If you get all of your news from mainstream media and cable TV infotainment, then you’re probably unaware that glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp herbicide) has been linked to cancer. The World Health Organization stated in March that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, and California will soon label it as such. The MSM addict will also be unaware that long-term exposure to glyphosate—even tiny amounts deemed “safe” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—can lead to liver and kidney damage. The “safe” level of glyphosate for U.S. drinking water was set at 0.7 ug/L in 1994, and this has not
The truth about statin drugs is finally getting attention in scientific journals, and it’s the same truth we’ve been telling customers for years: statins are cellular poison. They accelerate aging and cause diabetes, heart attacks, muscle fatigue and memory loss. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
The rush to vaccinate pregnant mothers is on and from commercials, to TV shows and bill boards, you can’t miss the propaganda–it’s everywhere. Not only does the CDC admit flu shots don’t work, but there is absolutely no evidence that any influenza vaccine prevents the flu for pregnant women (or others) any more than a placebo. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
People are drinking less liquid sugar than in previous decades, and the soda industry is doing everything it can to get back in the game. Did your grandparents ever tell stories of how soda used to cost a nickel, and was served in a small, 8-ounce glass bottle, typically enjoyed on Saturdays as an afternoon treat? Well, those days died quickly. Over the span of the last century—particularly from the 1950s into the first 10 years of the new millennium—soda will go down in the history books as a driving force in the obesity epidemic. We demonize fat, but sugar
Now about those so-called “scientists” that want those who do not believe the “climate narrative” prosecuted — can we go after them under 42 USC 1983 and 18 USC 242 for attempting to deprive persons of their rights under color of law? A MATHEMATICAL discovery by Perth-based electrical engineer Dr David Evans may change everything about the climate debate, on the eve of the UN climate change conference in Paris next month. A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which underpins
Bon sai is an art that has been practiced in Asia for many centuries. It isn’t genetically altered to make it smaller. Bonsai trees are grown from the same seeds as trees that grow to full size. They are grown in small containers and trimmed and trained so that they remain small and elegant. In this ancient technique, you typically grow the tree outdoors where it can experience the same growing conditions as a regular tree of the same species bearing full sized fruits in a fraction of the area. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By By S. Johnson (NaturalNews) Whole foods has decided to end the practice of selling food that was made using prison labor, but not out of the kindness of their heart. A demonstration in Houston, Texas, led to the decision, and it was only after this bad press that Whole Foods finally decided that… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) President Obama has ripped a page out of George Orwell’s classic futuristic tome, 1984, in issuing an executive order that directs federal agencies to better manipulate Americans to the will of the government.They will accomplish this, according to WorldNetDaily… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Christina Sarich Seniors represent only 13% of the population, but they take over 40% of pharmaceutical drugs in the US. In the UK, 45% of prescriptions are doled out to individuals over the age of 65 years. The practice of polypharmacy has never been more acute than it is in the modern era. So why are we drugging the elderly so profoundly? With such a high number of the elderly taking multiple drugs, there have been few studies looking at how these drugs interact with one another. This is even more alarming in those over 65 because an older
By Paul Fassa Source: Three Fruits That Enhance Brain Power and Prevent Dementia For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Regardless of what foods are recommended for boosting brain power, keep in mind that avoiding cheaper and more convenient processed foods is necessary to fully benefit from those healthier food recommendations. Beverages with added sugar, and processed hydrogenated cooking and salad oils (including Canola oils) should be avoided completely. This article recommends [&hellip Source: Three Fruits That Enhance Brain Power and Prevent Dementia Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org
By Julie Fidler Arsenic has been found in a lot of the foods we eat. Apple juice, rice, seafood, and cereal bars all contain high levels of the poison. Now, researchers are warning that many red wines also contain arsenic, and that aficionados should limit their intake. Researchers tested 65 U.S. wines made in California, Washington, New York, and Oregon. They found that the alcoholic beverage contained 24 parts per billion (ppb) of arsenic, with some containing as much as 76 ppb. Wines containing the lowest levels of arsenic were produced in Oregon, with 13 ppb. In all, 98% of
By Amy Goodrich About one-third of the world’s crops depend on the honeybees for pollination. The past decades honeybees have been dying at an alarming rate. Fewer bees will eventually lead to less availability of our favorite whole foods and it will also drive up the prices of many of the fruits and veggies we eat on a daily basis. While some actions have been taken in the past, our bees are still dying and something needs to be done to make sure our most favorite foods don’t go into extinction. What’s Causing Massive Bee Deaths? About fifty years ago
The headline may catch many Moms off guard and the average 12-year old will be dying to forward this article to their parents, but there’s an excuse backed by science to leave your bed undone in the morning. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
“If you look at the picture above the answer to one of the basic beliefs statements is Muslims worship the same God as Jews and Christians, which of course is a blatant falsehood. They are just trying to brainwash the kids into thinking Muslims, Jews and Christians are just one big happy family all worshiping the same God.” Admin Public schools in Georgia have been teaching young children about the basic beliefs of Islam, and their parents are furious about it. Hundreds of parents plan to confront the Board of Education of the Walton County school district on Oct. 10
