By Dr. Mercola Taking a daily shower is a fairly recent development for Americans. Just 100 years ago, many thought getting their whole body wet at once (instead of taking the sponge baths that were common then) would invite diseases like pneumonia and someone would “catch their death.” Nowadays, a long, hot shower is a daily ritual for Many Americans. Most soaps and personal care products have surfactants that, when combined with water, bind to oil and remove the beneficial fats called sebum that naturally protect your skin.1 Generally speaking, the more a product bubbles or lathers, the more surfactants
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) 1 in 8: that’s how many women in America will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. But, there is some good news: according to research – (some) cancer death rates are dropping. Generally speaking, these trends are believed to be due to a number of factors, including diet and lifestyle changes. For example, today we’ll look at the value of simply adding walnuts to your diet – for cancer prevention. First, it’s good to know about new research out of Marshall University’s Joan C. Edwards School of …read more Source:
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Vitamin D deficiency has become a global health problem, and more than one billion people across the world are either vitamin D insufficient or deficient. Studies have found that a deficiency in the “sun vitamin” can lead to health problems like poor glycemic control, obesity and hypertension. In fact, a chronic vitamin D deficiency can contribute to the development of certain types of cancer. Today, we’ll focus on how a lack of vitamin D has been linked to diabetes. A new meta-analysis discovered that vitamin D has the potential to improve glycemic control. Published
By Sara Tipton Bushfires have been burning across Australia for months, scorching homes and destroying entire towns. Nearly 18 million acres of land have been burned, most of it bushland, forests, and national parks, which are home to the country’s native wildlife, according to a report by CNN. A State of Disaster has been declared in Victoria ahead of a weekend of alarming fire danger, as another death in the state is confirmed and 17 are still missing. This danger could eventually prompt forced evacuations from fire-stricken areas, as emergency crews battle deadly blazes and brace …read more Source: Ready
By Dr. Mercola Dr. Matthew Cook is a former anesthesiologist who became a regenerative medicine specialist and founder of BioReset Medical1 in Campbell, California. In this interview, we discuss several novel therapies offered there, which can be next to impossible to find elsewhere. “I went to medical school and did an anesthesiology residency at University of California San Francisco (UCSF) … I was doing regional anesthesia, so I was basically doing nerve blocks all day, every day … After that … I figured out how to do almost every surgery, from …read more Source: mercola
Homeopathy, when applied according to its well-established principles, can reach deep into the body and trigger healing and detoxification in a way nothing else can. It safely and gently tells our body what it is designed to do without using harsh chemicals or suppressing symptoms. What Is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a system of medicine that originated in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. Before it was coined “homeopathy,” Native American Indians practiced many forms of these natural healing principles. In India, it is their traditional system of medicine. Additionally, early homeopathic literature contains many examples and stories of accidental, medical, and industrial
Nigella sativa, more commonly known as black seed, is a widely used therapeutic plant around the world, including in Ayurvedic medicine. A study on 60 patients with kidney stones offers evidence of its might and effectiveness in helping treat or reduce the size of painful kidney stones Kidney stones affect some 10% of people in the Western world,[i] with annual U.S. health care costs linked to the condition exceeding $2 billion.[ii] Natural therapies for this common condition include black currant, cranberry and omega-3 fats, but one plant stands out for its stone-fighting potential: Nigella sativa (N. sativa) or black seed,
By Dr. Mercola If you’ve ever woken up because you’re too hot or cold, you know that temperature extremes can significantly affect your sleep quality. But even subtle differences in temperature can influence your sleep, for better or worse. Your body temperature cycles along with your sleep-wake rhythm, decreasing at night while you’re asleep and increasing during the day.1 You’re most likely to sleep when your core body temperature decreases and unlikely to sleep while it’s on the rise. Further, after you fall asleep, your core body temperature will decrease even more, but your peripheral skin temperature, which plays a
By Michael Drinking tea at least three times a week is linked with a longer and healthier life, according to a study published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Jeff For the many men diagnosed with testosterone deficiency, losing weight can help increase testosterone levels. But certain diets – specifically a low-fat diet – may be associated with a… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Michael An interdisciplinary team of scientists from KU Leuven, the University of Bremen, the Leibniz Institute of Materials Engineering, and the University of Ioannina has succeeded in killing tumour cells… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
When food we’ve swallowed reaches our stomachs, it finds an acidic environment. The low pH in the stomach helps to begin digestion — and has been thought to kill the bacteria that hides in food that otherwise could harm our bodies. However, recent work from the Ackley and Chandler labs in the Department of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Kansas runs counter to this idea, instead suggesting lower pH in the digestive tract may make some bacterial pathogens even more harmful. Their findings, published in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS Pathogens, could have implications for addressing the crisis of antibiotic
