By Skye Ranier Recent research from a number of top universities is showing that digestive system imbalances might be the culprit behind persistent health problems and returning to good health could be as elemental as “listening to your gut.” In our prevailing culture of illness (a trillion-dollar worldwide sickness industry, according to the documentary Food Matters), western medicine focuses on treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals instead of addressing the underlying causes, which are frequently tied back to digestive system imbalances resulting from the overuse of antibiotics and introduction of toxins into the system from GMOs, processed foods, chlorinated drinking water, among
By Herw Hippocrates said, “Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” Never is this more true than providing what your body needs to fight infection. Antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed drugs worldwide to treat bacterial infections. But it has many negative side effects. They kill gut bacteria, mess up our digestive system, lower immunity, and give rise to the development of super-bacteria that become resistant to the most powerful drugs, which can be very dangerous. It’s widely recognized that antibiotics may be over-prescribed in the US, and that fact can contribute to antibiotic resistance.
By Jesse Herman Source: How To Grow Grapes For more content like this visit by J HERMAN How cool would it be if you could pick grapes off your very own vine and pop them into your mouth? That would mean no more trips to your local vineyard to experience such luxury. Sounds like quite the fantasy, right? Well it could actually be a reality! Read on to learn [&hellip Source: How To Grow Grapes Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By By Sandeep Godiyal (NaturalNews) The cruciferous family of vegetables, which contains vegetables like broccoli, kale and cauliflower, get a lot of attention in the media. The health benefits of these veggies are immense. They are full of fiber to help with weight loss and digestion. They are packed… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By REALdeal Source: Shocking New Study Reveals Vaccinated People Are Transmitting Disease Without Symptoms For more content like this visit by DAVE MIHALOVIC Officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say the best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. However, more data continues to present itself suggesting that may be completely false. A new study published in BMC Medicine by Santa Fe Institute Omidyar Fellows Ben Althouse and Sam [&hellip Source: Shocking New Study Reveals Vaccinated People Are Transmitting Disease Without Symptoms Learn more at – Healthy News …read more Read more
By Prof. Hesin We all know that pumpkin is a very nutritious and tasty vegetable, but there are also health benefits of pumpkin seeds that make them a tasty snack at any time. The pumpkin is a member of the squash family and it’s is native to North and Central America. Its seeds have been used by Native Americans for centuries to support urinary and digestive health. The best way to reap maximum from pumpkin seeds is by eating them raw and it is even better if the seeds come from an organic pumpkin. It would also be wise to
As a society we are living longer today than in past generations. Longevity into the 90’s is now becoming commonplace in most industrialized societies. But, what is the cost–are we simply delaying degenerative diseases? If so, will the financial and quality of life have a massive impact on a system already in dire need? We know what is coming–disease is proliferating globally at a rapid pace. To those affected, it will mean hardships, but on the flip side, it is an optimal opportunity to sell sickness with corporate sponsorship–pharmaceutical companies will team with big corporations, while supported by doctors and
By MRHEALTH (BOSTON) MIT and Quaker Oats have agreed to pay $1.85 million to former residents of the Fernald State School in Waltham, Mass., who were fed radiation-spiked breakfast cereal in nutrition experiments during the 1940s and 1950s. The settlement “is a recognition that these actions were improper and a violation of the civil rights of helpless children,” … MIT & Quaker Oats fed radioactive spiked breakfast to mentally handicapped children in 40’s and 50’s The post MIT & Quaker Oats fed radioactive spiked breakfast to mentally handicapped children in 40’s and 50’s appeared first on
By Michelle Goldstein Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to spend 3 weeks touring Israel with my family. I also spent one day visiting the sites of Petra in Jordan. With my transition to a nutrient dense, organic diet, an important question arose for me. How would I enjoy my travels while also eating well in the holy land? I asked some of my friends, who are more frequent visitors to Israel, and I also used my trusted friend “google”. I found a gluten free Israel FB group and joined, since one family member is gluten free. Because one daughter,
By Activist By Dr. Lara Briden, Reset.Me Doctors, please stop prescribing the birth control Pill willy-nilly to teenage girls. It is only a band-aid solution for symptoms like acne and PCOS, and as I have… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By REALdeal Source: I Wish Someone Told Me This Earlier: This is What That Extra Shoelace Hole Is For! For more content like this visit This is a fantastic tip for anyone that has suffered from blisters when hiking, running, or walking, etc. You’ll thank yourself down the road once you know this simple preventive measure. This is by using a “lace lock” or “heel lock” which creates extra friction between your ankle and laces. This additional friction effectively keeps [&hellip Source: I Wish Someone Told Me This Earlier: This is What That Extra Shoelace Hole Is …read more
“Interesting article. Later in the article 2 charts are shown of the divergence of how stocks are trending vs. junk bonds in 2015 vs. 2007. Junk bonds headed downward in 2007 before stocks peaked later that year then the market crash occurred. We are seeing that same divergence now.” Admin What I am about to share with you is quite stunning. A well-respected financial expert that correctly predicted the last two stock market crashes is now warning that we are right on the verge of the next one. John Hussman is a former professor of economics and international finance at
Today, on the Fast of Av, Jews throughout the world mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples of Jerusalem and pray for the rebuilding of the Third Temple. But one organization has been doing a lot more than just praying. The Temple Institute has released a modern three-dimensional architectural rendition of the future Third Holy Temple, utilizing the latest building material and techniques. The vivid, three-minute video walks viewers through the main sanctuary, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halakhic (Jewish law) solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans. While
