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Fleeing the rising waters of Noah’s Flood …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Headlines around the world are announcing the discovery of a new species of “bat-wing dinosaur” uncovered in China. Researchers are dating this find at 163 million years old. They claim this new species, Ambopteryx longibrachium, had a membranous wing, similar to bats, and that it was a non-avian theropod (read: dinosaur) that represents a dead-end in the evolution of flight. But what was this creature? Be Careful When Reading Popular News Reports! Dr. Gabriela Haynes, a paleontologist who works with our research department, analyzed the scientific paper, published in the journal Nature. Dr. Haynes said when she [More]
Does lengthening the ‘time frame’ of the Cambrian explosion make it easier for evolutionists to explain? Read More
By Ken Ham Researchers in the South American nation of Chile have announced the discovery of a human footprint they’ve dated at 15,600 years. This makes it the oldest evidence of humans in the Americas by over 3,000 years, according to the evolutionary timeline. How should Christians understand finds such as these? Well, first we compare what the study says against the absolute authority of the Word of God. Starting with God’s Word (using the six days of creation and the genealogies), we know the earth is only around 6,000 years old, and the world was destroyed at the time [More]
Paleontologists just discovered a fossil of a new type of extinct ferocious-looking mammal that’s bigger than any lion or tiger living today.1 This bizarre creature highlights the amazing diversity of lost mammal species that were preserved as fossils in sedimentary rocks deposited during Noah’s Flood. Discoveries like this continue to debunk the evolutionary myth of “simple to complex” that we should find… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Brian Thomas and Jeffrey Tomkins The story of whale evolution is one of the most ridiculous fables of scientifically unsupported speculation ever perpetrated on the public. And now, with the recent discovery of a Peruvian fossil of a clearly four-legged land animal named Peregocetus being called “An Amphibious Whale,” the evolutionary myth has just di… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
‘Whodunnit’? …read more Source: creation.com     
Have they now finally found a whale missing link, Peregocetus pacificus? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The fossil record is full of (mostly marine) creatures that are now extinct. In an attempt to explain all this biodiversity that has since vanished, evolutionary scientists propose a series of mass extinctions caused by various catastrophes, though they frequently disagree on what those catastrophes were. One supposed extinction event, “the Great Dying,” is the subject of new research that claims volcanoes were responsible for wiping out 95% of life on earth. Researchers studied mercury levels in the geologic record from various sites and concluded that this mercury was released by volcanic activity. The massive amounts of [More]
Where do the lowest rocks in the rock record fit in the biblical timeframe? …read more Source: creation.com     
No, it’s evidence for Creation! …read more Source: creation.com     
A geological guide book reveals landmarks, patterns, and puzzles. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Anyone who doubts there was once a “lost world” during the ice age simply needs to visit the La Brea Tar Pits in downtown L.A. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
When some early fossil hunters unearthed the bones of creatures, they recognised them as more than mythical animals. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Headlines around the world trumpeted the news last week, “New species of early human found in the Philippines.” This “new species,” based on a collection of fossils found in a cave on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, has been named Homo luzonensis and has been dated to about 50,000 years. How should we as biblical creationists understand this find? A 17,000 Year Gap? Even in their own evolutionary view, the researchers can’t say this fossil tells us anything about the evolution of modern humans. Well, first off, notice the date—50,000 years. According to the current [More]
By Ken Ham The news has been buzzing recently with headlines such as this one from New Scientist, “Incredible fossil find may be first victims of dino-killer asteroid.” These headlines are announcing the discovery and analysis of a fossil deposit in America that is interpreted as “an unprecedented record of the mass extinction event that wiped out most of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.” The article about this North Dakota find goes on to state, “The fossils appear to be animals that were killed within minutes of an asteroid striking Earth, in a flood triggered by the shattering impact.” [More]
How published geological reports help develop a biblical interpretation. Read More
By Troy Lacey A recent journal article features the discovery of a fossil (MUSM 3580) touted as a “walking whale,” in the Pisco Basin, located in the desert of Peru. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
News reports reverberated with details from a fantastic new fossil site in southern China.1 The Cambrian remains supposedly represent some of the earliest creatures to have evolved on Earth, but two telling details show why these fossils fit better with biblical creation. Researchers described in the journal Science the unique set of animals buried in black Cambrian siltstone l… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Can opals and opalised fossils form quickly under the right conditions? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham After examining a fossil left in a box in storage for ten years, scientists made a surprising discovery—this fossilized bird, found in lower Cretaceous sediment, was preserved with her unlaid egg still inside her. There was also evidence of medullary bone, “a calcium-bearing tissue that aids in eggshell formation.”1 This is strong support for the idea that so-called ancient birds (this one dated at a supposed 110 million years) created and laid eggs in a similar fashion to today’s birds. The scientific paper on this find, published in Nature Communications, is unequivocally reporting on a true …read [More]
By Dr. Marcus Ross In all the hoopla about the really big dinosaurs, the little ones get forgotten. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Troy Lacey Paleontologists working in the Jinju Formation (Early to Mid-Cretaceous) in southeast South Korea discovered ten well-preserved spider specimens in shale. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
The erosion that occurred during the latter stages of Noah’s Flood is almost unimaginable, but remarkably obvious. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Marcus Ross Contrary to popular portrayals of T. Rex as an ungainly brute who lumbered onto the scene millions of years ago, he was regally designed. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham A recent article from Live Science reports on new reconstructions at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City that claim to be “the most accurate models of [T. Rex] to date.” And this new reconstruction features baby T. Rex as a turkey-sized ball of fluffy feathers. But did T. Rex and other dinosaurs feature a covering of feathers? Today’s narrative is that birds are really dinosaurs, an idea supposedly supported by so-called feathered dinosaurs. Evolutionists increasingly cover nearly every dinosaur species in fluffy feathers. Today’s narrative is that birds are really dinosaurs, an idea [More]
Below the sea around land masses there is evidence of rapid water run-off, not slow and gradual erosion. …read more Source: creation.com