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By Earl Garcia (Natural News) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has picked …read more Read more here: Natural News     
Fruit juice has been marketed (and in some cases, recommended by physicians) as a healthy, natural source of vitamins and calcium. Kids like the way it tastes — in fact, children and adolescents continue to be the highest consumers of fruit juice and juice drinks, but nutritional benefits are very questionable. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola Legend has it that tucking a caraway seed with any valuable object will help prevent it from being stolen from you. Another belief is that the plant helps keep lovers from losing interest in each other. These are interesting superstitions, but if you want to take full advantage of caraway’s properties here’s a great idea: Use caraway oil. Read on to learn more about this essential oil’s uses and benefits. What Is Caraway Oil? Caraway essential oil comes from the seeds of the caraway plant or carum (Carum carvi or Apium carvi), a member of the Umbelliferae [More]
By Earl Garcia (Natural News) A new study published in …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan Natural Blaze via gregpryorhomestead There’s nothing better in this world than pulling in the reigns of your food destiny. To have full control of your food from the ground up is a… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Serge Gregoire There are times on your weight loss journey when progress can come to a halt. Days or weeks can go by without you seeing movement on the scale, and it can get downright frustrating. After working with thousands of clients, I’ve noticed certain patterns that can cause this weight loss stoppage. Here are 3 of those patterns. 1) Eating more than you think you are. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Zone Delivery Service, and other diet systems have one undeniable benefit to them – they define for the average person how large an actual “serving” is. Most [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The video above shares a tragic story of a new mother, Allison Goldstein, with a seemingly picture-perfect life, who took her own life after losing a battle with postpartum depression. The story is particularly poignant because she was otherwise a happy, normal and healthy woman, one who gave her family and friends no red flags or cause for concern after her daughter was born. While regularly checking in with her parents and sister, and showing no outward signs of her inner turmoil, she checked her 4-month-old daughter into day care and then committed suicide [More]
By GROW test Source: Why You Should NOT Throw Out Your Used Coffee Grounds! For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Used coffee grounds are a valuable free resource that every coffee drinker should put to work in their garden. In addition to enriching the soil with nitrogen and other minerals, used coffee grounds improve soil structure and increase organic matter. Most coffee shops are more than happy to give away used grounds in large quantities. […] Source: Why You Should NOT Throw Out Your Used Coffee Grounds! Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By REALdeal Source: Veteran MD Buys Farm & Prescribes Food as Medicine For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Meet Dr. Ronald Weiss, MD, an internist with a successful 25-year medical practice in West New York who moonlights as an assistant professor at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark. Weiss, a 52-year-old married father of two, sold his lucrative practice and liquidated all his assets so he could buy […] Source: Veteran MD Buys Farm & Prescribes Food as Medicine Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Admin Health Impact News On Monday, June 12th at 9:00 a.m. CT, 38+ leading experts will teach you how to become free of supermarkets and drugstores! Here’s just a small sample of the practical skills and knowledge you can expect to gain during this exciting FREE Global Event: How to grow veggies 3X FASTER than the typical garden. Solve the 5 most common compost problems–to create BLACK GOLD! How to stop CRITTERS from eating your veggies! How to buy the perfect greenhouse; an insider tells you what to look for, so you don’t buy TWICE! Milk donkeys? You bet! [More]
By Sierra Bright It can be really frustrating to follow a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and do pretty much everything else you can do to optimize your health and well-being, yet somehow, you just don’t feel right. Perhaps you suffer from digestive problems, you feel sluggish or fatigued a lot of the time, or are just generally ill and sickly. Not knowing why you aren’t feeling as good as you should can make it difficult to stick with healthy habits – after all, if it’s not working, what’s the point? Why not indulge in your favorite processed snacks and [More]
By Jamie Larrison With all of the dirt, pollution and toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis, our skin can really take a beating. Skip the expensive facial treatments, and opt for this herbal face steam instead. The nutrients from the herbs get deep into pores to clear them out, and give your skin its natural glow back. The benefits of sage for skin: Sage probably isn’t the first ingredient you think of for skincare, but this herb isn’t just for Sunday dinner’s chicken. It has a lengthy list of internal uses when it comes to sore throats, colds [More]
By Sierra Bright While bugs and other pests certainly have their purpose in the world, they can also be extremely annoying, and even hazardous to our health, as some are major carriers of disease. Mosquitoes can spread West Nile virus, Zika fever and a number of other scary diseases, while flies are known to transfer more than 100 pathogens that can result in illness, including cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, and dysentery. Of course, that’s why many people turn to chemical sprays to get rid of them. Unfortunately, in addition to having a very unpleasant, strong odor that is really not meant [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola You’ve probably heard that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can significantly cut the time needed in the gym, but just how little can you get away with? Could you actually get fit in as little as six minutes per week? The featured ABC Catalyst program investigates this claim. A significant piece of the puzzle relates to how HIIT affects your mitochondria, tiny organelles found in most of your cells, responsible for production of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Your mitochondria have a series of proteins in the electron transport …read more Read [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) For over two decades, we have been warned about the ‘dangers of sun exposure.’ Yet, while a sunburn can indeed have negative health effects, the truth is that the sun is our best source for vitamin D – particularly vitamin D3. Unfortunately, sunscreen products – as low as SPF 15 – actually block the production of crucial vitamin D3 by 99 percent or more. A recent clinical study by the American Osteopathic Association has found that up to 1 billion people in the world have insufficient vitamin D levels. …read more Read more here: [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Saturday, June 3, 2017, is the International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day. Millions of children and adults have been permanently damaged by mandatory vaccines, so it’s not… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Awareness of the potent health effects of vitamin D has been on the rise in recent years. Getting sufficient vitamin D is linked with a healthy immune system response, faster healing times and stronger bones, while vitamin D deficiency is linked with a higher risk for cancer, dementia, MS and a range of other health issues. While vitamin D benefits and studies had been mainly focused on older individuals, science is now underscoring the benefits of vitamin D for adults of all ages when it comes to avoiding muscle injury. Vitamin …read more Read [More]
By Jamie Larrison The campfires and warm sunny days that come along with summer can easily be marred by pesky bugs. Bug bites, poison ivy and other skin irritants can be uncomfortable and even harmful. With this black drawing salve you’ll soothe the itch, and draw out any toxins from the skin. Are Conventional Anti-Itch Creams Safe? Usually a topical or oral anti-histamine is used to relieve itchiness and inflammation. While this may treat the symptoms, it doesn’t actually get rid of the problem. Even worse, it can cause side effects in some people. In severe cases these can include [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola You’ve probably seen cooking shows or read cookbooks that recommended removing the bay leaves you added to your spaghetti sauce or other savory dish. But why put them in if you’re just going to take them out? One enterprising chef said if you really want an answer to that question, throw a couple into a pot of water to simmer for a while, then taste it, and it will emit a fairly heady essence of camphor. Serious Eats continues: “Taste it after five minutes and you’ll probably get a good hit of menthol and [More]
By Sierra Bright The American Thyroid Association reports that an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease and as many as 60 percent of those that have the condition aren’t even aware that they’re suffering from it. Women are five to eight times more likely to have thyroid issues, and one in eight will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime. Located above the Adam’s apple, if this butterfly-shaped gland is sluggish, it can lead to a multitude of health problems that can dramatically affect the quality of your life. The thyroid secretes important hormones that are [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) More people are awakening to the power and health benefits of quercetin than ever before. Now a recent study has proven this beneficial compound offers relief for the painful symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It also helps to slow its progression. Quercetin is a flavonoid found in numerous colorful fruits and vegetables including berries, grapes, onions, citrus fruits, apples and onions. It is also present in olive oil, red wine and green tea. While eating plenty of these healthy foods is always advisable, some prefer the convenience of taking a daily quercetin …read more Read [More]
By Brian Prescription medication is a huge and growing industry in the United States. Big Pharma, as it’s known, is so huge that the U.S. is the largest market for pharmaceuticals in the world. The… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor While most health sites would not likely endorse eating at Baskin-Robbins or Dunkin’ Donuts – we know people do. And if they should partake in a sweet treat,… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Sierra Bright If you pay attention to wine at all, you may have noticed somewhat of a natural wine cult beginning to bloom in wine stores, bars and restaurants around the country. You might have even wondered what the heck it is, and well, it’s a bit hard to define. Natural wine is, in theory, taking grapes, and sometimes other fruit, that is grown at least organically, bringing it into the cellar, adding nothing as well as not taking anything away. If that explanation is confusing, it can help to consider how modern wine is produced. Most winemakers today [More]
By Admin – Orissa Health Impact News Editor Comments The Washington Times recent article on the latest Government Account Office (GAO) report looking into the Zika virus confirms what many of us in the Alternative Media have been reporting for the past couple of years: The “Zika Crisis” is overblown. In fact, it is not just simply “overblown,” but it is being used to extract government funding to develop a vaccine that is not even needed. For previous investigative articles on the Zika hoax uncovered by Health Impact News, see: Zika: A Real Threat or Another Hoax to Promote Medical [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Iron is essential for human life, as it:1 Forms hemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells), as iron binds to oxygen and provides it to tissues for their metabolic needs Is a key component of various proteins, as well as enzymes that catalyze cellular oxidation reactions Helps regulate cell growth and differentiation Helps maintain your brain function, metabolism and endocrine function Is involved in energy production and immune function Having either too much or too little iron can have serious …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Sierra Bright When it comes to health, healing, and happiness, you might want to turn to an ancient form of healing: crystals. Crystals have been used for centuries to improve health and happiness, to ease anxiety and stress, to uplift energy and mood and so much more. As different crystals provide different benefits, here’s a look at the top crystals to use for this particular purpose. Turquoise Turquoise is a gorgeous stone, appearing in an array of shades, from aqua blue to a light cerulean green. The beauty of this stone makes it one of the most popular – [More]