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson, in his State of the Union Address, declared a “war on poverty” that he said would eliminate endless cycles of limited opportunity and economic despair for all Americans.He said on January 8 of that year:Unfortunately, many… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“I’m afraid the Archbishop is clueless about Islam and it’s ultimate goals, he needs to read the Koran and see what it says about peaceful co-existence with other religions … convert or die. Good reader comments after the article.” Admin The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has spoken out against the forces of secularism, on the one hand, seeking to force religion out of the public sphere, and extremism, on the other, seeking to replace mainstream religion with a radicalised version twisted to fit their own agenda. In a hard hitting speech, he also urged Muslim leaders to do more
An experienced archaeologist who has spent a decade searching for the ancient ruins of Sodom is now confident that his team has located the ill-fated biblical city and evidence of its sudden destruction. Dr. Steven Collins is a distinguished professor of Archaeology at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque and is also dean of the school’s College of Archaeology & Biblical History. In addition to writing dozens of scholarly books and journal articles, Collins frequently visits the Middle East, where he participates in ongoing archaeological research. Since 2005, Collins has led excavations in the southern Jordan Valley in an attempt to
Officials in Oregon have moved to take the home and/or other assets of a Christian couple as they are refusing to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to two lesbian women that filed a complaint after the couple declined to make a cake at their bakery for their “wedding” ceremony. As previously reported, in February, a judge with the Oregon BOLI declared Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa guilty of discrimination for declining to make the cake because of their Christian convictions, thus moving the matter into the sentencing phase. Read More: Officials Move to Take Christian Bakers’
The Secretary General proclaimed this even though he is reportedly fully aware that championing the radical agenda will continue to stir internal tension and division between member nations. However, Ban conceded that his mission to advance LGBT rights on a global scale has been met with opposition, but pledged that his “personal diplomacy” of promoting homosexual behavior in numerous nations will not abate.“ Mostly I have not been successful,” the Secretary General regretfully announced at a special event Tuesday on the sideline of the General Assembly in front of cheering advocates and delegates at the U.N. headquarters, according to C-Fam.
By James Jacobs Your home is where many of the investments you love such as upholstery are found. But like other things, furniture and other upholstery wear and tear over time. However, you can prolong their life with regular and proper cleaning. Below are the pointers you need to remember when cleaning them. Understand upholstery-cleaning codes. The furniture industry, like other industries, has its own codes, which represents the methods by which a particular type of upholstery should be cleaned. Generally, there are four codes. These are S, W, WS and X. If the code is S, then you have
“It appears Chancellor Merkel has lost her mind. As the article notes immigrants with families back home will want to bring them in which could swell the immigrant levels to many millions creating a massive financial burden and social chaos. This is utter madness.” Admin The official government forecast for so-called asylum seekers arriving in Germany has risen again to 1.5 million, according to internal documents seen by Bild, Germany’s top-selling daily. The new 1.5 million figure represents a remarkable increase from the previous official 800,000 figure announced in mid-August – just one and a half months ago. What has
“I can’t think of any other way to describe this other than a blatant act of treason. Mr. O has demonstrated himself as an enemy of our constitution. I hope I’m wrong but it would not surprise me at all if he doesn’t have a plan to declare martial law before elections next year based on some staged event to keep himself in power.” Admin On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative
By Paul by Paul FassaHealth Impact News Our national government’s attempts at issuing dietary guidelines are usually inappropriate and ludicrous. Unfortunately, those guidelines dictate what the average certified dietitian offers as sound dietary advice. If you’ve ever had to eat hospital food, you were the recipient of a dietitian’s control over the hospital’s kitchen. Today there are virtual food fights over different dietary approaches. It seems the advocates of each diet want to create a following and promote how their particular approach to eating assures longevity and good health. But there is no one size fits all diet. This isn’t
By Sam Cohen Cutting out extra weight has a lot of obvious health benefits both physically and mentally, but it also pays off in other ways, too. Getting rid of excess weight can help you eliminate some expenses or reduce others dramatically, allowing you to get positive benefits in your wallet as well. Read on to find out how slimming down influences your life positively when it comes to expenses. Lower Life Insurance Rate Excess weight is a red flag to life insurance companies, but losing the weight and keeping it off allows you to get a lower rate. Since
By Beverly Entin Peppermint is one of the most popular essential oils nowadays. It’s rich in kinds of nutrients including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese and copper. Like many other essential oils, peppermint oil has many uses for your health, beauty and you can also use it around your home. Following are some popular uses for peppermint oil: 1-Soothe digestive issues If you have indigestion problems, rub peppermint oil mixed with a carrier oil on your abdomen in a circular pattern, your symptoms will be relieved. And add a few drops into your
By Dr. Becker By Dr. Mercola The American Heart Association and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend limiting your daily added sugar intake to nine teaspoons (38 grams) for men and six teaspoons (25 grams) for women. I strongly recommend limiting your daily fructose intake to 25 grams or less from all sources, including natural sources such as fruit — regardless of whether you’re male or female. That equates to just over six teaspoons of total sugar a day. The average American, however, consumes around 20 teaspoons of added sugar a day, which is more than three times my recommended