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Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Public Citizen has reviewed and published the secret contracts between Pfizer and Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, the European Commission, Peru, the U.S. and the U.K. The contracts reveal nations have handed over unprecedented power to Pfizer, and in virtually all scenarios, Pfizer’s interests come first Some countries, including Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Peru, have put up sovereign assets as collateral for vaccine injury lawsuits, including bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings The contracts not only secure Pfizer’s intellectual property rights, but should Pfizer be found guilty of stealing [More]
By Joanna Miller by Joanna Miller Many people adhere to special diets these days for various reasons. But, what is there to eat when the supply chain breaks? With the global supply … Read the rest The post On a Special Diet? Here’s What to Eat As the Supply Chain Breaks appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
“Requires you to enter a name and email address to download it.” Admin In This FREE C0VlD & Cancer Book (valued at $27) You’ll Discover: The C0VID and Cancer Connection. Why C0VID and Cancer have more in common than you might think. What they Found in the C0VID Vaxx. Are the ingredients really linked to cancer? The Current Vaxx Side Effects. Including the data from the CDC’s Vaccine Reporting Center. 3 Immune- Strengthening Solutions to Do Daily. You CAN protect yourself. Here’s some easy ways that can help. Don’t be in the dark. Get all the facts inside this FREE evidence-based book. Click Here
Scott Taylor has NOT been injected with the injections being falsely referred to as “vaccines”, but his family has been. Since they were inoculated, Scott has become completely MAGNETIZED.
? Dr. Peter Breggin interviews Dr. Li-meng Yan This heroic Chinese physician and virologist, Li-Meng Yan MD, PhD came to America to warn us about China’s intentions with the release of COVID-19. Now she offers a heartfelt discussion of the political, psychological, and spiritual differences between the traditions of the American people and the Chinese people. Her observations provide a window into the great differences within the interior minds of most Americans and most Chinese. For the first time, Dr. Yan also speaks about the spiritual journey that brought her to America. This interview will deepen your understanding of both China and [More]
The Republic of Ireland has vaccinated 91% of its population for COVID-19, the highest rate in the European Union, but the nation now has the highest number of patients hospitalized for the disease since March.   And the cases will increase until there is a “transmission-blocking vaccine,” because the efficacy of the current shots is waning, said Dr. Anne Moore, a vaccine specialist at University College Cork, the Irish Times reported.   A yearlong, peer-reviewed study published this week in the prestigious British science journal The Lancet found people vaccinated against COVID-19 are as likely to spread the delta variant to [More]
Stew Peters Show: Karen Kingston continues to blow HUGE HOLES in the “safe and effective” narrative surrounding the failed “vaccines”, which are looking more and more like an intentional global depopulation plan.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and trained epidemiologist, is now a “hunted doctor” who’s been threatened with disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of his medical license, by the American Board of Internal Medicine for the “dissemination of misinformation” He stepped forward during the COVID-19 pandemic because he saw something very wrong was going on very early in 2020, and he felt compelled to do something about it A Toxicology Reports study found COVID-19 injections are deadlier, statistically, than COVID-19 COVID-19 genetic vaccines have an unfavorable safety profile and are not sufficiently effective, [More]
? 11/01/21 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Catherine Austin Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud within the banking industry and government, and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic We’re seeing a shift of billions of dollars of liability to families for health care, disability, workman’s compensation, unemployment and death, as experimental COVID injections are mandated while drug makers, doctors and corporations have been released from all liability At present, there is no legally valid vaccine mandate. The shots are still under emergency use authorization, and there’s no official document from government, be it [More]
By Daisy Luther Check out our updated book: Be Better Prepared in 28 Days This guide can help you get prepared with one simple task per day. At the end of just ONE … Read the rest The post Be Better Prepared in 28 Days appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Michael Compiled by Patricia Burke 5G is a weapon. Why implement it in every country…simultaneously? Link to the organization suing the Danish Government https://www.landsindsamlingenmod5g.org/ SOURCE… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Brian-Admin by Project Veritas Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine. Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Figures and statements from the recent FDA advisory board meeting totally destroy any argument for jabbing kids. Findings from an FDA meeting are being used to raise alarms about the level of risk Covid poses for children, in order to push for the authorisation of the Pfizer vaccine for kids under eleven. The real story of the statistics is that children face almost no danger from “Covid”, and the experts at the meeting themselves admit the vaccines have unknown side effects, especially in the long term. On October 26th, the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee held a meeting [More]
We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves. Public health officials and the medical establishment with the help of the politicized media are misleading the public with assertions that the COVID-19 shots provide greater protection than natural immunity. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, for example, was deceptive in her October 2020 published LANCET statement that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following [More]
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Yesterday we published the article written by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, who stated that “Hospital admission has become like reporting to prison.” This was a masterfully written article highlighting the programs that are in place today forcing COVID protocols on people that result in premature death and euthanizing patients over the age of 50. Dr. Vliet also published a Press Conference yesterday titled: Stop the Shot – Caught on Tape, …read more Source: Health Impact News     
William Castro is a Department of Education administrator in New York, who bravely appeared on “The Stew Peters Show”, calling out the tyranny that grips his state. For having a voice, he has been placed on unpaid leave, and is certain he will lose his job. Today, he joined Stew Peters and DOUBLED DOWN! If you want to help William Castro, visit www.givesendgo.com/standwithus
“In the article is a good video interview of her by Tucker Carlson.” Admin   Allison Williams recently explained to Tucker Carlson about the “most difficult decision” of her life when she decided to quit her job at ESPN because of the vaccine mandate. She explained that this runs much deeper than just being opposed to the vaccine mandate. She believes it’s more sinister than that.   “That is un-American. That is not what takes place in the land of the free.”   Williams said she’s anti-mandate and not anti-vax:   “I want to make it clear I’m not anti-vax, [More]
  “Powerful expose of the FDA and Pfizer! Unfortunately these Jabs have been approved for 5-11 age kids” Admin DEEP DIVE: Dr. Jane Ruby expanded on the deep ties the so-called FDA “Committee” has to Pfizer. They’re ALL PAID HANSOMELY by the big pharma giant! The FDA and Pfizer are both China-controlled.
