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Why the isotopic dates cannot be trusted.
What is speciation, and do creationists think it happens? Read More
How do animals manage to survive outside in the freezing-cold months of winter while we humans can’t? Find out on today’s Creation Moments Minute. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Turns out, God created hydraulic mechanisms long before man did. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Since Noah only had to take 2 of every kind of land animal, there were probably less than 7,000 animals to care for. Read More
Noah probably only needed about 1,400 animal kinds. That’s less than 7,000 animals total! There was plenty of room on board the Ark! Read More
How Communism undermined science in the USSR

There’s no doubt that animals in God’s creation have iconic features. The question is, did these features evolve or were they created that way from the beginning?

Elise Poore of Live Science recently wrote an article titled “How 10 animals evolved their iconic features.”1 She begins by asking, “Why are whales so big?” and then provides examples for what she thinks are evolutionary ev... More...

Let’s meet one of the greatest deep-sea divers in the world. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we look at something humans have in common with goldfish. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we take a look at the unique relationship between a particular type of ant and the trees they protect. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com

The late leading evolutionary biologist, Ernst Mayr, said the eye appeared at least 40 times “during the evolution of animal diversity.”1 But creationists claim that the more we learn of the eye and its complexity, particularly in the retina, the more it negates evolutionary naturalism. The eye is a marvel of creation.2

Interestingly, it was the anatomy of the eye that troubled Charles Darwin. He... More...

Reflecting on the famous debate with the “Science Guy” that reached millions. Read More
Many creationists argue that evolution requires order to come about from disorder—complexity to come about naturally from simplicity—in defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (cf. Miller, 2013). The evolutionist retorts that the Earth is not a closed system—localized pockets of order can come from disorder, as long as energy is added to those pockets (e.g., an orderly room can come from a disorderly room if work or energy is applied to the room). The evolutionist argues that the Earth is a system that is, in fact, receiving useful external energy (e.g., from the Sun). So, it is presumed that evolution [More]
Today we look at the radio frequencies of frogs. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Meet Chuck, one of our new AiG “team members.” Chuck is our new artificial intelligence autonomous warehouse robot. Read More
There wouldn't be any heat, light, or food without the sun. Additionally, it gives green plants energy so they can produce food on their own, providing sustenance for both humans and animals.
Ice sheets don’t form just one layer per year. And in the past, after Noah’s flood, layers formed very quickly. Read More
Want to know how your nose can tell the difference between a rose and a skunk? For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
The continents cannot be billions of years old because they would have eroded away long ago; there should be nothing left.
Does evolution program life to stop evolving or is life designed to adapt within clear limits?
The naturalistic explanation given by evolutionists for the existence of the created order cannot meet the dictates of logic that characterize the unencumbered, unprejudiced human mind. The more one investigates the intricacies and complexities of the natural realm, the more self-evident it is that a grand and great Designer is responsible for the existence of the Universe. In fact, the evidence is overwhelming and decisive.   Take, for example, the pine tree.   Read More: Divine Design and the Pine Tree – Apologetics Press
Star Trek is an iconic science fiction series. But fiction it is, as shown by the physics of one of their acclaimed flights.
Stars have an amazing variety, and pose problems for evolutionary views of their origin.
Humans are not meat-based computers; no matter how good an AI program might be at churning out responses to questions, it will never be emotionally involved with anything it does.
Ancient astronomers believed that everything in the heavens revolved around the earth. But planets occasionally seemed to go backwards briefly (retrograde motion), before going on their forward path again. How come?
The ice cores need to be interpreted, and our starting point determines how we interpret the evidence. Read More