Analysis by Ashley Armstrong Story at-a-glance Contrary to popular belief, scientific evidence shows that dairy does not increase mucus production or exacerbate respiratory conditions Dairy products contain milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), which strengthens the gut lining, reduces inflammation, and promotes a healthier microbiome Raw dairy contains living bacteria that act as natural probiotics, potentially improving digestion and overall gut health. Additionally, lactoferrin, a protein found in dairy, promotes beneficial bacteria growth, maintains gut lining integrity, and helps prevent endotoxins from entering the bloodstream A2 milk, which lacks the A1 beta-casein protein, is easier to digest for individuals sensitive to conventional
[More] Bananas are nutrient-rich and provide various health benefits that change based on their ripeness. Known for their high potassium content, which supports muscle function and heart health, bananas also offer fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and manganese. This makes them a perfect on-the-go snack. Green bananas, with their higher resistant starch, can help manage blood sugar and promote a feeling of fullness, making them ideal for digestive health. Yellow bananas are slightly higher in sugar and easier to digest. They’re packed with antioxidants that boost as the banana ripens, which supports the immune system. Brown-spotted bananas are especially antioxidant-rich
Analysis by Ashley Armstrong Story at-a-glance Carbohydrates are essential for gut health. They protect your gut barrier by supporting the production of gastrointestinal mucus Adequate carbohydrate intake improves thyroid function, which enhances gut motility and helps prevent conditions like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Whole food carbohydrates provide fiber that increases stool frequency and bulk, aiding in the elimination of toxins and maintaining gut health A balanced gut microbiome requires a low-oxygen environment, which is supported by the metabolism of carbohydrates and production of short-chain fatty acids Low-carb diets can provide short-term relief but may lead to reduced thyroid function and
10/29/24 “It certainly looks like a serious attempt is being made to dump the dollar in international trade. If that ever happens watch out below for the value of the dollar.” Admin On February 26th, 2022, the U.S., EU, UK and Canada, agreed to ban a select group of Russian banks from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, aka… SWIFT. The move was originally intended to cripple Russia’s financial system in an effort to pressure Putin into ending his military operations in Ukraine. Seven Russian banks were denied access to SWIFT, initially causing somewhat of a negative impact on
10/29/24 LOGANSPORT, IN- Thousands of Haitians have relocated to a tiny town in Indiana surging the population by 30% Locals share that they’re being attracted by the Tyson plant that is potentially getting a federal tax credit for hiring migrants. Watch the video for reactions from local residents on how they feel about this and what is going on. Watch video on X
10/29/24 “For those who haven’t seen his video ‘Silenced’ as mentioned in the article you can watch it on Rumble here.” Admin Robinson, 41, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, admitted to breaching a 2021 High Court injunction barring him from making claims about a Syrian refugee student, Jamal Hijazi – whose lawyers successfully sued Robonson for libel and ordered to pay 100,000 pounds ($129,000) in damages. On Friday, police confirmed that Robinson had been arrested on “one count of failing to provide the PIN to his mobile phone” Under UK law, police have the right to stop anyone passing
A leading surgeon has warned that “extremely aggressive” cancers with a “different biology” are rapidly forming, spreading, and mutating into “never seen before” forms of the deadly disease in people who have been “vaccinated” for Covid. Dr. James Royle is a colorectal and general surgeon who has been working as a consultant for the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) for 9 years Royle has spoken out to describe what he and his team have been witnessing among patients who received Covid mRNA injections. “Cancers being observed are in all ages,” he revealed. Read More
A new report from the House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans details the federal government’s massive attempt to gaslight the American public over their COVID response and the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines. You probably remember Joe Biden saying, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” the endless CDC ads scolding you into isolating and wearing ineffective masks, the misinformation and untruths constantly emanating out of former chief medical advisor to the president, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s mouth. Read More
An explosive worldwide study has revealed that up to a staggering 15 million people have been killed by Covid mRNA “vaccines” globally. In addition, the study shows that up to 60 million people have been left with disabilities from the injections with between 500M and 900M injured by the shots. The shocking results of the comprehensive data analysis were revealed by Ed Dowd. Dowd is a former executive at the world’s largest investment firm BlackRock and is considered one of America’s leading data experts. Through his expert analysis of insurance industry data, Dowd has become a prominent figure in investigations into the impact of
10/24/24 “We’ll find out soon whether “The Pause” to install Trump as president is real or not.” Admin Expose from The People’s Voice on vote fraud plans by the globalists to steal the 2024 election here.
