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A macabre scene played out on a floating carcass has an obvious message for evolutionists. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Since the amount of U and Pb mobility in most cases has been small, then the determinations can be used to provide useful relative ages. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
by Frank Sherwin and Jeffrey Tomkins According to the evolutionary mantra, whales evolved from a dog-like land creature.1 And as the whale of a tale goes, over millions of years the size of the evolving creatures grew and finally resulted in the largest animals ever seen on Earth—the baleen whales. At least that’s the way the myth went until a recent toothed (non-filter feeding) whale… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Secular scientists claim it’s easy to disprove the Bible’s 6,000-year history: just count the tree rings. Is this dating method reliable? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
by Jeffrey Tomkins and Timothy Clarey* Fossils keep revealing biomolecules that should be completely deteriorated and disintegrated if they are millions of years old. Scientists have just discovered intact starch granules in plant tissues alleged to be 280 million years old.1 Fossils k… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Present volcano eruptions are not the key to understanding the earth’s past. The volume of past lava deposits is too large to be explained by today’s activity. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Bajau divers of the Central Sulawesi peninsula in Indonesia are able to hold their breath and dive to amazing depths of over 200 feet using only rock weights and hand-made wooden goggles. Researchers recently compared the Bajaus’ spleen size to that of their neighbors and found the Bajaus’ are considerably larger, and that this increased size may extend the time divers can hold their breath.1 We learn two things from … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Conventional wisdom assumes the mud in earth’s mudrocks took millions of years to settle. What do new experiments suggest? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Evolutionists struggle to explain an enormous fossil graveyard that includes sea, land, and flying creatures. …read more Source: creation.com     
ICR scientists have long pointed out that fossils, contrary to popular misperception, do not provide evidence for evolution, and a recent secular dinosaur study confirms this.1 ICR scientists have long pointed out that fossils…do not provide evidence for evolution, and a recent secular dinosaur stud… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Recently, moth fossils imbedded in both ancient amber and rocks have been analyzed in excruciating detail. Using a variety of high-powered microscopes, scientists wanted to see how much evolution occurred in the alleged 200 million years separating the fossils from their modern living versions. But the ancient creatures are exactly the same as the modern.1 So, why didn’t the little rascals evolve? More… …read more Source: icr.org     
In the last few decades, there has been a lot of discussion by prominent paleontologists who imply that dinosaurs and birds are closely related. Many of these paleontologists go even further, suggesting that dinosaurs didn’t actually go extinct, but evolved directly into birds. Much of the supposed evidence that supports this argument comes from comparative anatomy. In the middle of this controversy is the so-called “transitiona… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Scientists excited that many details remain visible in exquisitely preserved creature. …read more Source: creation.com     
Have you ever noticed that many of the world’s rivers flow through mountain ranges rather than around them? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Troy Lacey Where is all that water [from the Flood] now? Our planet is covered in 70% water, so the water from the Flood is still here, making up our oceans! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Hips can reveal many things about fossilized organisms, especially when it comes to mammals. They can indicate the difference between species and even reveal the differences between the sexes of the same species. Last fall, we reported on the latest research findings that showed Homo naledi was less human-like and more Australopith-like. ICR concluded that the small-brained Homo naledi was just another Luc… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
A bottle encased in solid rock proves fossils don’t require millions of years. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Troy Lacey Since at least 2009, when Dr. Carl Werner published Living Fossils the second volume of his Evolution: The Grand Experiment series, creation researchers have used the argument that modern-type birds have been found in the same Cretaceous layers with dinosaurs. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A new research paper claims to have solved the mystery of why most ankylosaur dinosaur fossils are found upside down.1 Lead author Dr. Jordan Mallon, from the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Ontario, explains, “Textbooks have touted that ankylosaur fossils are usually found upside down, but no one has gone back and checked the records to make sure that’s the case.”2 Mallon colla… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Timothy L. Clarey According to God’s Word, the great Flood of Noah’s day was the most devastating catastrophe in history. Noah’s Flood ripped apart the earth. We’re not talking about boulders but whole mountains. In some places, slabs the size of cities slid dozens of miles in minutes. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Glaciers, mammoths, and saber-toothed cats (sometimes called saber-toothed tigers)—those are just some of the things that immediately spring to mind when we think of the Ice Age. But some Christians wonder if there really was an Get the ultimate collection of compelling biblical answers from Ken Ham and the AiG experts. Join explorer Buddy Davis as he hikes atop glaciers, kayaks among icebergs, and reveals amazing facts about animals that lived during the Ice Age. Learn more and order A Flood of Evidence and Ice Age today at AnswersBookstore.com. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for …read [More]
Earth’s iron-nickel core has a solid inner layer and a liquid outer layer. A recent paper presents a huge dilemma for naturalistic explanations of Earth’s origin. Earth’s solid inner core shouldn’t exist!1 Secular scientists had long assumed the inner core was initially in a liquid state but that lower temperatures caused the liquid at the center to begin to solidify. Supposedly the solid… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Is there enough time for permafrost to form in the biblical timeframe? …read more Source: creation.com     
The theory of plate tectonics recently turned fifty. Contrary to the claims of its critics, the theory of plate tectonics is derived from empirical data collected over many decades by geologists and geophysicists.1 In the early 20th century, Alfred Wegener studied the shapes of the continents, matched fossils and mountain ranges across vast oceans, and suggested that the continents had drifted apart. At the time… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Highly concentrated fossil tracks found near NASA Goddard Space Center support Noah’s Flood …read more Source: creation.com     
The petrified tree-trunks found in the beautiful national park at Yellowstone have been used for years to ‘prove’ that the Earth cannot be young as the Bible indicates. But the evidence shows otherwise. …read more Source: creation.com     
A recent article by a team of paleontologists, led by Hesham Sallam, of Mansoura University, Egypt, claims to have found the Holy Grail of dinosaurs in the middle of Egypt.1 The Genesis Flood model easily explains this unique discovery. The Genesis Flood model easily explains this unique discovery. More… …read more Source: icr.org