By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) Research has established that bees …read more Source: Natural News
By Michael By Jason Erickson We’ve been among those who have reported for years about the horrible effects of BPA exposure, from hormone disruption to obesity, infertility and reproductive disorders in… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Thomas Perry Source: The Weighted Blanket that Scientifically Puts You to Sleep; Helps ADHD, & Anxiety For more content like this visit by DANIELLE BOROUMAND There is nothing quite like feeling complete comfort when you are sleeping in your bed. People are always looking to find reliable, sure-fire ways to improve their slumber, especially if you are someone who could be held back from experiencing full relaxation and comfort. It’s likely that individuals that have autism, ADHD, […] Source: The Weighted Blanket that Scientifically Puts You to Sleep; Helps ADHD, & Anxiety Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow"
By Dr. Mercola Strictly speaking, a vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat — red, white, fish or fowl. Vegetarian Nation1 helps further define the types of diets from which to choose if you are seeking a mostly plant-based diet. Some eat a highly restricted number of foods, while others have a more flexible outlook on their meal plan. The most restricted eating plan is practiced by vegans who don’t eat any animal products or by-products. This includes all meat, all dairy products and honey, beeswax, insects, gelatin or other products derived from those sources, such as leather, silk
“Excellent article on how common drugs that many people take can have dangerous side effects affecting the mind and behavior.” Admin “Patient Five” was in his late 50s when a trip to the doctors changed his life. He had diabetes, and he had signed up for a study to see if taking a “statin” – a kind of cholesterol-lowering drug – might help. So far, so normal. But soon after he began the treatment, his wife began to notice a sinister transformation. A previously reasonable man, he became explosively angry and – out of nowhere – developed a
By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) Researchers from the Martin Luther …read more Source: Natural News
By Chloe Morgan by Daisy Luther That magic moment when you go to wash your hands….and nothing comes out of the tap. Late on one Friday evening – you know, too late to … Read the rest The post 8 Prepper Hacks for Cleaning Without Running Water appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
As food consumed in the U.S. becomes more and more processed, obesity may become more prevalent. Through reviewing overall trends in food, George Washington University (GW) researcher Leigh A. Frame, PhD, MHS, concluded that detailed recommendations to improve diet quality and overall nutrition are needed for consumers, who are prioritizing food that is cheaper and more convenient, but also highly processed. Her conclusions are published in a review article in Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology. “When comparing the U.S. diet to the diet of those who live in “blue zones” — areas with populations living to age 100 without chronic
By Dr. Mercola Staying fit as you age is about far more than aesthetics. Increasing research shows that maintaining healthy levels of body fat and greater muscle mass has an effect on your brain health and even your rate of cognitive aging. It’s known, for instance, that being obese in midlife and early late-life is associated with worse cognitive aging.1 What’s more, the amount of muscle and fat you have may be a more important factor in how your level of fluid intelligence decreases over time than your chronological age. Your chronological age, i.e., your …read more Source: mercola
By Dr. Mercola Tom Stearns, who has both an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to get back to the roots of where his food comes from, started saving seeds when he was 18 years old. The drive to connect to the source of his sustenance in the most direct way possible led him to begin exploring how to grow seeds. “Growing food wasn’t enough,” he said in an episode of “Growing a Greener World,” a PBS series. “I was curious about the growing seeds and saving seeds part of it.” It’s an aspect of food production …read more Source: mercola
By Sara Tipton As Americans, we have a lot of clutter. I know I used to! But decluttering has many benefits, including those that positively impact our mental health. As a society, we are busier and more stressed-out than ever. This makes it easy to see why the Kon Mari method of decluttering and minimalism trends are so popular right now. And to be fair, they aren’t popular with everyone. Some people just always have a lot of stuff and will always have a lot of stuff. Have you ever been in a house that is so filled with stuff
By Dr. Mercola In his popular and oft-cited book, “Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams,” professor Matthew Walker, Ph.D., founder and director of the University of California Berkeley’s Center for Human Sleep Science, details many supposed benefits of longer sleep. I’ve frequently referenced Walkers book in a number of my previous articles about sleep, which is why I became more than a little curious when I came across the work of Alexey Guzey.1 He claims to have spent more than 130 hours over the course of two months investigating the claims …read more Source: mercola
By Darnel Fernandez (Natural News) Type 2 diabetes is the …read more Source: Natural News
How much sleep did you get last night? If the answer is “not enough” you’re hardly alone. According to Gallup’s estimates, almost half the people you’ll run into today are suffering from some level of sleep deprivation. We often dismiss a little morning fatigue as an inconvenience, but here’s the reality. Missing sleep worsens your mood, weakens your memory, and harms your decision-making all day long. It scatters your focus, prevents you from thinking flexibly, and makes you more susceptible to anxiety. (Ever wonder why problems seem so much more overwhelming at 1:00am than in the first light of day?
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM The sugar industry’s response to evidence implicating sweeteners in the obesity epidemic. …read more Source: