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By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Black pepper – sometimes called the “King of spices” – is one of the most commonly used spices in the world. Made by grinding peppercorns, the dried berries that come from the Piper nigrum vine, it offers a mildly spicy, sharp flavor that goes well with a multitude of culinary dishes. Like many other spices, this spice packs a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant punch. Offering far more than just versatile flavor as a kitchen staple, black pepper has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is hailed for its concentration of beneficial, potent [More]
Former Pittsburgh Steelers running back Merril Hoge is among the thousands of plaintiffs suing Roundup maker Monsanto alleging his exposure to its weed killer caused him to develop non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The former football star, 54, alleges in a lawsuit filed this month that he was first exposed to Roundup in 1977, while working on a potato farm in Idaho. He developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2003. More than 11,200 plaintiffs allege in pending lawsuits that exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, caused them cancer or other injuries. …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
By Jeff Sesame allergy affects more than 1 million adults and children, and sesame is often a hidden ingredient in foods Sesame allergy affects more than 1 million children and adults in the U.S., more than… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Do you want healthy, glowing skin? Start taking better care of your liver – especially if you’re dealing with eczema and psoriasis. While most people don’t realize it, liver function has a huge impact on your skin’s health and appearance. In fact, any problem with your liver tends to make itself known in the condition of your skin. The liver is your body’s metabolic factory. It produces the energy needed to keep thousands of different functions going in your body’s cells. The heart needs energy to keep blood pumping to the skin to send [More]
By Dr. Mercola You may not know or recognize his name, but Austrian Friedrich Serturner was a pharmacist’s assistant who, through 14 years of research and testing, isolated the purest form of the alkaloid base compound morphine from opium poppies.1 He found the opium with the alkaloid removed was not effective on animals, but the alkaloid was 10 times more powerful than the processed opium.2 After spending years testing on himself, he died chronically depressed and addicted to morphine.3 By the mid-1820s morphine was used across Western Europe, provided by several sources, including a new chemical company started by Heinrich [More]
By Tracey Watson (Natural News) Many studies have established a …read more Source: Natural News     
The 2018 DW Documentary, “The Mysterious World Beneath the Skin,” delves into the workings and functions of your fascia, the fibrous connective tissue found throughout your body. Remarkably, this thin layer of tissue accounts for about 20 percent of your body mass. As explained by Dr. Jerry Tennant in his book, “Healing Is Voltage: The Handbook,” your muscles are stacked one on top of the other in a specific order (much like batteries in a flashlight) to form a power pack. Each organ has its own battery pack, which is a stack of muscle batteries. These muscle batteries are in [More]
New research is showing the profound benefits — for weight, longevity and fighting disease — of eating only during limited hours Fasting is one of the biggest weight-loss trends to arise in recent years. Endorsed by A-list celebrities and the subject of a spate of best-selling books, it was the eighth most-Googled diet in America in 2018. But fasting shouldn’t be dismissed as just another fad. At the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, I’ve employed what’s called intermittent fasting, or time-restricted eating, to help patients with an array of chronic conditions. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatism and bowel [More]
By Michael By Amanda Froelich Because fast fashion is devastating to the environment, the major fashion brand Zara has pledged to only source sustainable fabrics by 2025. Furthermore, the company aims to use 80… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Amanda Froelich Traveling by airplane is fast and convenient but it can take a large toll on the environment. For this reason, the Hempearth Group is developing the world’s first plane made from… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Washington State University researchers have found a variety of diseases and other health problems in the second- and third-generation offspring of rats exposed to glyphosate, the world’s most popular weed killer. In the first study of its kind, the researchers saw descendants of exposed rats developing prostate, kidney and ovarian diseases, obesity and birth abnormalities. Michael Skinner, a WSU professor of biological sciences, and his colleagues exposed pregnant rats to the herbicide between their eighth and 14th days of gestation. The dose – half the amount expected to show no adverse effect – produced no apparent ill effects on either [More]
By Dr. Mercola The first commercially available gene-edited food is now on the market, but consumers won’t know where it’s being sold or if they’ve eaten food that contains it. The product, a gene-edited soybean oil created by biotech company Calyxt, was picked up by its first user — a Midwest company with both restaurant and foodservice locations, which is using it for frying as well as in dressings and sauces.1 Calyxt’s soybean oil, Calyno, contains two inactivated genes, resulting in an oil with no trans fats, increased heart-healthy oleic acid and a longer shelf life. Along with refusing to [More]
By pixieforest1 Exley co-authored, a research paper with this conclusion, “Nanomaterials can be transported by monocyte-lineage cells to DLNs, blood and spleen, and, similarly to HIV, may use CCL2-dependent mechanisms to penetrate the brain. This occurs at a very low rate in normal conditions explaining good overall tolerance of alum despite its strong neurotoxic potential. However, continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population may become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of over immunization or immature/altered blood brain barrier or high constitutive CCL-2 production.” During an episode of Del Bigtree’s ‘Highwire’ show Dr Exley tells us [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Modern medicine has brought about plenty of benefits – just not without its fair share of drawbacks. For example, the regrettable trend – over the past century – which has moved many conventionally-trained physicians away from the credo of Hippocrates: “Let thy food be thy medicine.” Yet, we know, that good food choices – like eating more (organic) veggies can have a major (positive) effect on our health. Of course, the healthcare system is notorious for pushing drugs that (maybe) “fix” problems rather than helping consumers prevent problems in the first place. Pardon the [More]
