to 40,000 droplets, which may leave your mouth at speeds of more than 200 miles per hour.1 While some of the heavier droplets will fall to the floor, others remain airborne and are quickly circulated around the room. If the droplet is infected with a virus, and you inhale it, the video shows how a single virus can quickly begin producing millions of copies within your cells. It’s a [More]
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) “Due to the many demands I obtained from concerned readers asking for guidance about strategies to help prevent radioactive fallout in the awake of the Japanese nuclear catastrophe, I lately had written an article addressing with those issues. Although the recommendations I made were all in accordance with the newest scientific research, my research will be ongoing in this area so that I can further improve those recommendations. And as I understand more, I will pass that information to you. That said, one particular super food that leaps to the top of the list is spirulina, and it’s [More]
“Excellent article on the heavy handed rule and anti-democratic stance of the EU and the backlash it is generating from the general public.”  Admin As is gradually dawning on more and more people across the old continent, the European Union is riddled with fatal flaws and defects. Chief among them is the single currency which, rather than serving as the Union’s springboard to global dominance, could well be its ultimate undoing. Another huge problem with the EU is its acute lack of transparency. Staggering as it may seem, in the last 20 years the Union has not passed a single [More]
“To say that the NSA is wildly out of control is putting it mildly. They want to spy on everyone, everywhere by any means possible it appears. What this is doing is making the US look like a menace to the rest of the world which certainly won’t make us any friends.”  Admin Just how much are Americans willing to tolerate? It’s not enough that President Lucifer’s NSA (National Security Agency) intercepts and spies on our every email, phonecall, bank and credit card transaction, and other communications, the NSA actually intercepts, i.e., hijacks, computers before they reach the consumers. Why? So as to build a “back door” in the computers which [More]
If you ever wondered what results a controlled experiment of Monsanto farming methods would yield, look no further than the unwilling residents of Molokai.  Until 1969, by fact of its geographical isolation, Molokai was home for over 100 years to a leper colony.  With the arrival of Monsanto’s test fields, the beautiful island has become a laboratory and the islanders are being treated as the lab rats. The island of Molokai looks like paradise.  Travel brochures call it the “old Hawaii” and the most Hawaiian of the islands in the archipelago. It has a small population of between 5500-7500 residents.  [More]
Have you seen the economic recovery? I haven’t either. But it is bound to be around here somewhere, because the National Bureau of Economic Research spotted it in June 2009, four and one-half years ago. It is a shy and reclusive recovery, like the “New Economy” and all those promised new economy jobs. I haven’t seen them either, but we know they are here, somewhere, because the economists said so. Congress must have seen all those jobs before they went home for Christmas, because our representatives let extended unemployment benefits expire for 1.3 million unemployed Americans, who have not yet [More]
Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast. Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods. In the latest filing for Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson [More]
“Unfortunately we are seeing much more persecution of Christians today than I have ever seen in my lifetime before. In some countries it’s very violent in others it’s more subtle … for now. The Bible tells us in the “last days” there will be persecution of believers everywhere. That time is fast approaching and we need to make spiritual preparations for it now and re-double our efforts to get the Gospel message out.”  Admin Despite the fact that Christians make up roughly a third of the world’s population, there are still large pockets of the planet where they are targeted [More]
“Check out this post as well for more high tech ways to do indoor gardening.”  Admin A novel idea that takes indoor gardening to the next level is being put forth by creator Chris Beauvois from a Hackerspace in Brooklyn, New York called NYC Resistor. The concept is called aeroponics. Through a system of GrowCubes, they propose efficient indoor growing for a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. And the best part? This can be done with 95 percent less water and a built-in resistance to diseases and pests! Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips | Natural Remedies [More]
Chia seeds are now a common presence in the North American food market. These tasty little seeds have been added to breads, baked goods, soups, and entrées. They have become increasingly popular mostly due to the positive press linked to the beneficial substances found in the seeds. Chia seeds are high in protein. Vegetable sources of protein can give your body a break from the often high-fat content of animal foods. Eating chia seeds will give you a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, along with important vitamins and minerals. Chia seeds have been used to meet the nutritional needs [More]
Do you know what to do if you are pulled over or confronted by law enforcement? This detailed infographic from Online Paralegal Programs shows you how to handle everything from standard traffic stops to refusing a search. Read More  Activist Post: Know Your Rights and Stay Out of Jail – Infographic.
“Islam’s goal is to take over Europe and eventually the world. These foolish accommodations are just aiding them in achieving that goal. Hopefully they wise up before it’s too late.”  Admin Among the long list of recommendations…the panel says that public schools in France should be taught in Arabic and African languages rather than in French. “It would no longer be up to French immigrants to adopt French culture, but for France to abandon its own culture, language, history and identity to adapt to other people’s cultures.” — Jean-François Copé, UMP Party. Instead of integration, “parallel societies are forming that [More]
“This same situation is occurring in a number of European countries. The longer they ignore it and make weak half hearted attempts to resolve it the more difficult the situation will become until eventually European civilization will be imperiled.”  Admin In May, new census data published by the British government showed that Islam is set to become the dominant religion in Britain within the next generation. On being informed that the girl did not want to get married, Mohammed Shahid Akhtar, Imam of Birmingham’s Central Jamia Masjid Ghamkol Sharif Mosque, said, “She’s 14. By Sharia, grace of Allah, she’s legal [More]