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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola To say that the HPV vaccine is controversial would be a serious understatement. A number of experts have spoken out against the vaccine since its release, and studies have revealed serious problems. Children and teenagers have died or been permanently disabled following HPV vaccination, yet it remains on the market. The featured 2017 trilogy, “Sacrificial Virgins,” looks at the HPV vaccine from a variety of angles. Part 1,1 “Not for the Greater Good,” questions the science behind the HPV vaccine and asks “Do we need it?” Part 2,2 “Pain and Suffering,” tells the story [More]
By Dr. Mercola For hundreds of years, various cultures have used plants to help alleviate symptoms of different illnesses that people are experiencing. One prime example of a plant that has consistently remained in use is witch hazel. Originally utilized by Native Americans, this plant has gained a reputation for helping soothe pain in various situations. What Is Witch Hazel? Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is a shrub that can grow up to 5 meters (16.4 feet) tall and 5 meters wide.1 The name is believed to be derived from the Middle English words “wicke,” which means lively, or “wych,” an [More]
Psychologists at the University of Sussex have confirmed that the warm glow of kindness is real, even when there’s nothing in it for you. In their study, published in NeuroImage, they undertook a major analysis of existing research showing the brain scans relating to over 1000 people making kind decisions. For the first time, they split the analysis between what happens in the brain when people act out of genuine altruism – where there’s nothing in it for them – and when they act with strategic kindness – when there is something to be gained as a consequence. …read more [More]
By Sharon Thomas, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) In a sobering review published in January of this year, researchers from Loyola University Medical Center confirmed an unexpected yet potentially devastating side effect of birth control pills: an increased risk for ischemic stroke. In fact, this review is an updated account of a paper originally published in the journal Medlink Neurology in 2003. The truth is: many studies have revealed the link between stroke and oral contraceptives – a medication currently taken by an estimated 100 million women worldwide. The most common type of stroke …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Lydia Noyes Are you trying to improve your self-sufficiency by adopting a homesteading lifestyle? Change should begin in your kitchen. There are hundreds of ways to get closer to the earth through the ways you prepare your food, and the right tools will make the process simple. Top 42 Homesteading Kitchen Tools No matter whether your knife skills rival a gourmet chef or you’re a just a beginner at the art of baking, these kitchen tools will help you improve your self-sufficiency while preparing hearty, nutritious meals for your family. 1. Bread Machine Your vision of a true homesteader [More]
By Michael By Alex Pietrowski To date, there are at least 53 known international scientific studies concluding that fluoride consumption is harmful to the development of intelligence in children; it impairs… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) What are they?, you may be asking. EMFs are the very frequencies that make modern life possible such as electric house wiring, any… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Jon Queally While it has been widely established by the scientific community that the class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids (or neonics) have had devastating impacts on honey bees… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Saffron, an ancient cooking spice and staple of the Mediterranean diet, has also played an important role in traditional and herbal healing systems, including Ayurveda and Chinese Traditional Medicine. On top of that, exciting research highlights saffron’s ability to attack cancer cells on multiple fronts – at every stage of the disease. In fact, scientists are crediting saffron with the potential to not only prevent, but even reverse, a variety of aggressive cancers. Keep reading to discover the five distinct ways saffron fights cancer. The carotenoids …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Admin by Paul FassaHealth Impact News A recent massive study review coordinated by 16 medical scholars and practicing MDs throughout England, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the USA has confirmed the falsity of the lipid theory of heart disease that blames cholesterol, and the disinformation and dangers of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Its title is LDL-C Does Not Cause Cardiovascular Disease: a comprehensive review of current literature. LDL-C stands for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, aka the “bad cholesterol”. The final draft of this review was posted …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Can a roller-coaster ride hasten the passage of kidney stones? While the pairing of an agonizingly painful health condition with an amusement ride may seem too outlandish to believe, research out of Michigan State University (MSU) has been recognized with a 2018 Ig® Nobel Prize for showing that it’s possible.1 Keep in mind the Ig (for ignoble) is a spoof of the real Nobel Prize. Since 1991, it has been awarded every fall at a ceremony held at Harvard University. Organized by the scientific humor magazine The Annals of Improbable Research, the Ig acknowledges [More]
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) It’s that time of year …read more Source: Natural News     
