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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Some say the most-consumed beverage in the world is tea, and others maintain it’s coffee. Whichever is true from year to year, it’s a fact that an estimated 3.5 billion cups of coffee are downed by bean aficionados on a daily basis, according to the European Coffee Federation.1 Between the leaf and the bean, it’s well-known that an amazing array of health benefits are delivered, but new information published in BMJ Open2 says drinking a single cup of coffee every day cuts your risk of …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Russel Davis (Natural News) A team of researchers from …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Prediabetes – elevated blood sugar that has not yet reached the threshold for clinical diabetes – is widespread in the United States. Now, several recent studies have revealed the dangers of being prediabetic – including a heightened risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia and stroke. Read on to learn more about prediabetes, and what you can do to reverse it. Prediabetes is a warning sign of danger ahead Prediabetes, characterized by a fasting glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dL, is becoming more common across America. A 2016 UCLA study revealed that a …read [More]
The sun has got his hat on, our moods feel lighter and we are gripped by a desire to soak up some solar rays. But no, we keep being told: the threat of skin cancer makes this potentially lethal. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Admin – Orissa Dr. Josh Axe on the Gallbladder Flush (see video below). by Paul Fassa Health Impact News The most common gallbladder issue is gallstones. And the most common mainstream medical solution is surgical cholecystectomy, or gallbladder removal. The gallbladder is a small pear shaped organ located just under the liver in the upper right side of your abdomen. It is a vital part of your digestive system, not a throw-away unnecessary organ. According to Dr. David Williams, “… [gallbladder’s] function is to receive bile that’s generated by the liver, concentrate and mix it with mineral …read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Over the course of your lifetime you’ll produce 10,000 gallons of spit that your body uses to initiate digestion, neutralize acid in your mouth and help fight germs that produce bad breath.1 If you floss each day, you’ll go through approximately 5 miles of floss over your lifetime and will use 20 gallons of toothpaste. If you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, you’ll spend 24 hours brushing each year. Even though you don’t swallow your toothpaste (and shouldn’t!), it all happens in an area of your body used as a [More]
By Vicki Batts (Natural News) You may have heard about …read more Read more here: Natural News     
From birds to mammals, from fish to reptiles, the immediate reaction to an impending threat to the animal itself is usually to flee or to stop moving in an attempt to go unnoticed. However, when parents feel threatened in the presence of their young, their reaction is completely different: they seek to protect them. What happens in the brains of the parents for them to to be willing to sacrifice their own life in the interest of their offspring’s safety? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Tracey Watson, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The standard American diet is dangerously high in unhealthy fats. Despite increasingly urgent calls by the medical and natural health communities to reverse this deadly trend, for the most part it continues unabated. This high fat diet has serious consequences, including increased risk of heart disease, insulin resistance and liver disease. A new study has discovered, however, that extra virgin olive oil could reverse many of the effects of too much fat in the diet. The dangers of a high fat diet Two of the most damaging effects of a high fat …read more [More]
By chrisclarkxerveo When it comes to weight loss, you are oftentimes your own worst enemy. Indeed, many people on this journey miss their goals by unknowingly sabotaging their own efforts, either by eating or exercising wrong. Unfortunately, when they don’t see the results they want on the scale, they often abandon the endeavor altogether. Want to avoid the same fate? Be sure to avoid these common mistakes. Too much, too soon A lot of people make the mistake of drastically changing their diets from the word “go.” Oftentimes, this means quitting things like carbs and sugar cold-turkey, as well as [More]
By annielizstan Ever since the ancient of times, burdock root has been used for its medicinal properties. Burdock is also known as gobo, having its origins in Asia and particularly in Japan. Today, it has become popular all over the world, being used for a wide-range of purposes. It is often used in the kitchen and, probably, just as often, for the health benefits that it has to offer. If this subject has sparked your interest, do not hesitate to keep on reading the rest of the article. Discover more information on the health benefits of burdock root, as well [More]
By Russel Davis (Natural News) Marine experts from the California …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Alexandra Preston Since World War 2, the idea of “better living through chemistry” has remained persistent throughout the world. We have been told that we can’t live without chemicals, and that we would starve without spraying our crops with the chemical-stew we call pesticides. But is this really true? According to a report, we’ve been lied to about the necessities of these chemical concoctions. The new report is strongly critical of the corporations that manufacture pesticides, accusing them of unethical marketing, systematic denials of harm and lobbying governments to prevent regulations against chemical usage. It describes catastrophic effects on [More]
By Hesh Goldstein Most of us are used to the age-old saying “Live and learn,” but when you’re providing care to people with preventable chronic disease, you realize very quickly that we don’t have that luxury indefinitely. So, that saying changes to “Learn and live.” In the next 20 years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projects that heart disease deaths will increase sharply.1 In that same time, the AHA estimates that the percentage of the US population living with heart disease will reach over 40%. According to a recent estimate by the AHA, the cost of treating [More]
