By Ariana Source: Color Your Summer: 6 Heat Loving Flowers For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL If your perennial garden begins to lose its color as soon as hot weather arrives, it might be a good idea to look into planting flowers that love hot weather. These flowers love hot weather and can withstand high temperatures. If you live in an area that gets extra toasty during [&hellip Source: Color Your Summer: 6 Heat Loving Flowers Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Your dental health is an important component of your physical health. It’s a frequently underappreciated aspect that can have a profound systemic influence. In fact, thousands of studies have linked oral disease to systemic disease. Your mouth is like a window to your health; the soft tissues and your teeth reflect what’s going on in the rest of your body. Inflammation is well-known as a “ravaging” and disease-causing force, and gum disease and other oral diseases produce chronic low-grade inflammation. When the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease …read more Read more
As everyone knows, the people of Great Britain voted to secede from the European Union (EU). This was a stunning repudiation of the globalists’ agenda and a very bad omen for Hillary Clinton. However, globalists, including the Neocons and Neolibs in Washington, D.C., will NOT take this lying down. Leaders in France and Germany are already talking about EU member states surrendering their economies, their armies, and their borders to the EU. International bankers immediately manipulated the financial markets downward (over two trillion dollars were lost) as a threat to any other country thinking about following England’s example.
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most widely used medications in the U.S. This class of drug is used to treat chronic heartburn. Although the pain often happens in the lower to mid chest area, it is not related to heart disease or a heart attack. Instead, heartburn pain happens when acid refluxes up your esophagus, burning the tissue. The fluid in your stomach is highly acidic, necessary for digestion of your food, protection against bacteria and absorption of many nutrients. A variety of different reasons can cause this acidic fluid to pass
By Melanie Grimes Fireworks toxins can damage your health. Fireworks contain potassium perchlorate and other heavy metals such as dioxin, cadmium, and lead. These toxins land on the soil and can leak into lakes and enter the food chain. Avoid exposure to fireworks by remaining inside or far away from the fireworks displays. What toxins are in fireworks? Fireworks toxins include potassium perchlorate, gunpowder, and metals such as aluminum, dioxin, rubidium, cadmium, antimony, mercury, lithium, arsenic and lead. Potassium perchlorate is an ingredient in rocket fuel. It can reduce the body’s ability to absorb iodine, which is critical to thyroid
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By By Isabelle Z. (NaturalNews) By now, it is fairly common knowledge that pesticide exposure is associated with a disturbing number of life-changing illnesses. Yet, for some reason, pesticides continue to be used on a widespread basis, with people around the world feeling the effects of these harmful… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) Japanese scientists may have just discovered the fountain of youth, but perhaps in the least-likely of places: rats. A collaborative team of researchers from Hokkaido and Keio Universities appears to be one step closer to understanding precisely how cancer develops,… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Julie Fidler Plenty of humans want to run away, so why should it be any different for a robot with artificial intelligence (AI)? One such robot could receive the ultimate punishment for making a break for it: being dismantled. Promobot IR77 got out a second time this week, and could be facing its demise. The AI robot first broke loose last week, and who can blame it? It has been programmed to move around independently and think for himself, and when a worker at the Russian laboratory where Promobot was housed accidentally left a gate open, Promobot saw his
By Admin GMOs and Glyphosate Safe? by Alliance for Natural Health Two recent studies would have us think so! But who, exactly, is behind the research? Major studies just released claim that genetically modified (GM) foods—and the chemical used on them, glyphosate—are safe to eat. Following publication, there has been a steady drumbeat in the media essentially claiming that the case is now closed: GMOs are safe. We say, “Not so fast.” The National Research Council (NRC)—the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)—“examined epidemiological data on incidence of cancers and other human …read more Read more here:
By By S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) Half of all Americans will get cancer in their lifetime, and only half of them will survive. That’s at least one fourth of all Americans who will die from a preventable disease that virtually did not exist in America a century ago.Now here comes a big question: Why… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Anna Scanlon New research has found that there are shared biological processes in both diabetes and Alzheimer’s. The report studied genetically engineered mice with BACE1, an enzyme which already has a proven link to Alzheimer’s, and also is suggested to be linked to Type 2 Diabetes. While many news outlets in the United Kingdom have reported that medications used for diabetes in the regulation of glucose could stop the effects of dementia or treat Alzheimer’s outright, the National Health Services (NHS) in the US is warning the public against the hype. The NHS stated that the research looked at
By Admin Chest congestion is a common condition, which occurs when there is an infection in the respiratory tract. This infection that causes the congestion is the natural result of an accumulation of extra mucus in the lungs. Chest congestion may also be caused due to the inflammation of the lower tract of respiratory system. This highly […] The post Effective Home Remedies for Chest Congestion appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here:
By kevinjonesjj For a long time, running was for weirdos. It wasn’t always like it is today. Today we’re used to people pushing past us on the sidewalk, dressed in neon and kitted out with iPods and FitBits. It’s normal that everybody looks like cyborg highlighters. In America, the metric system is basically kept alive by 5k races alone. But back in the 60’s, running was so unusual that it had to be explained to people. On October 15, 1968, the Chicago Tribune devoted an entire page to a strange new trend—Jogging: The Newest Road to Fitness. A typical recreational
