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Jeff & Erica – They talk about a video they will be posting about a presentation on Covid vax dangers by an expert panel, including Dr. Peter McCullough and others, to a county commissioner and the arrogant, condescending attitude by said commissioner. At about the 6 min. mark they read some vax injury testimonials until the 24 min. mark where they play some audio of the excellent expert presentations given to this arrogant county commissioner and give commentary on it. About the 41 min. mark they go back to reading more vax injury testimonials.  Great show. Listen here  
03/25/24 “Must read article, share it also. Now it all makes perfect sense why the treasonous Biden regime is not only allowing but facilitating this invasion of illegals. This article was written by Jay Valentine who led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List and the fraud systems for State Farm, GEICO, USAA and other major insurers.  Jay can be contacted at his Substack:  Substack.com/Omega4America” Admin Leftist election fraud happens every 2 year cycle – it just happens a little differently each time. In 2024, the unique new fraud scheme – [More]
03/24/24   “At the bottom of the article is a great 2 min. video by Elon Musk detailing the end goals of the migrant invasion facilitated by the White House, non-governmental organizations, and mega-corporations. Be sure to watch it.” Admin   Democrats in New York City and their allies in leftist corporate media are keeping a massive migrant shelter hidden from the public, located at a previously operational airfield in southern Brooklyn. This comes as the metro area has been flooded with upwards of 175,000 illegals in just a few short years.   According to a recent AFP News report, large [More]
03/24/24   “This is what the slimy Dems want to do everywhere in the US.” Admin   A federal judge dismissed a conservative lawsuit Thursday against a law that allows noncitizens to vote in Washington, D.C. The law, which was passed in 2022, currently allows illegal immigrants and foreign embassy staff members to participate in municipal elections.   In Thursday’s ruling, Judge Amy Berman Jackson claimed the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), a conservative group representing U.S. citizen voters, lacked the necessary standing in order to challenge the controversial law. Jackson ruled that the plaintiffs did not show how they were [More]
“If you want to reduce the worlds population by billions of people then mass starvation is one method to use for that purpose.” Admin   This article begins with a short video based on an interview with researcher Sandi Adams, who describes the plans for agriculture in the rural county of Somerset in south-west England and the UK in general. It’s an important clip because what she describes appears to be part of a wider United Nations agenda handed down by an extremely wealthy unaccountable, unelected elite.    This elite thinks it can do a better job than nature by [More]
03/23/24 “The globalists are now quite seriously talking about the need to eliminate billions of people to achieve their “net zero” carbon goals. They keep talking about getting to net zero by 2030 so that would mean all these people would need to be gone over the next 6 years! How they would do this wasn’t mentioned in the article. Get right with God if you are not, we are in for some crazy times ahead.” Admin The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing a disturbing new slogan for its anti-human depopulation agenda, arguing that we need fewer “souls on [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The 20-5-3 nature prescription describes how much time you spend outdoors to be happy and healthy At the bottom of the pyramid is 20 minutes: This is the amount of time you should aim to spend outdoors three times a week to boost memory, cognitive function and well-being The next part of the 20-5-3 rule refers to five hours — the length of time you strive to spend in semi-wild nature each month The final part of the 20-5-3 nature prescription describes three days — the number you should spend every year in remote [More]
Analysis by Sally Fallon Morell STORY AT-A-GLANCE Activator X is a fat-soluble vitamin Dr. Weston A. Price discovered in butter (especially butter from cows eating rapidly growing green grass), fish eggs and the organs and fats of animals Price found that a combination of cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil (which contains activator X) was an effective remedy for bone loss and tooth decay Other situations that cry out for Dr. Price’s remedy include after accidents; after insect or animal bites; before and after surgery; during recovery from addiction; and before and after injections (in situations where a person feels [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Cortisol, known as a stress hormone, plays a vital role in our health but can lead to severe health issues like muscle breakdown, inflammation, and impaired immune function when chronically elevated. Understanding cortisol’s dual feedback mechanisms in the brain and body is essential Long-duration, high-intensity exercises like long-distance running can inadvertently increase the body’s cortisol levels, pushing the body into a chronic stress state An enzyme called 11?-HSD1, present in most body tissues, is central to producing cortisol and becomes the focus for understanding and potentially treating elevated cortisol levels linked to metabolic diseases [More]
03/19/24 A record high number of Americans say the role of religion in public life is shrinking and most believe this to be bad for the country, the Pew Research Center reports. According to the survey, 57 percent of Americans believe religion plays a positive role in public life, while only 19 percent have a negative view of the role of religion. Overall, “there are widespread signs of unease with religion’s trajectory in American life,” Pew reveals, and this dissatisfaction “is not just among religious Americans.” A remarkable 80 percent of U.S. adults currently believe the influence of religion in American [More]