By none Do you experience symptoms such as blurry or fluctuating vision, headaches and eye strain, which usually manifest after reading a book, staring at a computer screen or looking at far-off distances?1,2 It’s possible that you have astigmatism, a type of refractive error. Don’t be frightened, however; astigmatism is fairly common and is not a dangerous disorder. But to truly understand why astigmatism occurs, you must first learn how the human eye works. Here’s How Your Vision Works When you look at a particular object, light rays from the object need to pass through the eyes so that …read [More]
By Rhonda Johansson (Natural News) Mercury may be a naturally …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Nicholas West High-tech drug delivery systems continue to be researched. I’ve extensively covered the move toward nanorobotics that can do everything from deliver drugs to laying down labels… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan The first ever home-use strip tests for identifying glyphosate residues, have been released to the public on Wednesday. It is now possible for people everywhere to find out whether the world’s most… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Lindsay Sheehan Beets (Beta vulgaris) are a biennial vegetable, edible from root to leaf. The fleshy, purplish-red tap root with a sweet, earthy taste is not frequently seen served up in American cuisine but both beetroot and beet greens are absolutely deserving of a spot in the annals of medicinal superfoods. 8 Health Benefits Of Eating Beets Here are some incredible reasons to eat your beets: 1. Beets Provide a Broad Spectrum of Nutrients The humble beet is a good source of practically all the vitamins and minerals you need: Per Cup of Beets, Raw % of DV <td [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) According to a 2005 report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) screened over 2,500 Americans for 148 industrial chemicals – and found significant amounts of these chemicals in the blood of every person tested. Not some people – every body! Which is why today’s news about milk thistle is so important. Studies show that milk thistle, an herbal remedy used since antiquity to treat liver disease, cam offer significant protection against this …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Edsel Cook (Natural News) Modern farms these days have …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Plastic products are made of a number of different chemicals, some of which are known to act as endocrine disruptors. These chemicals are similar in structure to natural sex hormones and interfere with the normal functioning of those hormones. They may be found in fast foods, processed and boxed foods and even those marketed as organic.1 One class of chemicals, phthalates, are widely used to make plastic more flexible, such as your shower curtain, food packaging and vinyl gloves. They can also be found in household cleaners, cosmetics and personal care products. Although intended [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In a study published in The Lancet,1 researchers called air pollution the “largest environmental cause of disease and premature death in the world today.” More than 9 million premature deaths were caused by air pollution in 2015, nearly 16 percent of deaths worldwide. This was three times more deaths than attributed to tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS combined. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 92 percent of the world breathe polluted air,2 and air pollution is a major contributor to lung and respiratory infections, heart disease and cancer. However, what many fail to consider [More]
The risks of consuming pasteurized cow’s milk are pronounced when consuming in the long term, especially for women. Not only does pasteurized milk create imbalances in the ratios of crucial minerals, but it influences progression and rates of osteoporosis. So which alternatives to milk are there and which ones are actually healthy? …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Admin The first MedicalKidnap.com banner. Medical Kidnapping happens far more than we knew. by Terri LaPointHealth Impact News Medical kidnapping of children may be far more prevalent than anyone has realized. When Health Impact News launched MedicalKidnap.com in October of 2014, we believed that these stories were only a small fraction of the larger group of Child Protective Services cases where children were taken away from their families. As we got deeper into our investigation, we realized that the problem was much more widespread than we ever could have imagined. We now know that medical issues are involved …read [More]
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) Many expectant mothers do a …read more Source: Natural News     
By RJ Jhonson (Natural News) Every year, more people suffer …read more Source: Natural News     
By Mike Barrett Junk food, for all of its yumminess, is a gateway to many health problems, often increasing your risk of heart disease, metabolic disease, and even cancer. In fact, researchers have developed a new nutritional labeling system that ties a low-quality diet with increased risks of several different types of cancer, and it could help prevent you from developing a form of the disease. Source: CNN The Nutri-Score logo is based on the British Food Standard Agency’s Nutrient Profiling System, which calculates the nutritional quality of each food and drink based on a 100-gram content measure for energy [More]
You likely already keep a supply of basics like vegetables, fruits, meats, poultry, and grains in your freezer.Some items keep better in the freezer than others, as you’ve probably noticed by now.However, there some items that can be frozen that might surprise you.Here’s a list of 20 perishable foods you can freeze.   Read More: 20 Perishable Foods You Can Freeze For Later | Ready Nutrition Official Website – Healthy Living, Food Storage, Preparedness, Recipes And More