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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola So, you’re familiar with the problems associated with conventional pasteurized milk and you’ve started buying (and paying more for) organic milk instead. If you think you’re doing your health a great favor, you may be shocked to find out some organic milk brands contain omega-3-rich oil made from corn syrup-fed algae. As noted by The Washington Post:1 “‘DHA Omega-3 Supports Brain Health,’ according to the Horizon cartons sold in supermarkets around the United States. What the Horizon milk carton doesn’t advertise is that some of its contents were brewed in closed …read more Read [More]
Coping with modern life can sometimes feel like a remorseless treadmill. Many of us end up exhausted, with a vague feeling that all this pressure can’t be doing us any good. But we do it anyway, driven by the notion that stress is for wimps. And there’s always a glass of wine and a takeaway to look forward to at the end of the week. Big mistake. Far from being for wimps, physical and psychological stress are major triggers of a modern scourge that has been linked with every malady from heart disease, depression and chronic pain to neurodegenerative diseases. [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Malabar spinach 1,2,3,4 is an interesting alternative to regular spinach. It grows like a perennial jungle vine, and thrives in the summer heat when most other greens tend to turn bitter and dry, easily reaching heights of 10 to 35 feet in a season. Trained on a trellis, with frequent pruning, you can turn it into a decorative edible hedge. Also known under the names Indian, creeping, Asian, Vietnamese, Surinam, Ceylonese and Chinese spinach, Malabar spinach comes in two varieties:5 Basella rubra, which has purple-red vines …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The tiny ant is a unique marvel of nature. However, after invading your home, you may not find ants so fascinating. It has become convenient to run to the local hardware store for bug killer to rid your home of the pests, but you may be swapping one problem for another, more toxic, one. Your next option may be to reach for the nontoxic, green product advertised as safe for home and family. Unfortunately, finding a safer option may not be as straightforward as it seems since you can’t judge a book by its [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If you’ve ever seen organic milk advertised as containing DHA omega-3s, beware: it could contain a toxically produced oil derived from GMO corn syrup. The Horizon food company sells organic milk with “DHA Omega-3 Supports Brain Health” printed on the carton. It’s marketed as nutritionally enhanced, and the company charges a higher price for this addition. It certainly sounds like a positive thing; however, few consumers are aware that a strange process is being used to infuse the milk with omega-3s. Algae grown with corn syrup is being added to organic milk In …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Savory green pesto sauce, tomato and mozzarella salad, nearly any egg dish, wild-caught Alaskan salmon — these and many more meal options take on a fresh tweak of flavor when basil is part of the equation. If you’ve ever headed for the produce section of your grocery store to pick up a small package of basil, though, you know how expensive it can be. Growing your own is super easy, even if all you have in the way of a garden spot is a balcony, deck or patio. Basil (ocimum basilicum, a member of [More]
By Tracey Watson, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around 30,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease in the United States each year. Yet, many integrative healthcare providers warn that hundreds of thousands remain untreated without a diagnosis. It is believed that the disease is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, which is spread by infected blacklegged (or deer) ticks. Left untreated, Lyme disease will progress quickly through three stages, and will have devastating effects on the body, including causing neurological and psychological problems, paralysis, eye problems and chronic fatigue. But, …read more Read [More]
By Frances Bloomfield (Natural News) Cantaloupes aren’t a fruit typically …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Hesh Goldstein This is the follow-up article written by Ken Serrano of the NJ ASBURY PARK PRESS newspaper. The first article was “Narcotic Nation.” This article is entitled, “Opioid-related trips to N.J. ERs have doubled”. At the end of the article I will raise some interesting questions that will raise some interesting thoughts. “Opioid-related trips to emergency departments in New Jersey doubled between 2005 and 2014, according to new data from a federal report. Impatient stays in New Jersey increased at a much lower rate, bringing the combination of both to a fifty percent rise over the ten year [More]
By Hesh Goldstein Please allow me to preface this piece with a few comments. We all know about opioid abuse through so many articles presented by naturalnews.com. and sometimes the mainstream media. In my book, “A Sane Diet for an Insane World”, I refer to “pimps”, “hookers” and “tricks”. The “pimps” are the pharmaceutical industry, the processed food companies and the other dead- body processing food companies. The “hookers” are the mainstream media, the medical profession and the government agencies. For the “tricks”, take a look in the mirror. Recently, Tiger Woods, under the influence of drugs prescribed by a [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Has the ante just been upped on organically-grown food? Why would I ask such a ‘silly’ question, you may be wondering? Well, Jeff Bezos, the owner of The Washington Post,… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Sierra Bright More and more people are turning to backyard gardening with an eye to raising their own crops and becoming more self-sufficient. One area that has a seen a lot of growth is the organic backyard vineyard. Having a small-scale vineyard is a little different than growing a few clusters of table grapes though the practices are similar. The process is initially labor intensive, as you will have to choose a location, prepare the soil and put the structures in place that will support the vineyard, but if you take great care during these steps, the end result [More]
Studies of human populations suggest that our health and longevity could be affected by the diets and experiences of our grandparents. For example, studies of a small community in northern Sweden where detailed historical records were kept found correlations between food availability for one generation and the mortality rate for that generation’s grandchildren. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Serge Gregoire In the 1940’s licorice was discovered to be useful in treating peptic ulcers. Unfortunately, it had side effects that lead to high blood pressure, potassium loss, and fluid retention. Researchers discovered that the ingredient in licorice that caused those side effects was “glycyrrhizin.” They were able to remove 97% of this chemical and the result was a product called “deglycyrrhizinated” licorice, DGL. DGL maintained its healing properties but had no side effects. DGL was first used to heal ulcers in the stomach and duodenum without suppressing stomach acids. DGL worked just as good as the drugs [More]
