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By Debbie Wolfe Citronella has a long reputation for repelling mosquitoes and other pests. It works by masking our bodies with a distinctive aroma that bugs hate. The top use for Citronella is as an insect repellent due to its natural non-toxic repellent properties. There are loads of commercially produced citronella products available for home use, but most of the time the candles and oils are mixed with cheap and harmful additives. The good news is that making your own citronella candles is easy and you can have a whole stash of them made within an hour. How …read more [More]
By Lydia Noyes Your body can only function as well as you feed it, which is why it’s so important to give your system what it needs each day. Biotin (vitamin B7) might not be a compound you consider often, but this nutrient plays a crucial role in your overall health. But what is biotin exactly, and how can you tell if you’re deficient in it? Let’s look at the details. What is Biotin? Sometimes known as vitamin H, biotin is one of many B complex vitamins, which are all the known water-soluble essential vitamins except vitamin C. Other B-complex [More]
By Editorial Team Onychomycosis – commonly known as toenail fungus – is characterized by inflammation, pain, and swelling of the toe, as well as yellowing, thickening, and crumbling of the nail itself. Toenail fungus can be the result of abnormal pH of the skin, continuous exposure to moisture, wearing synthetic socks, compromised immune system, sweat build-up in shoes, poor foot hygiene, or weak circulation such as that caused by diabetes. Modern medicine addresses toenail fungus with topical treatments, oral anti-fungal medicine, and in some cases surgical removal of the nail. Side effects of these medications may possibly include trouble breathing, [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Ultra-high-strength magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 20171 may pose a risk to people with mercury fillings. Also known as a 7-Tesla, or 7T MRI, they offer better image quality, particularly for visualization of smaller structures and subtle pathologies, than the lower strength 1.5T MRIs found in most hospital settings. However, the strong magnets and higher magnetic field strength also carry additional risks, including to those with amalgam fillings, which are composed of 50 percent mercury. Should the powerful MRIs cause the toxic heavy metal to [More]
By Carol Anderson (Natural News) Depression is a common and …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) A lot of people, especially …read more Source: Natural News     
Many studies have shown that musical training can enhance language skills. However, it was unknown whether music lessons improve general cognitive ability, leading to better language proficiency, or if the effect of music is more specific to language processing. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By REALdeal Source: New Study: Chickenpox Vaccine Linked to Widespread Increase in Shingles For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. If you ever had chicken pox, you probably have some unpleasant memories of the unrelenting itch and long soaks in an oatmeal bath looking for some relief. Most kids today will never know the misery of a bout of chicken pox because of the chicken pox vaccine, but it looks like all of us could […] Source: New Study: Chickenpox Vaccine Linked to Widespread Increase in Shingles Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com [More]
By REALdeal Source: Edible or Poisonous? Tips on How to Determine Which Forgeable Wild Plants Are Safe to Consume For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. If you find yourself forced to survive in the woods, it is important to know which plants are safe to forage. Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School shares his knowledge on how to identify the poisonous plants from the edible ones. “There are so many plants out here that can do you in or just […] Source: Edible or Poisonous? Tips on How to Determine Which Forgeable Wild Plants Are …read more [More]
By REALdeal Source: The Powerful Neuroprotective Properties of Curcumin Revealed in HUGE Study: Stunning 30 Percent Improvement in Memory For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Turmeric is often touted for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it has another superpower that gets a lot less attention: it is a potent neuroprotector. This spice’s main active ingredient is curcumin, which gives it its cheerful yellow-orange hue. Researchers from the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) have now shown that curcumin supplementation can […] Source: The Powerful Neuroprotective Properties of Curcumin Revealed in HUGE Study: Stunning 30 Percent Improvement in …read more [More]