By Admin A fever (also called Pyrexia) is the bodies natural response it uses fight off viral infections and destroy the bacteria that cause these infections. Here are some useful home remedies to try to dissipate the symptoms of fever naturally. by Best Health Magazine If your forehead is fiery with fever, you could reach for acetaminophen (Tylenol) or […] The post Home Remedies for Fever appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here:
“If he lives long enough he will fit perfectly into a one world religion.” Admin Evil-willed people are using Brexit as an excuse to give vent to hatred and to create division, the Archbishop of Canterbury said last night. In what became a conscious display of interfaith harmony at a time of unprecedented tension, Justin Welby hosted an iftar last night night at Lambeth Palace – a breaking of the Muslim fast of Ramadan. He was joined by Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, as well as many young people of Christian and other faiths.” At a
By Admin Black Gram is highly regarded by many natural healers due to its numerous amazing health benefits! by Deepek Paul – The nutritive values of black gram (urad dal) are very high and contain a high capacity of minerals, proteins, and vitamins. In the conventional medicine of Ayurveda, black gram is used due to its large number […] The post Health Benefits of Black Gram appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here:
“Just another government attack on religious freedom. Abortion is another club that is being used to bash Christians with.” Admin The U.S. Supreme Court has allowed a ruling to stand that requires the owner of a Washington pharmacy, along with two of his pharmacists, to stock the morning-after pill despite their religious convictions regarding abortifacients. As previously reported, in 2006, Ralph’s Thriftway owner, Kevin Stormans, received a call inquiring whether the location sold the morning-after pill. After replying that the pharmacy did not carry it, he began to receive anonymous complaints via phone and email. Ralph’s Thriftway was soon also picketed
“I don’t think there is any question we are moving in the direction of a police state and this is just one more big step in that direction.” Admin In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court has given police more leeway in dealing with the public regardless if they have committed a crime. In Utah, an officer stopped a car with no reason to believe the driver was doing anything wrong, found out he had an arrest warrant for a minor traffic violation, searched his vehicle, and found some narcotics. John Whitehead, founder of The Rutherford Institute picks up the
“This whole transgender, lesbian/gay mania is being used as club to beat Christians over the head with. It’s a war on Christianity folks. This is exactly what we can expect as we go into the last days.” Admin Teachers unions across America are shunning Christianity and embracing the LGBT community, as the National Education Association is now pledging at least $70,000 to fight religious freedom bills and championing a gender-confused policy on bathrooms and locker rooms. The NEA will meet in Washington, DC, from July 2–7 in order to set its agenda for the coming year, and it itinerary looks
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola At one time or another, most people are plagued with dark circles under their eyes. Whether you are overly tired, aging or suffering from allergies, you may be faced with dark circles in your mirror. However, while they are not dangerous to your health, the condition does have a psychological effect on how you see yourself and what others think when they meet you. Despite warnings not to make first impressions from the way others look, the reality is that virtually everyone does it.1 There are changes you can make that will reduce the
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Blueberries are just one of the “superfoods” nature has blessed us with. There are so many wonderful qualities and health benefits to eating more blueberries that they are almost too numerous to count.Besides being packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, research… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Alex Jordon It’s said that Matcha green tea is almost 100 times abundant in antioxidants than regular green tea. Matcha tea is one of the highest quality powdered green teas and it’s becoming more and more popular now, why is everyone talking about it and what this tea can help you? Following listed 10 great reasons why you should drink a cup of Matcha green tea everyday. 1.It provides several necessary nutrients A cup of Matcha tea is equal to 10 cups of regular green tea in terms of nutritional content. It’s rich in fiber, chlorophyll and a variety
The Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Texas abortion law signed by Gov. Rick Perry in 2013 is but the latest example of the lost, confused, sick nation we have become. In the words of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, “A country I do not recognize.” The court, in an opinion written by Justice Stephen Breyer,…
“America is certainly finding this out the hard way, aren’t we.” Admin I see regularly the slogan from the American Humanists Association: “Good Without God.” And I think … well, maybe for a while one can be good (before men) – but only because they piggyback on the Judeo-Christian values they may have imbibed. After a while, it all fades away. The reality of that fading away now…
“Well we see Mr. O, the human wrecking ball, extending this bathroom lunacy as far and wide as he possibly can. Restrooms at national parks ‘align’ with gender identity By Fred Lucas Republished with permission of the Daily Signal Visitors to national parks are free to use whichever public restroom they believe matches their gender identity, the Department of Interior says. “As it relates to recently passed state laws relating to the transgender community, visitors to public…
By none Recipe From Marisa Moon of My Longevity Kitchen It’s important that your body has enough fuel to power you through the busy day ahead. For some, a healthy breakfast does just that, especially when the meal is rich in organic fruits and/or veggies, beneficial healthy fats, and moderate portions of high-quality protein. This Butternut Squash Breakfast Bowl recipe from My Longevity Kitchen is loaded with flavor and nutrition. The sweetness of the almond butter and honey paired with the buttery and savory squash provide the right amount of satisfaction and energy to start your day right. Ingredients: 1