Earth is a very special place, uniquely suited for life. Consider that our sun is just the right color for plants to be able to turn sunlight into energy. Read More
Evolutionists keep committing the same old fallacies, while the creation paradigm inspires fresh discoveries.
How did they help promote old earth creationism?
Dragons are considered by many to be made-up creatures in fairytales and legends, but our ancestors produced many descriptions and depictions of “dragons,” some of which match real dinosaur fossils found centuries later. If humans lived with these incredible beasts, doesn’t that contradict the evolutionist assumption that dinosaurs died off millions of years before modern humans evolved? Host Trey and paleobiochemist Dr. Brian Thomas discuss the facts that lie behind the legends. Book mentioned in this video: Untold Secrets of Planet Earth: Dire Dragons Purchase your copy at
How science’s rules have changed to artificially exclude creation—regardless of the evidence.
Life-sized dinosaur models thrilled the English public in 1854—but gave a compromised message.
Can a person know that the Bible really was authored by God, rather than mere men? The Bible has divine characteristics (like its unity, brevity, and scientific foreknowledge) which are beyond the ability of humans to have produced. Watch: Evidences for the Bible’s Inspiration – Apologetics Press
Recently, a popular science article was titled, “New research maps 14 potential evolutionary dead ends for humanity and ways to avoid them”. Read More
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (disorder) of the universe increases through time.
No matter how you feel about math, it might interest you to know that mathematics actually confirms the truth of God’s Word! Read More
Covering a flat surface with some pattern of geometric shapes with no overlaps or gaps is called tiling. Tiling shows up in many places, from the tiles on our kitchen floors to bees’ honeycombs. They generally have a pleasing, even fascinating, quality, and their regularity often expresses some natural harmony.
The most familiar kinds of tiling, such as covering a floor with squares that meet edge-to-edge, are examples of p... More...
Since man was created intelligent and told to fill the earth, it should be no surprise to us that ancient man explored and navigated around the world. Read More
Answering objections to how Noah was able to make the Ark waterproof.
Ancient man was not unintelligent. Humans were created in God’s image and have been using their minds to accomplish great things since the very beginning. Read More
Mankind did not evolve but was made in the image of the Creator. It’s no surprise our ancestors used their God-given intellects to accomplish great feats. Read More
Evolution claims human society evolved into more complex forms. But the evidence instead shows complex civilizations arising around the world—at the same time! Read More
Did you know there was an empire that ruled North America before the Europeans arrived? Read More
According to man’s ideas about history, humans evolved from ape-like creatures and were originally primitive and unintelligent. Read More
How might ecosystem functioning have differed before the Fall?
The Bible provides all the necessary assumptions, but atheistic evolution can’t.
Jesus said humans were created at the beginning; evolutionists say we didn’t arrive until billions of years after the big bang. Read More
All last week, I answered common questions about Noah’s ark. But is there any evidence there really was a global flood and a Noah’s ark? Read More
A recent article highlights the release of Charley, an “abortion bot” designed to “help people find accessible healthcare” (a euphemism for killing a baby). Read More
There are many good arguments against abortion. A Belgian doctor writes in with another one.
What implications does chaos theory have for our understanding of creation?
We shouldn’t be surprised when archaeology confirms God’s Word. After all, God’s Word is true, so this is exactly what we should expect! Read More
Have you ever wondered why a sunset on a beach is captivating, snowcapped mountains are breathtaking, and a valley filled with wildflowers is enchanting?
Scripture, as a whole, teaches that God brought the universe and everything in it into existence to magnify His own glory. The creation of all these things serves as a testament to His glory, love, grace, mercy, wisdom, power, and goodness (see