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By REALdeal Source: Why Most People Are Deficient In Magnesium: The Signs and What You Can Do For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ORGANIC OLIVIA Signs of magnesium deficiency are everywhere in the United States, if you know what to look for. Unfortunately, the symptoms are so incredibly common that they constantly slip under the radar! Hardly anyone, especially doctors, notice that the ailments we suffer from on a daily basis are actually magnesium deficiency symptoms… and […] Source: Why Most People Are Deficient In Magnesium: The Signs and What You Can Do Learn more at …read more [More]
By Admin Dr. Franz from Orlando. Practicing pediatrician for over 30 years. Health Impact News The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Franz from Orlando. Dr. Franz starts out the interview by stating that her story was very similar to everyone else the VAXXED film crew was interviewing, which is that in the beginning she was a “hard-core” believer in vaccines. However, when she first started her practice, the most vaccines anyone ever received in one visit was “two at a time.” Even back then when the vaccine schedule had far fewer vaccines, Dr. Franz testifies that she …read more [More]
By REALdeal Source: Quaker Oats Sued Over Glyphosate Found in ‘All Natural’ Foods For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Quaker Oats, owned by PepsiCo, has been sued over its “all natural” oats containing high levels of glyphosate weed killer (sold as “Roundup” by Monsanto). The New York Times, forever a defender of Monsanto and GMOs, is blatantly lying to its readers by claiming the glyphosate found in Quaker Oats is nothing more than “traces.” In reality, […] Source: Quaker Oats Sued Over Glyphosate Found in ‘All Natural’ Foods Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read more [More]
By Frances Bloomfield (Natural News) They say big things come …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Nearly 50 million Americans experience tinnitus, or nearly 15 percent of the U.S. population.1 Tinnitus is the perception of sound when there is no external sound present. Others can’t hear what you’re hearing, and it’s often referred to as “ringing in the ears.” However, the reference to ringing doesn’t exactly ring true, as sufferers may complain of sounds that include hissing, buzzing, whistling or swooshing.2 For many, the condition resolves after a couple of days, but roughly 20 million struggle with chronic tinnitus, while 2 million have a debilitating form of the condition. Currently, [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The spread of genetically modified crops now extends to potatoes, with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) approval last October of two new GM varieties. Although voluntary approval is still pending from the FDA and the EPA, the Ranger Russet and the Atlantic Russet seem to be on target for planting this spring – much to the dismay of natural health advocates and GMO foes, who lament the environmental damage caused by GM crops. GM potatoes will largely benefit the potato chip industry The two potatoes were developed by J.R. Simplot Company, …read [More]
By Brian Ever wish science would surprise you with some unconventional ways to get healthy that don’t take much work? Here are a few counter-intuitive ways to get healthier that may surprise you. If these… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Hesh Goldstein There are some extremely salient facts that put the corruption concerning fluoridation in its proper perspective. FACT: In the year 2000, on Hawaii Public Radio, Dr. Mark Greer made the statement that “the toxicology tests proved that fluoride was safe and effective”. There was one problem with this: there no independent toxicology reports ever done at this time. In a hearing at the Capitol in 2003, I made reference to this in my testimony. I also said that Dr. Greer missed his calling. He should have the President of the Liar’s Club. This was said in front [More]
The population of the United States is split now over Syria, political parties, President Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, abortion, “gay marriage,” Russia, Vladimir Putin, the Supreme Court, burning coal for fuel, clean air, clean water and the budget.   And Bible verses.   The newest addition to a long list of issues over which there is no general consensus surfaced just in the last week as the “National Bible Bee Game Show” competition was launched live on Facebook, a first for the format.   The “National Bible Bee” competition is being broadcast on the social-media network Tuesdays at 8 p.m. [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Vicki Batts (Natural News) It’s not a secret that …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By none Recipe by Pete Evans Sausages are a popular food all over the world, and they come in different flavors and sizes, with each culture having their own unique creation. In the U.S. alone, there are already several choices. Popular selections include bologna, goetta, frankfurter and pepperoni.[1] But while sausages are popular and a part of American culture, I have one major warning about them — eating at least one piece per day can increase your risk of bowel cancer by 20 percent. That’s because sausages are made with processed meats that usually contain …read more Read more here: [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Serge Gregoire Do you really need convincing when it comes to doing things that are good for you? When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, however, many people just simply are not getting it (1,2). Here are some reasons why it is absolutely a necessity (2): Pay Attention Longer There is a reason why your teachers always used to tell you that you should get a good night’s sleep before taking a big exam. One of the main reasons why they instilled this in you is because proper rest has a great impact on brain function. [More]