By Dr. Mercola One way of optimizing the bacteria in your gut is by adding fermented foods to your wholesome diet. There are a lot of fermented foods that you can indulge in, such as kefir, tempeh, kimchi, and miso. You can also easily make fermented vegetables at home. One of my personal favorites is sauerkraut, which is rich in beneficial bacteria and at the same time tastes so good. So if you love cabbage, this raw sauerkraut recipe is a must-try. Ingredients: 1 whole green cabbage …read more Read more here: mercola
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola It has long been suggested that spending time in natural outdoor environments may enhance human health, but researchers from the University of Chicago took this notion a step further by quantifying just how beneficial it is. After reviewing a database of public trees and health records in Toronto, they revealed that living around an extra 11 trees per street lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.1 The health benefits were equated to receiving an annual salary increase of $20,000, and those living near a greater density of public trees also …read more
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola About half of Americans (54 percent) enjoy spicy foods, which is considerably less than in some other areas of the world, like India, Asia, and Central America, where chili peppers and other spicy foods are considered staples.1 If you’re one of those people who love a bit of heat with virtually any meal, you’re in luck, as spicy foods are among the best for your health. They contain potent plant compounds called capsaicinoids, which have been found to prevent chronic diseases and are also what give peppers their heat. This, coupled with …read more
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola More than 2.1 billion people, or close to 30 percent of the global population, are overweight or obese, and obesity is responsible for about five percent of all deaths each year, worldwide.1 In the US, nearly one in five deaths is now associated with obesity. That obesity factors into your mortality risk isn’t so surprising when you consider just how many chronic and serious disease it’s associated with. In the US, just eight obesity-related diseases account for 75 percent of all healthcare costs! Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty …read more Read
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The digestive process seems simple on the surface. You put a food in your mouth, chew it up, and swallow. Then your body breaks down your food into components your body can utilize and absorb. Whatever’s left gets excreted as waste. In reality, however, digestion is a complex process that can be easily sidelined by a number of factors, from not chewing your food enough to lacking enzymes, stomach acid, or the right balance of microbes to properly digest your food and absorb its nutrients. The foods you eat can also make or break
By Michelle Schoffro When was the last time you wrote something in longhand, other than signing your name to a check? You probably can’t remember, because with the advent of technology such as computers and tablets, handwriting has become a long lost art. In fact, many schools only devote one hour or less a week to studying longhand. Sadly, the times of pen and paper are quickly disappearing -as are the health benefits of writing longhand. That’s right, writing on paper has health benefits -and not just strengthening your hand muscles. Here are some ways that handwriting benefits you: There
By Activist By Heather Callaghan The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is using the Midwestern poultry avian flu outbreak as an opportunity to decree new requirements for… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Graham Michael In the residential sector around 15% of every home’s electricity bill is spent on lighting, while for commercial companies it is usually a bit higher. This may not be as much as heating costs but with fuel prices continuing to increase it still adds up to a significant amount. It’s no surprise that especially now many people are resorting to alternative, cheaper ways to light their home. There are a few different options available but it can take a lot of trial and error before finding the most effective solution. There are advantages and disadvantages to all
On June 6, 1932, President Herbert Hoover imposed the first ever national gasoline tax in the United States, initially set at 1 cent per gallon. It was a major success for the federal government; the tax on gasoline alone was responsible for over 15% of their 1933 tax revenue. What’s curious is that the Senate Finance Committee issued a report the following year stating that the federal gasoline tax should be repealed. But that never happened. Instead it went up. Under President Eisenhower, the tax increased to 3 cents per gallon. Under Reagan, 9 cents. It’s risen steadily through the
“This is hardly a sign of robust economy, in fact it’s just the opposite. If the economy were booming, as we’re often told, people would have plenty of cash to buy things and wouldn’t need to load up on more debt. All this debt madness can’t last forever and when the crash comes it will be colossal.” Admin Equifax, which profits from the process when more people apply for credit and load up on debt, sees the miracles of the current economy this way: “American consumers continue to show signs they are recovering from the Great Recession by steadily increasing
By Will T Those that live in a household with a large number of individuals understand how annoying it can be to wait for a bathroom to open up. When running late for work or school, it is absolutely imperative to be able to jump right into the shower, get yourself ready and head out the door in record time. With a large family, this is more difficult since everyone will be competing for time in the bathroom. Unfortunately, it is first come first serve. With this in mind, you might be able to eliminate this complication, with the installation
By Activist By Jonathan Landsman Holistic cancer doctor Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has passed away suddenly, patients and friends mourn this tragic event Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has apparently died of a sudden heart… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola It’s estimated that 14 percent of US pregnant women use antidepressants,1 and it’s often suggested to be safe to do so. New research, however, adds to the growing number of studies showing such drugs may harm your unborn baby while offering little benefits to mom. The new study, published in BMJ, specifically looked at the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) used during the first trimester of pregnancy and in the month before. They analyzed data from nearly 30,000 women and revealed the use of the antidepressant Paxil (paroxetine) was associated with …read