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By Julie Fidler A Florida hospital at the center of a controversy involving disturbingly high death rates among infant and newborn cardiac patients treated at the facility has shut down its pediatric cardiothoracic surgery program. A year-long CNN investigation revealed that from 2011 to 2013, St. Mary’s Medical Center had a 12.5% mortality rate for open-heart surgeries, which is more than three times the national average. At least nine babies died under the hospital’s care since the program started in 2011. A tenth child was left permanently paralyzed. [1] In June 2014, the chairman of an expert state panel recommended [More]
By Geary Andrew Frankincense is a common type of essential oil obtained by tapping Boswellia trees. It used in aromatherapy and have potential health benefits: relieve stress and anxiety, reducing chronic pain and inflammation, boosting immunity, and most exciting it fighting multiple cancer. Treat Multiple Cancer It has potential to treat multiple cancer such as brain, breast, colon, pancreatic, prostate, and stomach cancers and more. A study by the University of Leicester in the UK found that AKBA (acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid), a chemical compound in the resin that actually targets and kills cancer cells without harming healthy cells. AKBA potently suppress [More]
By REALdeal Source: The Silent Killer in Your Kitchen Cabinet: Worse for Your Health than Alcohol, Nicotine and Many Drugs For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ANYA V Did you know that conventional spices contain harmful ingredients? When you buy conventional spices, they often contain artificial Colors, preservatives, and gmos. Many of the spices most people buy are treated with chemicals, contain GMOs and are irradiated. According to Thomas Fricke, co-founder and president of ForesTrade, an organic spice company in [&hellip Source: The Silent Killer in Your Kitchen Cabinet: Worse for Your Health than Alcohol, …read more Read [More]
By Activist By Catherine J. Frompovich Correlation and causation are two terms research scientists exploit to drive consensus science—either way: pro or con—for whatever pharmaceutical product de jour they… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
You may have heard that romance often starts in the kitchen. Researchers at Drexel University finally have the science to support that saying, but while the way to a man’s heart may be his stomach, satiety in women is linked with romance. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Beverly Entin Just like peppermint, the basil plant is also belonging to the mint family. It’s popular used to sauces, soups and salads. It’s not only with versatile flavor, also offers many medicinal health benefits with its healing properties: Basil leaves are widely used to treat cuts and wounds thanks to their antiseptic properties. Simply mixed basil leaves juice with coconut oil can be used to relieve cuts and wounds. Another primary medicinal uses for basil is for its anti-inflammatory properties, making basil an ideal treatment for people with arthritis. For therapeutic purposes, you need a higher dose to [More]
By Admin – OK by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Last week Health Impact News published the story of Dr. Susan Evans and her battle with LA County Department of Child and Family Services to get her children back. See: Harvard-trained Beverly Hills Doctor Mom Has 4 Children Kidnapped by LA County DCFS After publishing our story, DCFS canceled a visitation between Dr. Susan and her children on Saturday, August 15th. Why did DCFS cancel the visitation? Was it because they wanted to coach the children about what their mother had done by going to the media, and try to turn the [More]
My name is Dr Suzanne Humphries. I am a medical doctor, board certified in Nephrology and trained in Internal Medicine. I hold active unrestricted medical licenses in Maine and Virginia. After 10 good years as a nephrologist at Eastern Maine Medical Center, I resigned from my position, sold my share of my medical practice and left because of the issues I faced regarding vaccination in my own patients. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Prof. Hesin Dates grow on the palm tree its belong to family of Phoenix, and scientifically named as Phoenix Dactylifera. Its extensively grown in warmer climates across the world. Dates are a great snack also extremely nutritious. Dates contain essential nutrients such as calcium, amino acids, manganese, copper, magnesium, sulphur, iron, potassium and phosphorous. Dates are a great source of dietary fiber. It is recommends that you consume 20-35 grams of dietary fiber a day. They are also wonderful sources of vitamins A1, B1, B2, B3 and B5. Nutritional Value Of Dates Per 100 grams Energy 282 Kcal Proteins [More]
By Julie Fidler A column published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine calls for a new review of herbicides, saying U.S. regulators have been relying on flawed and outdated research. [1] The authors of the opinion piece are Dr. Philip Landrigan, a Harvard-educated pediatrician and epidemiologist who is Dean for Global Health at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, and Chuck Benbrook, an adjunct professor at Washington State University’s crops and soil science department. Landrigan and Benbrook wrote that there are two key factors that necessitate regulatory action to protect human health: a spike in herbicide [More]
The megalithic federal bureaucracy known as the U.S. Department of Agriculture is made up of 100,000 employees who are stationed at 4,500 locations across the country. Their mission statement, in part, reads “to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans.” A recent study by Consumer Reports, however, shows that nourishing Americans consists of feeding them deadly superbugs, food poisoning pathogens, and feces. While it’s not surprising to the readers of the Free Thought Project that the US government could fail so miserably in their stated mission, this recent study exhibits an unrivaled level of incompetence within this behemoth bureaucracy .Consumer [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: Hemp Cultivation Would Be A Major Blessing to Mankind and the Planet For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Allowing and encouraging domestic hemp cultivation would be a boon for small farmers, especially organic farmers. I’m talking only about industrial