By Admin – Orissa Should you be putting toxic chemicals into your skin to avoid sun exposure? by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Recent Health Impact News articles have disclosed the importance of sun exposure for good health. Yet mainstream media (MSM) and the pharmaceutical industry insist that direct sun exposure on skin is unhealthy, even dangerous and carcinogenic. This fear of the sun has led medical researchers to develop a new compound that allows one to receive a tan without exposure to the sun. The compound hasn’t yet been tested in clinical trials yet, but it was featured in [More]
By Admin – Orissa Asha now has the beginning stages of leukemia after taking the Gardasil vaccine, a vaccine that is supposed to prevent cancer. by Brian ShilhavyHealth Impact News As we have reported stories on hundreds of HPV vaccine injuries and deaths over the past few years, one statement we hear over and over again from the victims is: “I just trusted my doctor.” Since the U.S. Government and the pharmaceutical companies unanimously state that the HPV vaccine is “safe and effective,” most don’t bother to research the vaccine for themselves, and doctors seldom, if ever, talk about …read [More]
By Ariana Source: Study Says Fried Potatoes Linked to Early Death For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. How you cook your potatoes could be the difference between life and death. People who eat fried potatoes two or more times per … Source: Study Says Fried Potatoes Linked to Early Death Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Dr. Mercola Lemon eucalyptus oil, the common name for one of the natural oils obtained from the lemon-scented gum eucalyptus plant, has gained popularity as an insect repellant. This use is important when you consider the dangers of DEET and other toxic solutions and want to steer clear of them. Learn more about the benefits, composition and proper therapeutic and practical applications of this plant oil. What Is Lemon Eucalyptus Oil? Lemon eucalyptus oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs of the lemon-scented gum eucalyptus plant, also known as Eucalyptus citriodora or Corymbia citriodora. The lemon eucalyptus is [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) As strange as it sounds, there are way more bacterial cells than human cells in the human body. And without them, it’s likely that none of us would survive for long. In reality, the community of bacteria that populate our digestive system – also known as the gut microbiome – plays an important role in brain health, immunity and even emotional wellbeing. However, without proper support, the balance between “friendly” and harmful bacteria can be threatened, with grave consequences. Discover the true value of our gut microbiome. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, …read more Read [More]
By Lindsay Sheehan Oats – or Avena sativa – have enjoyed a long history of use as a safe and effective topical treatment for a wide array of skin conditions. First used medicinally in ancient Rome, oatmeal carries both dermatological and cosmetic benefits: it cleanses, moisturizes, soothes, and protects the skin. Setting itself apart from other cereal grains, oatmeal is especially rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates, lipids, vitamin E, and a wealth of antioxidants. Colloidal oatmeal is derived from finely ground whole dehulled oat grain. When combined with water, honey, oils, yogurt, lotion, or other liquids, colloidal oatmeal disperses evenly [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News You may have read or heard somewhere that laetrile, a condensed purified extraction of apricot seed kernels sometimes sold as B-17 tablets, can cure cancer safely, without serious side effects. Yet mainstream medical “experts” and news sources derisively label it as worthless and toxic. It can kill you they say, adding there’s no scientific proof it helps rid one of cancer. The FDA has banned laetrile’s use in the USA, but there are several cancer clinics in Mexico that use it, inviting many medical tourists from the USA and elsewhere [More]
By Sierra Bright Essential oils can offer a multitude of benefits for humans, but can they help our pets – and especially man’s best friend – too? Smell is an essential primeval sense, in fact, the first major nerve that enters the brain can detect a scent, and our emotions are strongly influenced by it. Good smells can calm and relax us, as well as bring other benefits, while bad smells can do the opposite. Our pets, of course, also use their sense of smell, but it overpowers our own dramatically. Scientists say it’s anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times [More]
By Sierra Bright Just about everyone knows by now that tea offers a multitude of health benefits, but most don’t realize that there is one type of tea that may be better than all the rest. No, it’s not green tea or even black tea, it’s rooibos tea. Rooibos comes from an herb that’s native to South Africa. In fact, the only place in the world it thrives is in the region around Cape Town. While its many benefits have been valued in this country for centuries, it’s only just becoming popular in much of the rest of the world. [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Hesh Goldstein Please allow me to preface this piece with a few comments. We all know about opioid abuse through so many articles presented by naturalnews.com. and sometimes the mainstream media. In my book, “A Sane Diet for an Insane World”, I refer to “pimps”, “hookers” and “tricks”. The “pimps” are the pharmaceutical industry, the processed food companies and the other dead- body processing food companies. The “hookers” are the mainstream media, the medical profession and the government agencies. For the “tricks”, take a look in the mirror. Recently, Tiger Woods, under the influence of drugs prescribed by a [More]
By Debbie Wolfe Linen spray is perfect for adding a scent boost to your bed sheets or even freshening up your linen closet. You can use your favorite essential oil combinations or go with a classic like lavender. Lavender is known to help with nervousness, anxiety, stress and sleeplessness. This makes lavender linen spray perfect for spritzing on your pillows right before bed. If you have a cranky toddler or know someone who has trouble sleeping, this spray can help, along with a relaxing bedtime routine. <img src="http://www.naturallivingideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Lavender-Linen-Ingredients.jpg" alt="Easiest Homemade Lavender Linen Spray That Actually Kills Odors" width="728" height="485" srcset="http://www.naturallivingideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Lavender-Linen-Ingredients.jpg [More]
By REALdeal Source: Research: Chinese Herb Eradicates Cancer For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Jonathan Benson The key to curing the type of pancreatic cancer that afflicted Apple visionary Steve Jobs just might be found in an … Source: Research: Chinese Herb Eradicates Cancer Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com