By Ariana Source: Fatally Addictive New Painkiller is Being Prescribed to People Who Shouldn’t Receive It For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Dangerously addictive painkillers are being prescribed to patients who shouldn’t take them. The painkiller is called Subsys and it is 100 times more … Source: Fatally Addictive New Painkiller is Being Prescribed to People Who Shouldn’t Receive It Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Julie Fidler Type 2 diabetes, a serious disease (especially if left untreated) that can result in amputations and lifelong complications, can usually be prevented through healthy diet and exercise, and that’s exactly what needs to happen, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns. The number of people with the condition has quadrupled in less than 40 years, with approximately 422 million people now suffering from the ailment. The researchers behind the WHO study, released last year, shows one of the largest of diabetes trends to date. The agency notes how the aging population and increasing levels of obesity make the [More]
By theHealthFoodGuru Watching the same Shingles commercial over and over again is just plain annoying! The Shingles commercial starts out showing you just how painful it is and of course how gross it looks. Then the narrator starts telling you the biggest lie about Shingles — that the cause of your Shingles is chickenpox! What this narrator neglects to tell you is that only those who have ever received the chickenpox vaccine as a child will ever experience Shingles later in life. But then the narrator also claims that “the chickenpox virus is still inside you”, which is also a [More]
By Ariana Source: Digital Heroin: Screens Are Turning Kids into Junkies For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Are iPads, smartphones and Xboxes a form of digital drug? Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex exactly … Source: Digital Heroin: Screens Are Turning Kids into Junkies Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Anna Scanlon The Center for Mental Health Services at the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released a report citing that 3 million teens in the United States suffer from depression each year. The number of 12- to 17-year-olds suffering from depressive episodes has been steadily increasing in the past few years. The overall rate of depression amongst teens has jumped from 9.9 percent between 2013 to 2014 to over 11 percent the following year. According to the report, the state with the highest rate of depressive episodes amongst teens was Oregon, where an average [More]
By Carrie Brown Anti-aging Tips You’ll Need To Know If You Want To Live To Be 100 Do you know any centenarians so you can ask them their anti-aging tips? (And no, that’s not a mythical creature.) I bet you don’t. It’s a human who has blown out 100 candles on their birthday cake. They’ve seen over 100 summers within their lifetime. They’ve probably voted in more elections, seen more political upheavals, and lived through more economic roller-coasters than we could ever fathom. Because they’re one hundred years old. More than likely, you’ve never met one before. Because centenarians are [More]
By Dr. Mercola Carrot seed oil is far removed from the ubiquitous orange vegetable and should not be mistaken for the cheaper macerated carrot oil. This humble essential oil is packed with natural healing properties, which have been used since the times of ancient Greeks and Indians. Learn more about carrot seed oil and how to get the most out of this plant oil. What Is Carrot Seed Oil? Carrot seed oil is derived from the dried seeds of the wild carrot plant (Daucus carota) of the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae family. Its plant source is an annual or biennial plant [More]
By Seth Pollard Taking antibiotics for an extended period of time in early and middle adulthood may increase your risk of developing precancerous growths called polyps in your colon, a large study suggests. [1] The research, published in the journal Gut, adds to a growing collection of evidence that the type and diversity of gut microbes may play a significant role in the development of cancer. Many people develop diarrhea when they take antibiotics. This is because the drug kills some of the normal gut bacteria, thus allowing an overgrowth of abnormal bacteria to dominate. Read: Gut Health is Directly [More]
By Admin – Orissa Comments by Brian ShilhavyHealth Impact News Editor A new study from Australia lends more evidence to the realization that the flu vaccine is almost worthless when it comes to preventing people from being infected with influenza viruses. The flu vaccine is, by far, the most heavily marketed vaccine in the world, being distributed and injected into more people than almost all other …read more Read more here: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most serious form of dementia, eventually leads to the inability to carry out even the most basic of bodily functions, such as swallowing or walking. It is ultimately fatal, as conventional treatment options are few and universally ineffective. Like autism among children, Alzheimer’s among seniors has reached epidemic proportions, with no slowdown in sight. On the contrary, evidence suggests the trend is worsening. At present, Alzheimer’s affects an estimated 5.4 million Americans.1 Projections suggest the disease will affect 1 in 4 Americans within the next two decades, and by [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola About 1 in 68 U.S. children has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), up from 1 in 150 in 2000.1 This rising trend isn’t only occurring in the U.S., however, as autism rates have increased rapidly worldwide, taking a heavy toll on families and economies alike. While certain genetic mutations have been linked to autism, they’re thought to be involved in less than one-third of cases.2 The other major cause of autism is thought to be environmental in nature, with exposure to toxins and nutrient deficiencies among the possible culprits. “The rapid …read [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) Dental amalgam is made up of 50 percent mercury – a toxic heavy metal linked scientifically to neurological problems, kidney problems and infertility. In 1991, the World Health Organization reported that mercury fillings are the predominant cause of mercury exposure. So, the question remains: is YOUR dentist telling you the whole truth? The American Dental Association (ADA) continues to deny the dangers of mercury-based, silver fillings – insisting that dental amalgam is a “safe, affordable and durable” material used to restore the teeth of over 100 million Americans. It’s time to expose the …read more Read [More]
By Bridgette Wilcox (Natural News) Women who experience debilitating menstrual …read more Read more here: Natural News