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By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Heidi Kristoffer There are many green, non-poisonous items in your kitchen that can be uses for household cleaning. One of the most popular of these is baking soda. There are reasons why this common product is so useful: Firstly, it’s non-toxic, baking soda is totally environmentally friendly. Secondly, except been used as a household cleanser, baking soda has more multi-purpose. And finally, compared with other cleaning agents, it’s super cheap! Baking soda can be used for a variety of different cleaning tasks , including the following 14 ways: 1. If you want to remove odors no matter in your [More]
Resveratrol is a poweful antioxidant with benefits for muscle strength, anti-inflammatories, metabolism, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. A new study in Neurology suggests that a chemical in dark chocolate and red wine can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) “Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes,” published several years ago by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. So, why do we continue to merely focus on the symptoms of cancer by offering surgery, chemotherapy and radiation… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
Public water fluoridation continues to be one of the most controversial health topics in the United States and in other parts of the world. The American Dental Association (ADA) has been, and continues to be, one of the biggest proponents of water fluoridation, although even the government has recently admitted that fluoride may not actually be helping teeth. More scientific studies pointout that fluoride is actually very dangerous, yet this practice continues in many countries. In Europe, only Ireland (73%), Poland (1%), Serbia (3%), Spain (11%), and the U.K. (11%) fluoridate any of their water. Most developed countries, including Japan [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Americans spend 87 percent of their time in enclosed buildings and 6 percent of their time in enclosed vehicles.1 That’s a total of 93 percent of your life spent inside, breathing indoor air. Levels of many pollutants concentrate indoors, where levels are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations.2 A major source of such pollutants is household dust, which is often regarded as more of an aesthetic problem than a health-harming one. However, once you learn what’s actually lurking in your household dust, you’ll never look at a …read more Read [More]
By Julie Fidler Scientists are more certain than ever that Agent Orange is causing cancer in Vietnam War veterans. A recent study of 479 Vietnam veterans who were involved in Agent Orange defoliation efforts in that country found that these individuals are twice as likely to develop a blood condition known as monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, or MGUS. The disorder is a precursor for multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. During the Vietnam War, Agent Orange was used by U.S. forces to kill off trees and vegetation in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia that the enemy used [More]
By REALdeal Source: This Lemon Ginger Tea DIY Recipe Will Detox And Transform Your Life! For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Kirsten Cowart Your body’s ability to detox is key to maintaining good health, preventing illness and healing diseases. There is a long list of toxins and pollutants that you can find in your water, food and air that inevitably gets into your body. Even with this happening, you can still maintain great health by [&hellip Source: This Lemon Ginger Tea DIY Recipe Will Detox And Transform Your Life! Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read more [More]
“The tensions just keep getting higher with the march to eventual war going full speed ahead.”  Admin On Tuesday we noted – with some alarm – that the US is set to deliver 20 new nuclear bombs to Germany, each of which has four times the destructive power of the one that was dropped on Hiroshima. For his part, Hans Kristensen, Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, said the move blurs the line between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons,” while one member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats warned that the “new attack options against [More]
As business owners suffer penalties in the United Kingdom and the United States for refusing to endorse or promote “same-sex marriage,” a “values monitor” for the British government’s counter-terrorism program is acknowledging it might be illegal simply to criticize the behavior. The U.K. charity Christian Institute is raising the alarm after the values monitor was asked whether or not it would be acceptable for a Muslim to believe homosexuality is wrong. “If that’s what you think, and that’s what you believe, and you want to hold that in your head, that is your business and your right, but bear in [More]
Abortion, a highly publicized debate topic recently, affects hundreds of thousands. America’s Middle East policy, another debate topic, affects millions. Those strange questions about one candidate’s comment about another candidate’s appearance affect almost no one, but still get attention. But a debate shaping up for Friday night about the end times will affect, in one way or another, well, everyone. That’s when Thomas Ice of the Pre-Trib Research Center will be debating Alan Kurschner of Eschatos Ministries on the question of whether the Christian church will face the Antichrist. The event will be at The Hope Center in Plano, Texas, [More]
  “Does this portend something momentous happening this year or next, we’ll just have to wait and see.”  Admin A rare event is set for Tuesday that some end times watchers will be looking at closely. The astrological event, known as a blood moon will occur around 7 p.m. ET on September 27 in the U.S. and end a just after midnight on September 28. Although blood moon occurs a few times a year in various parts of the world, a tetrad is rare. A blood moon occurs when the earth casts its shadow on a full moon, causing a [More]
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) Traitorous bureaucrats in the state of Rhode Island are attempting to force 11-year-olds to be vaccinated for human papillomavirus (HPV) in order to attend school, and this even applies to those who attend private school. This has sparked outrage among parents, doctors… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Jade Rich It can be scary when your child gets a fever, but this is also an important indicator that their immune system is working hard to fight off some type of infection. Many doctors want to push medication on a child whose temperature rises above the normal range, but it is wise to consider natural alternatives whenever possible. After all, people who are overly medicated can end up dealing with major issues later in life, especially when their body becomes resistant to antibiotics and other helpful prescriptions. Therefore, if you child does not have an extremely high fever, [More]