Braden Jensen, a fifth-generation cattle rancher, is sounding the alarm about a hidden danger creeping into the food supply. Jensen, who has spent his entire life working with livestock, is deeply concerned about the mandatory injections of mRNA vaccines into farm animals like cows and pigs. According to Jensen, these injections are not only having devastating effects on the health of the animals but also pose a significant threat to consumers as studies reveal that the mRNA from these vaccines does not break down before the meat reaches dinner tables, raising serious questions about the safety of what people are
A new study challenges long-held beliefs about alcohol and brain health, revealing a surprising finding: There may be no safe amount to drink if you want to protect your mind from dementia. Researchers have uncovered evidence that the comforting notion that light to moderate drinking can provide cognitive benefits may not be true. The research directly links alcohol consumption to an increased risk of developing dementia. Read More
“This summit occurred on 10/19/24 in Ocala, FL. It featured speakers Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone and many others. Dr. Malone’s excellent presentation starts at the 1:19:00 mark in which he talks about the new replicon vaccines and the psychological warfare being waged on us by the powers that be. Dr. Kory’s presentation starts immediately after Dr. Malones at the 2:00:30 mark where he talks about shedding. The video is over 7 hrs. long so you may want to watch it in segments. Well worth watching, lots of great speakers and topics. Skip ahead to the 7 min. mark
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), the brain’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter, shows promise in reducing stress and improving sleep quality when taken orally Research indicates GABA supplementation may help lower your stress levels, though more studies are needed to confirm its full effects There’s evidence suggesting GABA intake could enhance certain aspects of sleep, such as falling asleep faster and feeling more rested upon waking Scientists are still working to determine the best dosage and timing for GABA supplementation to maximize its benefits Natural food sources rich in GABA, like tea and fermented products, may offer similar
“Most of these methods come up with a number way over 200,000 deaths.” Admin Executive summary There are many different ways to estimate the excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. Funny thing is, no matter which way you choose, you get the same answer: over 200,000. The methods Here is a list of different methods to estimate the number of Americans killed by the COVID shots: Read More
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Cholesterol is vital for cellular function. The chemical formula remains constant, challenging the “good” vs “bad” cholesterol narrative. Your body produces cholesterol for essential purposes The link between saturated fat consumption and cholesterol levels is complex. Lipoproteins act as a “taxi system” for fats and cholesterol in your bloodstream LDL plays a crucial role in cellular health. The idea that it’s inherently harmful is misleading, as it delivers necessary nutrients to cells throughout your body Statins have limited benefits and significant side effects. Research suggests they only extend life by a few days while
A group of leading Polish researchers has confirmed that carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere has zero impact on so-called “global warming.” The study, led by Professor Stan Kubicki of the Military University of Technology in Poland, debunks the globalist narratives regarding “climate change.” The study, published in Science Direct, confirms that the warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited. In fact, that limit has already been reached, decades ago. The study found that carbon dioxide emissions have zero impact on the Earth’s global temperatures. The findings confirm what “climate scientists” should have told the public a
An explosive study has sent shockwaves through the medical and scientific communities after finding that Covid mRNA shots are “directly” linked to 74% of all recorded deaths. The damning study uncovered evidence in autopsy data showing that Covid injection contributed to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths around the world. However, the study has been met with unprecedented censorship. After being peer-reviewed, the study was pulled from major medical journals as “fact-checkers” scrambled to overrule the leading experts behind the research. The research team behind the study was made up of some of America’s leading oncologists, cardiologists, doctors, and scientists,