A Mexican standoff with the U.S. turned into a Mexican smack-down this month with the release of Mexico’s formal rebuttal to U.S. efforts to overturn limits Mexico has ordered on the use of genetically modified (GM) corn and the weedkilling chemical glyphosate.   In a 189-page report filed with a panel of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Mexico laid out in stark terms why it has ordered that GM corn not be used for tortillas and dough that people eat and why it has ordered its farmers to stop using glyphosate by 2024.   “Mexico has legitimate concerns about the safety and innocuousness of genetically [More]
Many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines – such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as the drug delivery system – have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system.   Based on these reports and the volume of evidence that has come to light, through their paper, the researchers are bringing to the attention of medical professionals the various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have [More]
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments to ban the general public from growing their own food at home by arguing that they are causing “climate change.”   According to so-called “experts” behind a recent WEF study, researchers apparently discovered that the “carbon footprint” of home-grown food is “destroying the planet.”   As a result, the WEF and other globalist climate zealots are now demanding that governments intervene and ban individuals from growing their own food in order to “save the planet” from “global warming.”   The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon [More]
A world-renowned cardiologist has blown the whistle in an explosive testimony to expose the true cause of patients whose deaths were listed as “Covid.”   Dr. Peter McCullough testified before the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee about the staggering numbers of people who supposedly died from Covid in hospitals during and after the pandemic.   However, McCullough sent shockwaves through the hearing when he testified that no patients were killed by the virus.   Instead, McCullough told the panel that every single patient whose cause of death was listed as “Covid” was actually “murdered” by the hospital where they were [More]
 New mothers may be able to “supercharge” their breast milk with one simple step. A new study finds women can enhance the health of their babies by breastfeeding after exercising.   Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have found that intense exercise boosts the levels of a hormone in breast milk, which protects babies against diabetes and helps regulate their metabolism. Many mothers wonder if exercise impacts the quality of their breast milk. Until this study, there was no definitive answer, with some even concerned that their milk might sour from physical activity.   Read More: Exercising [More]
“Great video on what she witnessed regarding the misuse of the PCR test in her hospital to create false positive readings so people would be hospitalized for “treatment” and more.” Holly is a “35-year clinical microbiologist” with “numerous years of research.” During the pandemic, she was given the responsibility “to validate a PCR test…for COVID-19.” Listen to this damning interview to discover many of the shocking things she witnessed during her investigation. Watch here
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent out a new consumer alert, warning about high LEAD levels recently detected in ground cinnamon products found in American dollar stores and supermarkets. The FDA is urging suppliers to recall the tainted products on a voluntary basis. These lead levels are, in fact, dangerous for childhood development. There is currently no explanation for why these brands contain such high levels of brain-damaging lead.   Multiple brands of cinnamon test high for LEAD Read More: FDA warns consumers to throw away cheap cinnamon products that are heavily contaminated with LEAD – NaturalNews.com
Yesterday I provided examples of how the establishment, which can only lie, is trying to narrative manage the no longer deniable evidence that the Covid vax is deadly and harmful to health. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/03/13/big-pharma-and-its-bloomberg-news-annenberg-center-and-harvard-university-shills-adjust-the-covid-vax-coverup-and-advance-the-displacement-of-reality/   One of the narrative management tricks is to admit the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but to sweep them under the rug as “rare.”   If the dangers of the “vaccine” were rare, Big Pharma would not have its shills at work trying to discredit or dismantle the vaccine adverse events reporting system.   That the deaths and health injuries are anything but rare is evident from [More]
As I reported recently, now that it can no longer be denied that the Covid “vaccine” causes death and a large variety of serious health effects, Big Pharma and its shills are adjusting the narrative.   A “study” was done admitting the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but pronouncing them to be “rare.” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/03/07/big-pharma-and-its-shills-are-having-to-adjust-their-covid-fiction-to-the-facts/   Next, Bloomberg Misinformation attributed the deaths and damaged health to Covid, not to the “vaccine.” Here is Jason Gale spinning the facts away from the “vaccine” to Covid itself: “I’ve not seen any data or research in peer-reviewed journals proving that immunizations caused a quarter of [More]
? 3 min. video. “If a doctor is guilty of misinformation in British Columbia, he can be given a 200,000 fine and six months in jail.”