By pixieforest1 In her lecture, ‘Inoculations: The True Weapon of Mass Destruction’ Dr Carley has these pearls of wisdom for us… “Aspartame (artificial sweetener) is a neurotoxin. Who cares what the vaccine tastes like? Why are they putting aspartame in vaccines? Some additional ingredients (as listed by the CDC in their website) include antibiotics which you could be allergic to; aluminum which when combined with silicon deficiency results in neurofibrillary tangles seen in Alzheimers; formaldehyde – a toxic carcinogenic substance used to preserve dead people; MSG – a potent excitotoxin which like aspartame can cause seizures and brain tumours; egg [More]
With approximately 40 million adults across the United States experiencing anxiety each year, scientists and researchers have dedicated their careers to trying to better understand this condition. Despite this work, we are still somewhat unclear on what actually causes this condition to occur. Characterized by feelings of nervousness and restlessness, increased heart rate, hyperventilation, sweating, trembling, difficulty concentrating and uncontrolled worry, it has the ability to impact every area of one’s life. There are many theories regarding the root cause of the condition, including genetics, brain chemistry, environmental factors or other medical factors and/or disease, however, nothing has been proven [More]
By Jeff Resveratrol, found in grape skin, shuts down depression-causing enzyme in brain Like to unwind with a glass of red wine after a stressful day? Don’t give alcohol all the credit. New research… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Tess Pennington If there’s one type of bean the entire family loves, it’s the pinto bean. In Spanish, the word “pinto” means painted and these beans are appropriately named because their outer skin is a spotted, swirling, red-dotted masterpiece of color. But inside is what counts, and they have a rich creamy texture perfect for soups and stews on those upcoming cold winter nights. Pinto beans also have nutritional benefits that help boost heart health and could help the body fight off cancer. Pinto beans contain antioxidants called polyphenols, which may prevent some forms …read more Source: Ready Nutrition [More]
By everybodysfit Vertigo is an off balanced sensation that makes a person feel like they are spinning and dizzy. There are a number of reasons one might experience this. It is most commonly associated with inner ear problems because the inner ear sends signals to the brain about movement. Other causes include Meniere’s disease, which is the buildup of fluid that causes pressure in the ear. Meniere’s can also cause ringing in the ears as well as hearing loss. Another cause of vertigo is associated with BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) which is when tiny calcium particles clump up in [More]
By AdminM by Crystal LauerHealth Impact News Most of us who have reached maturity take our body’s largest organ at face value, spending a staggering $300 billion on anti-aging globally and approximately $400 million U.S. dollars yearly on over-the counter acne solutions to put on a pretty face. But for the newest and most vulnerable among us, preterm and full-term infants, healthy skin is critical to their very survival, and here is where researchers think virgin coconut oil may be a major contributor in the fight to lower preterm infant mortality. Complications arising from
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) You may not think to include fluoride among the list of toxins that you need to minimize or eliminate. After all, most conventionally-trained dentists and public health officials tell us that fluoride is “good for our health” – right? Well, not really – especially when you get the facts and truly understand all the fluoride dangers that exist. In fact, if your public water system is fluoridated – which is true for at least two-thirds of the U.S. population, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – then …read more Source: Natural [More]
Experts now have reason to doubt the safety of an artificial sweetener. They are claimed to be calorie-free sugar alternative but in fact, maybe 200 times sweeter. The artificial sweetener is used in thousands of products including big brands. The experts have cast serious doubts and have safety questions. They have enough evidence that this alternative causes neurological harm. The aspartame, an artificial sweetener is used in everything these days with a label “Calorie Free” and “Sugar-Free” for health-conscious people. This may be causing more harm than giving any health benefits. …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM If sugar consumption is considered the one and only cause of cavities, how much is too much? …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By J.G. Martinez D By J. G. Martinez D. As many of our readers are definitely going to need a vehicle to arrive at some bugout location, I could foresee the need of explaining … Read the rest The post What You Need to Know About Bug Out Vehicles, Fuel, and the Energy Matrix appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If you’re spending money on pharmaceutical medications and fancy new medical equipment, you’d like to think they’re actually working, right? Well, in a world where “big pharma” wields an enormous amount of power over the American public (through their lobbyists and the government), this isn’t something you should assume to be true. Just think of it this way: doctors, health officials, and skeptics are always happy to point out that supplements aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so we should be wary of what we’re taking. And, in all fairness: [More]
By yourdoctorsonline The location of extra pounds on the body does make a difference in the first of heart disease in women. A study of postmenopausal women published in the European Heart Journal found that women with a pear shape had a significantly lower risk of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, while women with an apple shape or increased fat on the trunk of their body had an increased risk of this type of coronary artery disease. The kicker is that all of these women were within a healthy body mass index BMI. The relationship between trunk fat and [More]
By Dr. Mercola Alzheimer’s disease, a severe and lethal form of dementia, affects over 5 million Americans per year,1 approximately 200,000 of which are under the age of 65. By 2050, prevalence is expected to jump to 16 million, and in the next 20 years it is projected that Alzheimer’s will affect 1 in 4 Americans, rivaling the current prevalence of obesity and diabetes. Telltale symptoms of Alzheimer’s include a decline in memory along with a decline in at least one of the following cognitive abilities: Speaking coherently or understanding spoken or written language Recognizing or identifying objects Ability to [More]