hemp, not medical cannabis/marijuana, which continues to prove its merits and gain acceptance. Industrial hemp’s use should be a no-brainer. But it’s a complex boondoggle of legal and bureaucratic nonsense even [&hellip Source: Hemp Cultivation Would Be A Major Blessing to Mankind and the Planet Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By Consumers for Dental Choice By Charlie Brown and Sylvia Dove Consumers for Dental Choice Amalgam dental fillings are 50 percent mercury and have been causing a wide range of problems for the past 150 years. Amalgam: Damages your teeth. Amalgam requires the removal of more healthy tooth tissue, weakens tooth structure, and can crack teeth as it expands and contracts – leading to higher dental bills later. Exposes you to mercury. Dental amalgam releases mercury, a neurotoxin. Children, the unborn, people with kidney disorders, the hypersensitive, and dental personnel are especially …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Phyllis Bentley Having ointment at home all the time for minor cuts, scrapes, & minor burns can be a life saver. Mostly you heard of Neosporin and you might even have in your home already, but you don’t know they are full of chemicals like petroleum jelly. Here i want to share a healthier, all-natural, homemade Neosporin ointment formula with you and best about this ointment is it’s completely 100% natural, and it 100% works too!! This homemade ointment has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibiotic elements that make it best for healing open wounds, rashes, burns and more skin itching. [More]
By By Natural News Staff (NaturalNews) In March 2011, a tsunami struck the coast of Japan that destroyed three nuclear reactors and severely damaged a fourth nuclear reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi site. The radioactive waste from the plant has been bleeding into the neighboring forests and Pacific Ocean… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Many organizations might claim to support “science” and “evidence-based medicine,” but such proclamations do not constitute proof that they actually practice what they preach. One such organization, the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), contends that its… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
French security forces are bracing for the eventuality of civil unrest and fear there could be a missile strike on a passenger airliner or a September 11-style attack, according to sources close to French intelligence. “Airlines have been warned of a possible attack on a plane with an anti-tank missile,” a source told The Telegraph. “But pilots are unsure how to take evasive action.” After Friday’s thwarted attempt to massacre passengers on an Amsterdam-Paris train and a series of terrorist attacks and attempted killings in France this year, President François Hollande warned the nation to prepare for more violence, considered [More]
Emerging evidence from a research study shows acupuncture may be an effective treatment for hypertension. Acupuncture regulates blood pressure, blood flow and body temperature. Patients with hypertension treated with acupuncture experienced drops in their blood pressure that lasted up to a month and a half, researchers with the Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine have found. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
On the front cover of Washington State’s August 2015 “Inlander” magazine, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich is shown hands on hips standing on top of the “Don’t Tread On Me” (Gadsden) flag. The title of the article is “Daring To Tread.” The sheriff and at least one of his deputies have verbalized opinions that “constitutionalists” are threats to the sheriff’s office, the federal government, and to the country itself. Sheriff Knezovich even went so far as to compare “constitutionalists” with the Sunni Muslim terror group ISIS. The deputy indicated that the presence of armed “constitutionalists” in the county was the [More]
By By Natural News Editors (NaturalNews) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an attorney-at-law, author, and vaccine investigator, spoke before the New Jersey State legislature regarding the oppressive bill that was introduced to do away with religious exemptions for mandatory vaccinations for children in that state.However… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola When you’re thirsty, pure water is always a good choice, but sometimes you may be craving something different – a cool refreshment on a hot summer day or a warm mug to sip on when temperatures plummet. Green tea fits the bill in both cases and, even better, provides significant benefits to your health. You’re probably already aware that green tea is healthy… but you may be surprised to learn just how healthy it actually is. Green tea is one beverage you can feel good about enjoying even multiple times a day. 9 Health [More]
By By Dr.Sofiya (NaturalNews) Cancer remains one of the most-researched diseases all around the world, as international scientists work on research to broaden the understanding of every aspect of this disease – why and how it develops, grows and spreads within the human body. This knowledge… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By By Natural News Staff (NaturalNews) Forget fad diets… and don’t leap into unhealthy shortcuts like bariatric surgery. The new weight loss paradigm is based on making informed, daily choices about healthy eating. Using this simple system of avoiding liquid sugars and eating whole foods like quinoa and… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Activist By Amanda Froelich Psychological health is deeply affected by physiological choices – one more reason to “think before you eat.” Could the bout of the blues you’re dealing with possibly be linked… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Is California turning back into a desert? Perhaps, but that’s just one of many reasons why it is becoming less and less desirable to live there.As most Americans know, the Golden State is in the throes of one of the worst droughts in California history. As reported… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) When Dr. Jack Wolfson, an Arizona cardiologist, spoke out recently regarding the potential dangers of vaccines in the wake of an artificial “measles” crisis at Disneyland last fall, he likely did not anticipate how aggressively he would be attacked by the Big Pharma… …read more Read more here: Natural News