The glyphosate threat due to a poisoned food supply | NaturalHealth365

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Thanks to the tireless effort put forth by the mainstream media to brainwash the masses, millions now believe that the only way to protect against the invisible virus is by masking up, getting jabbed, and avoiding our fellow human beings.  It doesn’t seem to matter that none of these measures are grounded in sound science, that the virus has never been isolated, or that (conventionally speaking) the disease in question has a 99.9x percent survival rate for the vast majority of the global population.


What appears to matter most is to keep the fear going and scare people into submission to taking a virus-based experimental gene therapy.


But, anyone awake realizes that there is something sinister about how governments, Big Tech, and Big Media colluded to silence words of wisdom and common sense questioning the official narrative.  For example, no one can talk about the immune system and its critical role to serve as our line of defense against possible invaders – including those far more deadly than the virus causing COVID-19.


In addition, no health agency stresses the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to reduce our risk of mortality during the pandemic, nor are we warned against the dangers of toxic chemicals present in our food supply.


Powerful VIDEO: MIT Scientist reveals the hidden dangers of glyphosate toxicity and its detrimental impact on our health


Read/Watch: Glyphosate and COVID Link Exposed | NaturalHealth365

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