Ep. 81 They’re still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory treats hundreds of patients who’ve been badly injured by it. Why is no one in the public health establishment paying attention?   Watch: WATCH: Tucker Carlson: Hundreds badly injured by COVID shots
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE When you cook your food in microwaveable plastics, toxic chemicals can migrate to your food Researchers from the University of Almería in Spain tested commercially available ready-to-cook potatoes inside microwavable plastic food containers compared to those cooked without plastic Significant migration of plastic chemicals occurred when the potatoes were microwaved in plastic A new, potentially highly toxic compound also formed in potatoes cooked in the microwave inside microwavable plastic food containers One of the simplest ways to cut down on your risk of plastic exposure from your food is to avoid cooking your food [More]
Analysis by Ashley Armstrong STORY AT-A-GLANCE Saturated fats are stable molecules and are protective. Unsaturated fats are unstable and can cause a lot of damage when consumed in excess Vegetable oils, high in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), can disrupt your metabolic rate, increase gut permeability and induce gut dysbiosis and inflammation. High PUFA intake also shifts your gut microbiome, which can affect your overall health High PUFA intake can also have a detrimental impact on your thyroid and metabolic health by affecting cells’ use of thyroid hormones For optimal health, eat real, whole foods, and prioritize animal fats that are rich in [More]
03/11/24 “This bill awaits the governors signature to make it law but to think that such an Orwellian bill would pass both the senate and the house is mind boggling! If it does become law it should be struck down in court as unconstitutional.” Admin   The Washington state legislature has passed a bill to create a statewide snitching infrastructure for residents to report their neighbors for “wrongspeak.”   Senate Bill 5427, which passed both the Senate and the House and now awaits Gov. Jay Inslee’s signature, allows private individuals, including non-citizens and illegal aliens, to reports “bias incidents” to the state [More]
A Croatian pathologist by the name of Ivana Pavic spoke with investigator Steve Kirsch recently about a disturbing phenomenon she is observing in people who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).   According to Pavic, 65 percent of all carcinoma cases among people aged 15 through 59 received one or more injections for the Chinese Virus, this with a 55 percent vaccination rate overall in the same age group.   Calculated out, this means that getting jabbed for COVID increases one’s risk of this particular form of cancer by 52 percent, something that was not disclosed when the shots were pushed [More]
“One more reason to stay away from these jabs.” Admin   The heart-related dangers of COVID-19 vaccines are very well-known at this point, but there is another organ that appears to be suffering from the jabs that is getting far less attention: the kidneys.   According to Dr. Peter A. McCullough, an epidemiologist, cardiologist and internist, a worrying number of kidney and renal effects are being reported in connection with the vaccine, and he fears that it may be overlooked to the point where these problems are not discovered in patients until it is too late to intervene.   Read More: COVID-19 [More]
“You Can’t Hide the Dead Bodies” – Edward Dowd Testifies on the COVID Jabs-  explosive 4 min video   “One America CEO Scott Davison, in a chamber of commerce meeting, revealed that he had seen 40% excess mortality … for 25 through 64. He said that a 10% increase would be once in a 200-year-flood or three standard deviation event. 40% was off the charts.”   Excess death data is so bad that the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) is changing its math methodology, which effectively downplays the real number of excess deaths.   Watch: “You Can’t Hide the [More]