By AdminM by Paul FassaHealth Impact News A study published June 15, 2018, goes beyond anecdotal experiences or theories that indicate vitamin D offers immune boosting protection against minor diseases such as colds, flues, and other respiratory diseases. It also offers protection against cancer. There have been other studies demonstrating vitamin D’s ability to protect against different cancers in the past. This latest study focused on breast cancer, which afflicts women more than any other cancer. The bulk of its …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Heather Callaghan John F. Tooker, Pennsylvania State University Planting season for corn and soybeans across the U.S. corn belt is drawing to a close. As they plant, farmers are participating in what is likely to be… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) The North Carolina State Bar clearly is on a ‘witch hunt’ by initiating a lawsuit against the nation’s leading vaccine rights attorney, Alan Phillips. What’s their intent? Mr. Phillips is required to hand over years of (confidential) client files or risk being jailed for civil contempt. Every lawyer (and civil rights advocate) should be outraged by this action. Alan has been the only attorney in the United States focused solely on issues surrounding vaccine exemptions and vaccine legislative activism. He has been an advocate for parental rights and medical …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Chamomile is one of the most beneficial herbs and it has a long history of use dating back to ancient Egypt. Best known as a soothing tea widely embraced for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile produces lovely daisy-like plants that are drought- and pest-resistant. Given its many medicinal uses, you may want to consider growing chamomile in your garden this year. Chamomile: An Enduring Medicinal Herb Chamomile’s history1 and use as a medicinal herb dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was used as a cure for fever and as an embalming oil. [More]
By Michael By Karen Foster There may be some truth to the saying “getting up on the wrong side of the bed,” according to Penn State researchers who say starting your morning by focusing on how… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich If ever there were an absolutely and remarkably unbelievable health advisory that is totally off the wall, it’s the new guidelines the World Health Organization (WHO)… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze 9,080 sexually-inactive young women have to be vaccinated in order to prevent just 1 case of cervical cancer FACT: Vaccine-administering and… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor As research into EMF sensitivity and social media addiction continues to surface, it’s no surprise that some institutions are trying their own little happiness… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich If you are one of the two billion people worldwide [2016] who use the latest in cell phone technology—by the way, I’m not one!—you need to take seriously what’s going on to… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola Although often eclipsed by other types of tea in terms of popularity, there is no denying that white tea is just as refreshing and beneficial as other varieties. Fragrant and refreshing with a sweet, silky taste, white tea is a widely consumed beverage in China. But did you know that in the early times, it was treated as a drink worthy only of an emperor? Read this article and discover more interesting facts about this delicious beverage. What Is White Tea? Considered one of the most delicate tea varieties today, white tea, just like …read more Source: [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Germs are everywhere. According to Charles Gerba, microbiologist at the University of Arizona,1 your kitchen is the heart of your home, and the heart of its germs. Some of the places in your kitchen that may be dirtier than a toilet include your kitchen sponge, sink, cutting board, refrigerator door handle and kitchen countertops. According to Dr. Neil Schachter, author of “The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds and Flu,”2 some of the germiest community places include public restrooms, your child’s school or day care, public transportation and your doctor’s office. In response to heavy [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a developmental disability characterized by difficulties with communication and social interactions, currently affects 1 out of every 68 children – and the incidence is skyrocketing. In fact, rates of autism spectrum disorder have more than doubled over the past 17 years, and many natural health experts maintain that the soaring prevalence is linked to the presence of mercury in childhood vaccines. Amid growing international concern over mercury dangers, two new scientific reviews reveal a connection between autism spectrum disorder and mercury levels …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) Who knew even plants could …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michelle Simmons (Natural News) The crimson bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’re not familiar with the herb bergamot, you may recognize its more common name: bee balm. The tall plants with eye-catching blossoms on top look like an exploding firecracker and come in a rich lilac, pale pink or bright red hue, depending on the variety. Also known by the botanical names Monardo fistulosa and Monarda didyma, bergamot is a perennial that grows easily and has a variety of uses. This herb has a number of other unique designations: Gold Melissa, scarlett monarda, Indian nettle and Oswego tea are a few of them, …read [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Technology, especially microwave-produced radiofrequencies that will operate in the millimeter wave ranges—possibly above 6 GHz (Gigahertz: one GHz is one BILLION frequency… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By RJ Jhonson (Natural News) It is estimated that two …read more Source: Natural News