Fear, anger, uncertainty, discomfort, shame, guilt and many other emotions we perceive as negative are often our compass towards growth. It is our resistance to our past and our interpretation of how our experiences should have manifested which define our expectations for the future. How people remember past behavior affects their choices in the present, according to a new study that suggests the relationship between recall and self-control is more complicated than previously believed. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Szabo Laszlo What if I told you that the best way to improve bad posture can easily be learned by utilizing ONE simple 10-minute exercise? What if I told you this exercise could not only improve the health of your spinal column in the long run but it could also alleviate the pain and poor body posture that comes with it completely? I have recently come across an article on a website that pretty much dealt with the idea that our generation of mainly white-collar office workers is going to be less healthy in the next decades to come [More]
There have been many theories as to why consuming water allows people to shed more pounds, especially when taken shortly before meals. According to new research published in Obesity, scientists have now shown that drinking 500 ml of water around 30 minutes before main meals does in fact allow people to lose more weight than a control group skipped the H2O. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Activist In a joint statement Thursday by the Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Ségolène Royal, and the Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, it was announced that France has… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, and the number is steadily increasing. Someone in the US develops the disease every 67 seconds, and by 2025 it’s estimated that the number with Alzheimer’s will increase 40 percent to more than 7 million.1 By 2050, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s is expected to nearly triple, reaching 13.8 million people. In 2015, it’s already the sixth leading cause of death, and it’s one that has no known cure or proven way to slow its progression. There are, however, several known risks factors, including many that …read [More]
By Vinay Grover Also known with the names Salvia Officinalis, Salvia lavandulaefolia and garden meadow, sage herb has been in use for over 2000 years now. The herb has been touted as a wonder drug to treat snakebite to mental illness apart from preserving meat. French in the medieval times called this herb as toute bonne, meaning “all is well”. Egyptians in the ancient times use this herb as a fertility drug. Herbalists and physicians in the Greece used the solution of sage and water to stop wounds from bleeding and to clean sores and ulcers. The modern research on [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you eat breakfast, get your family’s day off to a good start with this low-calorie yet high-fiber omelet recipe, which is best paired with fresh fruit or organic protein. They will surely thank you for this burst of energy! Ingredients: For the omelet 2 organic free-range eggs 1 tablespoon water 1/8 teaspoon sea salt 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1/8 cup crumbled goat cheese Freshly ground pepper For the filling ½ cup sliced zucchini ½ cup sliced button mushrooms 1 cup spinach or ½ diced onions and bell peppers 1 tablespoon coconut oil Procedure: [More]
It has been suggested, with evidence, that NOAA has been a little less than forthcoming with temperature data this year ahead of all these big UN meetings addressing Agenda 21 and climate change. I’m sorry, did I say “a little less than forthcoming”? If this is true, I meant to say a bunch of big fat liars. It has been announced that more than 190 countries are set to meet in Paris in December to see about a “new global agreement on climate change aimed at reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and thus avoiding the threat of dangerous climate change” [More]
 Ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks the powers that be cannot get enough surveillance on us. The latest in their quest for wanting to watch our every move comes in the form of microchipped pills. Not happy enough with monitoring our phone calls, computers and having a camera on us everywhere we go outside… the recently FDA-approved microchip in a pill will be the perfect excuse to place surveillance inside our bodies. (Yes, it’s science-fiction as in the example of the old George Lucas movie THX 1138 now turned into science-fact. The scientific dictatorship is here care of the surveillance [More]
“Well things are heating up to an extent not seen since the worst of the “cold war” days of decades ago. The question is how will it eventually end, these dreams and visions provide the answer.”  Admin With each passing day, The Kremlin seems less and less interested in observing any niceties with regard to how it describes Russia’s military involvement in Syria. Initially, it seemed likely that Moscow would go the Ukraine route by providing logistical support and lurking behind the scenes while officially denying – or at least downplaying – its role in the conflict. Over the course [More]
By Julie Fidler A new study suggests the terrifying possibility that Alzheimer’s disease could be transmitted from person to person through some medical procedures. The study is small – 8 people – but it’s enough to make researchers question whether contaminated surgical tools might be capable of spreading the “seeds” of the disease, which clog the brain with amyloid proteins and steals the memories of patients. [1] The participants, adults between the ages of 36 and 51, all died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) after receiving contaminated hormone injections as children. Autopsies performed on their brains showed that 7 of the [More]
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) For much of the presidency of Barack Obama, a record number of Americans have subsisted in part or in whole on taxpayer-subsidized programs.For much of his presidency, Obama has claimed that is because he “inherited” the worst economy in modern history and that government… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
Officials in a Florida city have opted to end the presentation of prayers at city council meetings altogether rather than face a possible lawsuit from a Satanist who is seeking to lead an invocation. Activist Chaz Stevens had submitted a request to city leaders in Coral Springs and other Florida cities to lead a Satanic invocation during the city council meeting. Stevens, known for erecting a Festivus Pole made of beer cans at the Florida Capitol Rotunda, submitted the requests to make a point: If you allow representatives of one religion to pray, you must allow them all. “My project [More]