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In Genesis 1 we read the land plants were created on Day 3 of the creation week, and living creatures were created on Days 5 and 6. This would include aquatic, flying, and terrestrial invertebrates such as insects.

So the creationist infers that insects and plants engaged in a common type of ecological interaction called mutualism from the beginning. Specifically, the plants provide food for the insects while the insects pollinat... More...

Please note that, while there is still room for debate, we feel the case is leaning strongly in favor of the short Sojourn. In part 1, we mentioned a few points to show how this view intersects very nicely with a certain period of Ancient Egyptian History (AEH). In this article, we will provide many additional details. Read More
Among the creatures most readily associated with the iconic evolutionary status of the Galápagos Islands are these lumbering armoured reptiles.
On the 400th anniversary of Galileo turning his telescope to the heavens, misotheists gloated about ‘science vs. religion’. But it was science vs. science, and Galileo never renounced his faith.
Does Noah’s Flood provide a better context for explaining the origin of massive dolomite deposits?
La evolución viene a partir de la selección natural?—Escucha las Respuestas hoy para obtener más información. More

Life requires many parameters in order to survive and thrive. The more data that are uncovered, the more evidence there is that Earth and its environs were specifically designed with the exact conditions needed for life. Remote sensing has unearthed data suggestive of just such design.

Remote sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the characteristics of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation at a dis... More...

The deformation of the lithosphere and asthenosphere is assumed by uniformitarian scientists to be very slow. The key measure of the resistance of the deformation of the solid earth is viscosity. When a load, like ice, is added to the surface of the earth, the surface is pushed down. When the load is taken off, the surface rebounds upward. Read More
The field of epigenetics is one of the most exciting and rapidly expanding scientific research areas in the study of the genome and how it responds adaptively in organisms. The term epigenetics is derived from genetics plus the Greek prefix epi, which means “on top of” or “in addition to.” In other words, it’s an additional type of genomic language that overlays the DNA code that controls how genes are switched on or off. It even determines the three-dimensional structure of the chromosomes in the cell’s nucleus. Read More
In the early 1800s, pioneers of Southeast Texas initially avoided Big Thicket. Its more than three million acres embraced dense forests, swamps, and few people. Subsistence farmers soon penetrated the thicket in search of solitude. They traded with Coushatta and Alabama Native Americans who had hunted bear and deer there for over a century. Those who kept cattle contended with Karankawas and Comanches. Outlaws and Civil War draft dodgers hid from authorities within its vast foliated lowlands. Tar and oil oozed to the surface in some spots. The early 20th-century oil boom brought overnight prosperity to those who harvested the [More]
How did hundreds of fossil whales end up in the middle of a barren desert?
The debate between a long and a short Egyptian Sojourn continues, but there are many things in the Bible and Egyptian archaeology that correspond to the short Sojourn.
Mars: a dry lifeless planet that once had huge floods.
Evolutionists claim a new mouse experiment explains how humans lost their tails. Does it? Read More
The human eye is, perhaps, one of the most obvious examples of design which defies the theory of naturalistic, unintelligent evolution. The more we learn about the eye the more unreasonable it is to suggest that it would originate in some kind of natural way.   It is often said that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In many ways, vision is like a chain. It is a sequence of events where each step is dependent on every other complex component. If one single step is impaired, then vision as a whole suffers.   Consider a [More]
Critics of the biblical Flood have argued that the implications of the Flood make its reality implausible. For instance, Bill Nye has argued that there are some 16,000,000 species on the planet today.1 If there was a Flood only 4,000 years ago, only 7,000 representative species on the Ark to start with, and all of the planet’s other species were wiped out by the Flood, those 7,000 representative species would have to turn into 16,000,000 species in only 4,000 years. That would mean that 11 new species have evolved every day over the last 4,000 years since the Flood. Does such [More]
Flowers aren’t just pretty trinkets we enjoy for a moment. They’re among the most remarkable structures in nature. Read More
When you see a headline like this one, “Humans’ ancestors survived the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs,” what do you picture as a “human ancestor”? Read More

Chasing and capturing fireflies is a simple joy of childhood. But for evolutionary entomologist Christopher Heckscher, that joy never left. He has been publishing papers on fireflies for almost 20 years but has never acknowledged that they have been designed by the Creator.

Fireflies are not actually flies. Rather, they are beetles (Coleoptera). Heckscher told the Smithsonian “finding [fireflies] inspires awe.&rdqu... More...

A recent scientific study came out addressing the genetic flexibility of a group of invertebrates called the crustaceans (crabs, barnacles, shrimp, and lobsters).

In the rock record, The lowest appearance of crustaceans “are known from Cambrian rocks”1 and are 100 percent crustacean. Their evolutionary relationships are highly questionable with five zoologists stating, “Crustacean phylogenies using mo... More...

Octopi are incredible and intelligent creatures—they are mesmerizing to observe and study. Some of octopi’s interesting features include the ability to change colors and blend in with surroundings, an ink defense that allows them to escape predators, a beak for a mouth, zero bones, and eight arms with suckers that allows them to grab, taste, and smell. Octopi are poikilotherms (cold-blooded). As a result, their brains are expose... More...

Critique of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins The evolution-based attack on God by ‘new atheist’ Richard Dawkins (2006) was a best-seller, but do its arguments stack up? Read More
Evolutionists think differently about meteors. You see, many of them believe these space rocks might’ve brought life to earth! Read More
The planet Mars is marked with evidence of massive amounts of erosion—so much so that many scientists believe there was a global flood on Mars! Read More
Es el cambio una evolución?—Escucha las Respuestas hoy para obtener más información. More
Off the coast of Mexico, deep in the ocean, is a massive crate made by an asteroid! It’s this asteroid that’s believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. Read More
Everyone knows of the beautiful rings surrounding Saturn or Jupiter. But did you know that scientists discovered a new ring system just this year? Read More