Yesterday, in a press conference, the director of the CDC warned that they may have to “update” the definition of “fully vaccinated”. At the virtual presser accompanying the approval of “mix-and-match” booster jabs, Dr Rochelle Walensky told reporters that: We will continue to look at this. We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ in the future, The “updated” definition would potentially mean only people who have had the third “booster” shot would be considered “fully vaccinated”, while people who have had the two original shots are no longer “fully vaccinated”. Whilst the warning might just be a [More]
“What does the Bible say is one sign of the last days, The Love Of Many Will Grow Cold, indicating no compassion. We can certainly see that manifesting in our society today.” Admin   In a shocking departure from traditional hospital policies, admission to a hospital has become like reporting to prison. Prisoners in America’s jails have more visitation rights than do COVID patients in America’s hospitals.   One family member, a professional psychologist with a career focus treating victims of trauma, said that in many hospitals COVID patients are treated “little better than animals.”   Shocking recordings of Mayo [More]
“We have a pandemic of fear, not a pandemic of the virus.”  Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is by far not the only person who feels this way.  Every day more people wake up to the realization that something is going terribly wrong, especially in our hospitals.  By now, it is well-established that COVID patients ending up on a ventilator face extremely low chances of survival.  Yet, despite the horrendous outcome, hospitals actively use policies and protocols to push people to ventilation.   Many are also aware that patients showing up in emergency rooms with COVID are systematically denied safe and [More]
By Dr. Mercola According to all-cause mortality statistics,1 the number of Americans who have died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16% higher than 2018, the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality, and 18% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Adjusted for population growth of about 0.6% annually, the mortality rate in 2021 is 16% above the average and 14% above the 2018 rate. The obvious question is, why did more people die in 2021 (January through August) despite the rollout of COVID shots in December 2020? Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite [More]
By Patrick Hahn The masks were working all along. So says an article published last month in the Atlantic. This announcement may have come as a surprise to many who had been following the mask controversy. After all, the only randomized controlled trial with COVID-19 infection as an endpoint, published last March (the DANMASK-19 study), failed to show the masks made any difference. And the only randomized controlled trial with all respiratory infections as an endpoint – a 2015 joint Vietnamese-Australian study of nurses in clinical settings – showed that cloth masks actually made things worse. The new study – [More]
By Hesh Goldstein First and foremost the most extensive and complete website about the atrocities of fluoridation is Dr. Paul Connett’s, www.fluoridealert.org. Hawaii, with the exception of the military bases, is perhaps the only state that does not subject their residents to the fluoridation, toxic waste chemicals. In 2006, the National Research Council did the first independent report on fluoridation. They condemned it! This prompted the American Dental Association to warn all their member dentists to, at the very least, tell parents of infants about fluoride’s neurological toxicity. Yet, despite the NRC report, the American Dental Association defends fluoridation unequivocally. [More]
“That’s the way these things start out with something that seems beneficial then as time goes on they become more encompassing regarding monitoring other aspects of peoples lives until they are eventually monitoring everything.” Admin   In January 2022 the the Department of Health and Social Care, currently led by Sajid Javid, plan to launch a new app that will allegedly help people to make positive changes to their diet and physical activity.   A pilot scheme will see users wear wrist-worn devices that can generate personalised health recommendations, such as increasing their step count, eating more fruit and vegetables, and [More]
Paul Craig Roberts   Why can no media, no official “health agency” connect the obvious dots?   https://sputniknews.com/20211025/denmark-sees-record-infection-spread-despite-high-vaccination-rate-1090183209.html   If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again – Government Stats Unveil the Horrifying Truth   The British government has spilled the beans about that fact that once you get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity.   Read More: Hard facts pour in from country after country that Covid cases rise with vaccination and the stupid media reports that the cases are the result of [More]
 Countless whistleblowers flood the inbox at The Stew Peters Show. We could literally do segments on these ALL DAY LONG. As the FDA pushes the needle toward our preschoolers for financial gain and total tyrannical reign, we will continue to expose the horrific consequences of their evil agenda.