Christian News from around the US updated daily Alternative News Feeds Most Current 15 Stories listed for these sites in the order listed 09/07/24 Added new feed Feeds courtesy of, Please note that we do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in every news story. Admin
News of Christian persecution around the world updated daily 09/07/24 Added two new feeds: and Feeds courtesy of Mission News Network, Worthy Christian News,, If clicking on a link doesn’t open an article then right click the link and select open in new tab.
Below are the latest 30 articles from Charisma news.
Every Monday and Thursday, we will be offering commentary on hot topics in the news. We will give a biblical interpretation and point people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of our lives. The latest broadcast is always first.
A daily Christian worldview commentary hosted by best-selling author Eric Metaxas and Colson Center President John Stonestreet. BreakPoint provides you with a short and applicable Christian perspective on today’s news and trends.
Steve Strangs podcasts deal with hot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and International politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach.
Michael, Dumitru Dudumans grandson, always has something interesting to say on a variety of subjects in his posts. Check out the latest 30 of them below. You can visit his website here:
Trunews podcasts with Rick Wiles. Lots of great news and interviews. Find out what’s really going on, with news and commentary you won’t hear elsewhere. Please note we do not necessarily agree with all comments made by Trunews.