NEA: Oust religious freedom, welcome ‘transgenderism’ –

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“This whole transgender, lesbian/gay mania is being used as club to beat Christians over the head with. It’s a war on Christianity folks. This is exactly what we can expect as we go into the last days.”  Admin

Teachers unions across America are shunning Christianity and embracing the LGBT community, as the National Education Association is now pledging at least $70,000 to fight religious freedom bills and championing a gender-confused policy on bathrooms and locker rooms.

The NEA will meet in Washington, DC, from July 2–7 in order to set its agenda for the coming year, and it itinerary looks decidedly liberal — especially when it comes to pushing the “gay” agenda.

Retired NEA member Jerelee Smith has been tracking the latest proposal, which is expected to raise the concern of conservatives and Christians alike.

“It looks like to me they’re bringing out all the guns,” Smith begins. “There are six different strategies they propose to fight what they call discrimination against LGBTQ individuals.”

The strategies mentioned include pushing for mixed-gender bathrooms and locker rooms, broad support for gay school clubs and the shutting down of conservative and Christian dissent. The NEA is specifically going after religious freedom and accommodation bills, such as the ones passed in North Carolina and Mississippi.

Read More: NEA: Oust religious freedom, welcome ‘transgenderism’