10/21/24 “I copied this from a recent post made by UK funeral director John O’Looney on X (formerly Twitter) giving his rather dire assessment of Britain today. You can read more of his posts on X by visiting his account here.” Admin I’m actually now at the stage I personally consider the British government the enemy of the British people. They are self serving and actively attacking this country. Ive watched them poison everyone by lethal injection as they partied and got rich off it, then deny it. I’ve placed the victims of these poisons into coffins, pulled white fibrous
10/21/24 “This is a follow up to the post I did on 10/14 about the ‘Pause’ with some new indicators that something unusual is going on behind the scenes, at least it sure seems that way. Check it out and see what you think. In a few weeks we’ll know if this is real or not.” Admin I’m going to start this article off with a big, giant disclaimer: I’m simply going to present to you President Trump’s own words and let you decide what you think of them. Sound fair? Nothing more, nothing less. But I have become fascinated
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance DMSO is a remarkably safe chemical that protects cells from otherwise fatal stressors (e.g., freezing, burning, shockwaves, ischemia) Since the heart, brain, and spinal cord are particularly vulnerable to injury, DMSO can produce miraculous results when those injuries happen Despite decades of research, many serious shortcomings exist with how we treat strokes (including brain bleeds), heart attacks, and spinal cord injuries As I will show here, had the FDA not sabotaged DMSO’s adoption, in addition to countless lives being saved, millions could have been protected from a lifetime of disability or paralysis If I
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Aspirin, traditionally used for pain relief, shows promising anticancer properties. Recent research highlights its potential in cancer prevention and treatment, with a more potent analog, 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid, showing even greater promise Combining aspirin with vitamin C demonstrates superior results in shrinking tumors and extending survival times compared to either compound alone or conventional chemotherapy drugs, while being gentler on healthy cells Long-term, low-dose aspirin use (75 mg+ daily for several years) can significantly reduce colorectal cancer incidence and mortality, with benefits most pronounced for proximal colon cancers and after 20+ years of use Aspirin’s
“Be sure to watch the short video embedded in the article of Dr. Malone talking about his trip to Japan regarding these replicon vaccines.” Admin Leading doctors in Canada are speaking out to warn the public about new “replicon” self-amplifying Covid mRNA “vaccines” which have been dubbed the “third atomic bomb” by renowned experts in Japan. As Slay News recently reported, some of Japan’s most prominent scientists, doctors, immunologists, and academics are sounding the alarm over the new injections. They are warning that the “self-replicating RNA vaccines” will “trigger a worldwide disaster.” The new “vaccines” have just
They start off the show with one story then immediately go to the interview of nurse Anne telling what she is seeing in the hospital she’s working at and more. Disturbing info. Great interview! Listen here
10/18/24 A Christian pastor was arrested after he made comments about Islam and the binary nature of sex while street preaching outside Bristol University. In response to a question from a Muslim member of the public, Dia Moodley said he believed there were differences between the moral standards of the God of Islam and the Christian God. During his preaching he also expressed the belief that God made humans male and female and that this truth should not be denied. Read More
10/18/24 A British army veteran who served in Afghanistan was found guilty today of praying silently near an abortion clinic in England. Adam Smith-Connor breached a Public Spaces Protection Order by this action, according to the ruling at Poole Magistrates Court in the town of Poole near Bournemouth, Dorset, England. The court gave Smith-Connor a conditional discharge, meaning he will be sentenced only if convicted of future offenses within the next two years. “Today, the court has decided that certain thoughts — silent thoughts — can be illegal in the United Kingdom,” Smith-Connor said after the court ruling. “That cannot be right.
10/14/24 “I just finished reading this article and to say the least it’s very thought provoking! Check it out and make your own decision whether this is true or not. With the election so near we won’t have to wait long to find out whether this is really true or not.” Admin President Trump has once again confirmed that “The Pause” is real….twice in one day! Do you know about “The Pause”? It’s the dash in 45-47.It’s the 4-year period where Biden was allowed to play President. Just like in the Tribulation where God temporarily allows the