By Admin – Orissa Free Range egg farm in the U.K. where friendlier laws encourage family farming. by Paul FassaHealth Impact News Both the USDA and FDA seem to focus on protecting factory farming and all the industries that contribute to BigAg and Big Dairy from competition by smaller, healthier operations. They do this by enforcing regulations meant for factory farms and CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations), which by their very vastness and economics need to be regulated since they are breeding grounds for disease. This holds true for foods that most urban shoppers take for granted, such as eggs [More]
By wikiyeah A healthy tongue is essential for our survival because, through it, we can drink, talk and consume diet. Sometimes, because of improper hygiene, our pink tongue turns into white. This is called oral candida. This is not a disease but because of certain factors such as bad breath, poor oral hygiene, usage of cigarettes or smoking, fever, dry mouth, dehydration or reaction to certain medications, excessive alcohol consumption, etc. You can consult your doctor if your issue is persistent and severe to get appropriate diagnose and treatment. However, before going to your doctor, you can give these natural [More]
By Admin – Orissa Attorney Robert Moxley. The ‘Vaccine Court’ Is Hazardous to Your Health From the passing of the legislation in 1986, the process has been rigged, one major step at a time, in favor of the vaccine-industrial complex By ROBERT MOXLEYThe American Conservative Excerpts: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was passed in 1986, under the shadow of multi-million dollar jury verdicts against the makers of the Diphtheria Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Congress announced that vaccine injuries and deaths are real and provided that vaccine-injured children and their families would be financially compensated. Part …read more [More]
By Julie Fidler Howard County, Maryland managed to cut soda sales by 20% and fruit drink sales by 15% between January 2013 and December 2015 without levying a soda tax. The county’s methods could serve as a blueprint for other areas of the country that wish to do the same. [1] The tale of Howard County’s success is detailed in an analysis published in JAMA Internal Medicine. The authors write: “This policy-focused campaign provides a road map for other communities to reduce consumption of sugary drinks.” Sugary beverage sales were successfully reduced with the help of the county’s Unsweetened campaign, [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Yassine Elkarmoudi The craze of white complexion has star rocketed the demand for homemade tips for fair skin. Almost all of us have read the stories of beautiful queens and fairies in our childhood. These fairies and queens with fair skin have always fascinated the viewers with their fresh and glowing skin. Obviously, it is not possible to get fair and flawless skin without efforts. There are various skin whitening creams available in the market. These creams have harmful side effects. However, you can achieve a fair and flawless complexion by using some home remedies for fair skin. Before [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Health Tips Now A common solution to anxiety and depression is to take drugs like Xanax or Prozac. In fact, these medications are some of the most widely prescribed drugs. Besides they come with a… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola What Is Sweet Marjoram Oil? Sweet marjoram oil is made from the steam distillation of the flowering tops of the marjoram plant (Origanum marjoram), a cousin of oregano. This yellow-green essential oil has a warm, spicy, woody and camphoraceous scent that reminds you of nutmeg and cardamom. Meanwhile, Spanish marjoram oil, a different type of essential oil also derived from the marjoram plant, has a red-orange hue. Originally native to the Mediterranean regions and North America, today sweet marjoram is widely cultivated for the large-scale commercial production of its essential oil in Egypt, France, Germany, Tunisia, Spain [More]
• Steven Druker uncovers the biggest scientific fraud of our age. He tells the fascinating and frequently astounding story of how the massive enterprise to restructure the genetic core of the world’s food supply came into being, how it advanced by consistently violating the protocols of science, and how for more than three decades, hundreds of eminent biologists and esteemed institutions have systematically contorted the truth in order to conceal the unique risks of its products–and get them onto our dinner plates. • Steve Druker provides a graphic account of how this elaborate fraud was crafted and how it not [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) As March of 2017 came to a close, a group consisting of over 275 Ph.D. scientists, medical doctors and related organizations gathered together to submit a letter to President Trump calling for the creation of an independent Vaccine Safety Commission. The group is called Honesty in Media and they are seeking increased accountability in both medicine and the media. Five of its medical professionals held a press conference at the National Press Club on Friday, March 31. The event was live-streamed Friday morning, and a recording can be accessed via <a target=_blank href="https://m.facebook.com/Your-Baby-Your-Way-317063605077912/" …read [More]
By Michael By Derrick Broze At a recent geoengineering conference two Harvard engineers announced plans for a real-world climate engineering experiment beginning in 2018. The science of geoengineering has… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Frances Bloomfield (Natural News) Bristol University researchers have concluded …read more Read more here: Natural News